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    Default Type me

    I´m starting this thread because I´m in doubt about my type.

    A friend who knows socionics for years says I´m ESTJ.

    But there are some things which make me believe I might be another type - definitely a type with very strong Si , and either Ti or Te very strong also.

    which types could it be? I was thinking SLI/ISTP.

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    Seeing as I don't know much about you, it's hard to give any credible evidence to support the little info. you gave.
    EIE tritype 5w4, 4w5, 9w1

    As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
    Carl Jung, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", 1962

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    I don´t have many friends, and I do have difficulty in establishing close relationships.

    With my past girlfriends I always felt something was lacking, like I or they were being too cold.

    I like intense things. Life for me has to be intense and lived, it doesnt matter if I live to 50 if I enjoy every day of it to the most.

    I hate when people mess with my room and take my possessions out of place or mistreat them. This is why I hardly lend something to someone.

    I´m rigid, serious. I like mysticism and politics and these are my favorite topics in a discussion.

    there´s more...

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    I like excitement and intense situations and sensations. For example walking at night in a dangerous street, flying on airplanes, things that give me adrenaline.

    I am too critical of both myself and others.

    I have ease in being a nice, polite, even smiling person to people I am just getting acquainted with. I like making jokes, although I´m serious, people are often surprised and react nicely at this.

    I hate to have to share everything... I wanted to have a private gym in my house because going to the gym entails having to see a lot of people, and stand their presence, which makes me uneasy, angry.

    hmm what more...

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    I´m quite romantic... if I´m to stick with a gal, she has to like me and be very romantic too... with displays of emotion, otherwise it´s just like a fake relationship.

    I´m very rational, I prefer to use intellect over emotion. Definitely I´m not an XXFJ type, so square these types out for me.

  6. #6
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Honestly, a lot of the things you said sound more SLE/ESTp than LSE/ESTj. Mysticism is generally associated with Ni, which is SLE's dual seeking function, but LSE's polr. That bit about intensity and live to the max is generally associated with beta, especially the intensity part. SLEs (especially Ti-subtypes) are often criticized for being too critical. Displays of emotion sounds like Fe, which SLEs value and LSEs don't.

    So, hello, potential dual. Hope you enjoy your stay (btw, I thought you were LSE too. shrug).
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

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    I think you might be a Beta ST, but I don't think you're self-listed aggressor traits are representative of Se's in general, though it does sound like you do at least have Se in your ego, even if it's a bit more "brutish" sounding than normal
    EII INFj
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    I´m starting this thread because I´m in doubt about my type.

    A friend who knows socionics for years says I´m ESTJ.

    But there are some things which make me believe I might be another type - definitely a type with very strong Si , and either Ti or Te very strong also.

    which types could it be? I was thinking SLI/ISTP.
    Give me 3 paragraphs, they can be a single sentence, a couple or a ton of sentences, doesn't matter.

    In the first one, tell me what you do on a regular basis with your life now.

    In the second one, tell me what you aspire or hope to do (aka goals and dreams).

    In the third one, tell me what you social image is, or how you would describe the way other people see you.

    Do this in your own words and don't try to overthink it, just jot it down as freely as possible.

    Then I'll type you.

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    I´m going to reply to people´s posts in the order they were written (this may show something about me too, I always like things neatly in order. It is fun that once a girlfriend said she was doubtful about my sexual orientation because I was too crazy about organization in my room and I only wear special bamboo-fiber underwear which can only be found in one store in this city which has uh 5 million people and lots of underwear stores). This was exactly the moment I told her to dress up and leave whenever asap because our relationship had ended just there. It really hurt me. Anyway, the reply.

    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Give me 3 paragraphs, they can be a single sentence, a couple or a ton of sentences, doesn't matter.

    In the first one, tell me what you do on a regular basis with your life now.

    In the second one, tell me what you aspire or hope to do (aka goals and dreams).

    In the third one, tell me what you social image is, or how you would describe the way other people see you.

    Do this in your own words and don't try to overthink it, just jot it down as freely as possible.

