Quote Originally Posted by sarinana View Post
From my experience ESEs just generally talk about boring things (not always but usually). Like my ESE teacher she likes getting into personal talks with her students and so whenever I have those personal talks with her she doesn't jump from one idea to another like this guy. It's more like she starts telling the story and after 3minutes I already get what she wanted to say and what's the main point but she keeps on going into more and more details without an end. And I try to tell her politely since she is my teacher like "yeah I understood now let me goooo" but she simply does not listen. It just feels like she takes too much of my time and that's kinda annoying. I swear she could make a one hour speech about an orange.
And then I know this younger ESE. She is more easier to shut up. Hangs out with betas mostly and does not let herself speak so free.
Yes, it's not so much random ideas as having to follow every digression and describe it in detail. And then repeat it in other words. Then maybe do it again. So perhaps I didn't get what you were saying about IEE really. I understood it as this lengthy never getting to the point thing.