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Thread: the type that's most easily led

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    Default the type that's most easily led

    Which type do you find to be most easily led? For me, INFps, ENFjs, ISFps, ESFjs, and ESFps are easily led. I feel a need to take care of these types for some reason. I think I see a weakness in them that I empathize with. ENTps are easy to get along with, but I don't treat them like any of the aforementioned types. They really listen to me and they generally take my suggestions, but it's somehow just not the same. Anyways...

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    ESFps easily led???

    I listen to you because you're the closest thing I have to a sister and I have a lot of respect for you. Plus you're older and wiser, etc. etc. I don't think it's type related because I don't listen to anyone else, really.

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    "Leading" an individual doesn't make too much sense for me, because I wish for people to develop their own independence and become strong. I might do it without thinking, but it's not something I really wish for.

    Leading makes sense to me when there's a group that needs ideas, organization, direction to reach an important goal everyone wants. In those circumstances, the people I've worked with the best (they were the most constructive) in leadership position were, in no particular order: ESTp, ISFj, INFp, INFj.

    The one type I've found was damn right near impossible to lead was ISTp.
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

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    IEI subtype

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    Whichever type is in need of my lead, and willing to be led because I am particularly competent/suited for reaching a goal.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    I'm not always leading people in work matters, but I'm very observant to their end of the work. If am working alongside someone in a manual labor task, I try to know every detail of their work as well as mine so I can anticipate their next action and react accordingly. I don't complain about having to work, or how hard it's going to be, I only want to complete the task. I much prefer to work alone, so every detail can be my own, and I have complete control. I also am the first to find warnings, potential hazards, but usually i don't vocalize these warnings as much as i tackle the problem and fix it without words. I like really ordered work enviroments. I could go on all day, but really, i just love work. I get bored when i'm not working, or learning. I never look at anything as pleasure, i don't derive pleasure from casual conversation, if i am talking to someone, i am learning about myself, working towards a better understanding of that person, or i dunno... i see work in everything i do. on that note: Man I hate lazy people, but more than that, I hate lazy people who come around, and drag down lazy people i've gotten to be not so lazy. Or lazy people who talk about how hard they work and then their results are really minimal.

    i tell other people stuff like this and they think i'm the biggest asshole in the world.

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    I love you ishy!!!

    Generally, leading people involves convincing them to be honest with themselves and do what they want to do. I hate seeing people not doing what they want to do. They get this wierd illogical sense of obligation where they shouldn't. This is also one of my least favorite things about myself... so yeah, I am projecting. Peter often tells me that I don't need to do something that I really don't want to do just for the sake of someone else's feelings.

    I also lead them to not put up with people treating them poorly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    I think those types are the most likely to give the impression of being easily led.
    I agree with this. I feel very similarly. When people give me advice or try to help me out in some way, I listen to what they say. I'll smile, nod, act agreeable and say things like, "hmm, I never thought of that," "you have a good point," or "I'll have to keep that in mind." Though I won't necessarily DO what they suggest.

    I think I do this because I want them to feel like their input matters, and usually I don't mind people giving me advice as long as they don't go overboard with it and try to contol my life (if this starts to happen then I run for the high heavens and quit answering my phone until I feel like I've regained control). Honestly though, even after someone has given me advice I will still do what I think is best. I may give the advice consideration, but I won't always go by it.

    So in my case, I think I make it look like I'm more easily led just because I'm receptive to advice and I want the other person to feel accepted. I want them to feel like what they have to say matters and they're not just talking to some stubborn brick wall.
    ISFp, SiFe, , or SEI....whatever we're calling ourselves these days.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Generally, leading people involves convincing them to be honest with themselves and do what they want to do. I hate seeing people not doing what they want to do. They get this wierd illogical sense of obligation where they shouldn't. This is also one of my least favorite things about myself... so yeah, I am projecting. Peter often tells me that I don't need to do something that I really don't want to do just for the sake of someone else's feelings.
    Ah, well, in that case I'm a complete pushover. Though a lot of the time I really don't care. I just want to be out with friends and it really doesn't matter to me what it is we do as long as we have a good time. As long as I don't feel like I'm being taken advantage of, I'm fine.

    Right now I do have a friend that I have a hard time keeping a balance with. I think she's an INFj (my benefactor). When I'm with her a lot of the time I just feel drained. It always seems like she has everything all planned out and I'm expected to go along with it and it annoys me half out of my mind. Though I never let her know that, I'll just back off until I feel like I have my space again. I couldn't tell her because she would be so hurt.

    It's funny, Joy, because my ENTp friend tells me almost the exact same thing Peter tells you concerning this INFj friend I have.
    ISFp, SiFe, , or SEI....whatever we're calling ourselves these days.

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth

    Ah, well, in that case I'm a complete pushover. Though a lot of the time I really don't care. I just want to be out with friends and it really doesn't matter to me what it is we do as long as we have a good time. As long as I don't feel like I'm being taken advantage of, I'm fine.

    Right now I do have a friend that I have a hard time keeping a balance with. I think she's an INFj (my benefactor). When I'm with her a lot of the time I just feel drained. It always seems like she has everything all planned out and I'm expected to go along with it and it annoys me half out of my mind. Though I never let her know that, I'll just back off until I feel like I have my space again. I couldn't tell her because she would be so hurt.

    It's funny, Joy, because my ENTp friend tells me almost the exact same thing Peter tells you concerning this INFj friend I have.
    honestly, i really do think that females have more of a problem with this than males. i experience the same thing, not saying its all because i am female though. However, since I am not really around many people I am usually the one telling myself I don't have to do things, however I feel obligated anyway. its the "if you know better then YOU have to pick up the slack" sort of thing, which can be wrong or right.

    to answer the original question, we could talk about those to whom public opinion matters more and i think i'd agree with the types that were listed except maybe ESFp.

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