    Then I'll type you.
    This year´s not been kind to me. In January I was on vacations from University (summer here) and my life was pretty much centered around reading about occultism, buddhism; hanging out long nights which often went into the next morning as well and drinking lots of alcohol at some small bars and nightclubs with my few friends OR WITHOUT THEM - I don´t have big trouble going out all alone if the place is one where there´s music, I do make new acquaintances with a certain ease, especially when I´m drinking. This was much of Jan/Feb this year. In March I had a very strong flu-like ilness which was suspected to be 'dengue', a harsh form of tropical malaise, in which a certain mosquito bites you and you have like 5% chances of dying within one week. I spent the whole month of March, from like the 7th day of it to the 28th, very ill with this influenza, nevertheless exams revealed it was not dengue. It disappeared on its own, gradually, and all my exams were normal, blood, etc, including the supposed STDs that Morcheeba has mentioned me and made me laugh (thanks for the reminder Morcheeba).
    In late February I worked for a short period in my father´s law firm, as an apprentice with him and my brother, but I did not have really all that love for working at the time (in fact I never had it in my life) so I asked him to take a break and so it only lasted something like two weeks.
    In March I was back to University but not happy with it. I have been in serious doubts about being a lawyer, even though, because my father and mother are lawyers, and my brother is also a lawyer, and the family has currently two offices, one of which is rented and my parents intend to take back and give it exclusively for me and my brother to run when I finish my course. I´m very much pressured and I feel very sad and sometimes even guilty because they want to hand me the whole infrastructure for being as rich or richer than they are, but I do not like my city, and would like to move out from here as soon as I finish my University course. Then there´s a whole dilemma in my mind about getting rich or doing what would make me feel better in short-run, but probably not that much in the long run, so I´m settling plans to expand the family´s law business through partnership with other Law firms and open one office in Sao Paulo, which is where I would prefer to live. My brother is quite ambitious and a lot more skilled than myself at intellect (except for memory of laws, my memory is amazing, for everything, phone numbers, laws, etc. but besides that, I feel I´m not as quick in reasoning as him or my father, both Enneatypes 5.) But I´m way better than them at social connecting, so this is a big plus in my current project. My father said he´s going to retire soon, so my brother could be the 'head' part of the office and I can be the 'socialising' part of it, as I have no difficulty and pretty much enjoy socialising especially in business environments, where I prefer to socialise and build connections through it than doing boring work with my head, although I can do mechanical work very nicely because I pay lots of attention to details. On April 11th a dickhead broke my nose at a nightclub, because the most beautiful girl in the party was talking to me very much liking it, and had just given me her phone number when I felt a punch hitting my nose from my left. I went to surgery on April 25th and recovered well except for a faringitis due to having been intubated on surgery, which has also 2 days ago disappeared. I´ve abandoned University until next semester (August) and intend to dedicate myself to studying Law and buddhism, meditation and working my body out for these remaining 3 months, as I feel I need to build some muscles now, but it´s not for looking good, it´s for actually getting stronger, I like it when I feel strong and powerful, both physically and mentally, this gives me a sort of connection to my soul.
    My lifeplan-B is being a police officer in Federal Police, what you would call in the USA an FBI-man, but not an agent, the guy who tells the agents what to do, don´t know what you call it, but sort of "FBI Sherriff" if the term Sheriff means what I think it means. I´d be happy doing that, as I like firearms and shooting, and I like crime law more than civil law (to the detriment of my plan A).


    People see me as serious but very gentle, and I see myself this way too. I am very polite, although at times and when it´s not important I can be quite cold and impersonal. I am very impersonal most of the time, I find it hard to be too warm towards people when the situation does not demand it. I find myself often reflecting at how inhuman I am, but I think this is mostly because I live in a Latin culture which values Feeling too much, while I enjoy it a lot, I myself don´t have the capacity of being feeling-oriented. The place in Europe where I really felt at home, it was a big wow, was southern Germany and Austria, Germany even more. People there seemed like myself, although at times I would laugh that they were too cold even in situations where more feeling was appropriate. I also like very much talking to foreigners in places here since I live in a worldwide tourist destination, to get to know their ways, and so far the ones I´ve enjoyed the most were english, scottish and irish, because they´re cold but not too cold. Although I have french and spanish ancestry, I find spaniards (except for a few who are like really nice who I feel very attuned to) and french both too strange and different, I have to say, although I speak french quite well, I don´t like to practice it, as french people are a little crazy and rude in general, with some exceptions. I see myself as socially very traditional, I wear classic clothing, don´t like things which are too informal, especially settings.
    As far as sex is concerned, I´m problematic because girls from my social stratum are very traditional and boring. My girlfriends have been so far women who were able to cheer up the atmosphere and liked crazy stuff, like partying wildly, taking ecstasy or doing some very intense thing, because I like intensity a lot as I have mentioned, but I´m very much unable to be very happy, I just see life as very tiring, pleasures ephemeral, and in fact the whole of it seems just a play for small children to me, like getting objects, having a BMW, having this or that, and they´re willing to sacrifice their whole well-being and quality of life (I think this might be Si) and comfort for years and decades just to achieve a certain mundane goal like having a huge house with a BMW. To me, this is just complete nonsense. To my father, this wasn´t and isn´t, in fact getting money is the meaning of life to him, but I don´t criticize him for that. I think that you can attribute any meaning to life, because it has no intrinsic meaning of its own, so if you think getting rich is the meaning of life, I have not much against it, and as I do appreciate fine things, I understand the pursue of money as a means to get fine things and enjoy them. But ultimately, people don´t need a BMW to live, this is totally ridiculous. Happiness comes from other sources to me, although I am very traditional and as I have said, my plan A entails eventually getting rich, but I don´t see it as TOTALLY NECESSARY.

    that´s it.
    Last edited by Airman; 05-01-2010 at 11:44 PM.

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    just one correction, I went to surgery on April 17th, not 25th.

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    Thank you for the detailed explanation on Se and Ni.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    reponse to my questions
    Hey thanks for responding, thats alot of information. I'll get to analyzing it and what not.

    Some small ideas I've had are this....

    Fi > Fe, you spent alot of time talking about feelings over thoughts in this post, which is fine but alot of it is concerning this emphasis on your connections and relationships with people. Your very focused in the realm of people, law, family, social, etc. It even seems like your pursuing after a more satisfying Fi-based life, but you can't do it yourself. This is basically dual seeking Fi. Your spiritual interests in such things as buddihism also would appeal to an INFj I think. In this realm the ESTj is fairly accurate.

    Your outlook seems to emphasize the dictomies of Rational and Extroverted.

    Socionics wise the only other possibilities I could think of would be ISFj or INFj, if not that then ESTj which is my top choice.

    Also if you went to southern germany, in bavaria there tends to be more Fi or Fe or something than in northern germany and the rhineland. People there have little customs to be more friendly and village-like. They also are where there is a devout catholic tradition. In bavaria I remember there is this one greeting like GrueB Gott (Grettings from God). Anyways there kind of like the good religious, village like, personable type subsection of the german culture. The northern germans I think have a reputation for being more aloof and modern and industrial.

    Lastly sorry to hear about all your health problems and career way problems. Sounds like my life! The particulars of course are different but I'm having problems figuring out my career and I'm about to graduate, and I've had a heart surgery about 2 years ago and been having problems with the medication and circulation. I took a low blood pressure medication and I got all tired, lost my sex drive, and would get light headed, no energy, I'd get some very mild swelling.... all symptoms of poor circulation. Thankfully I chucked that medication in the trash and talked to my doctor, it doesn't help me mom is a complete ISTj and here Se and focus on authorities makes her tell people "Just do what the doctors ordered, they went to medical school!". She had me convinced I needed to wait and let my body adjust to the medication, it did, but my health would be fine for 4 days then get even worse. Anyways (this is going somewhere), the whole thing had be really down, this semester was hard because I was always tired and irritable. It made me really just want to be strong again and so I know exactly 100% what you mean when your saying that thing about building muscle and what not. I hate to feel weak. I just don't mean in a purely physical way, but I like to have that large capacity for stress and to have the mental/physical/emotional strength to undertake challenges. Lol I used to think to myself occasionally, "the meanings in the struggle" (think of how cheating on a competition makes you feel undeserving of the admiration when you win). Anyways, good luck with your health and life. I'd definitally make a toast to a better future.

    Edit: I may try to write another synopsis in kiersey/MBTI. Socionics I think isn't always the best option for typing. Its so focused on jungian functions, intertype relations, quadras, and renin dictomies. All of which clash with my personal preference on how to think about people. I really like kiersey's synopsis the best and then I usually analyze it down further in my own way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Hey thanks for responding, thats alot of information. I'll get to analyzing it and what not.

    Some small ideas I've had are this....

    Fi > Fe, you spent alot of time talking about feelings over thoughts in this post, which is fine but alot of it is concerning this emphasis on your connections and relationships with people. Your very focused in the realm of people, law, family, social, etc. It even seems like your pursuing after a more satisfying Fi-based life, but you can't do it yourself. This is basically dual seeking Fi. Your spiritual interests in such things as buddihism also would appeal to an INFj I think. In this realm the ESTj is fairly accurate.

    Your outlook seems to emphasize the dictomies of Rational and Extroverted.

    Socionics wise the only other possibilities I could think of would be ISFj or INFj, if not that then ESTj which is my top choice.

    Also if you went to southern germany, in bavaria there tends to be more Fi or Fe or something than in northern germany and the rhineland. People there have little customs to be more friendly and village-like. They also are where there is a devout catholic tradition. In bavaria I remember there is this one greeting like GrueB Gott (Grettings from God). Anyways there kind of like the good religious, village like, personable type subsection of the german culture. The northern germans I think have a reputation for being more aloof and modern and industrial.

    Lastly sorry to hear about all your health problems and career way problems. Sounds like my life! The particulars of course are different but I'm having problems figuring out my career and I'm about to graduate, and I've had a heart surgery about 2 years ago and been having problems with the medication and circulation. I took a low blood pressure medication and I got all tired, lost my sex drive, and would get light headed, no energy, I'd get some very mild swelling.... all symptoms of poor circulation. Thankfully I chucked that medication in the trash and talked to my doctor, it doesn't help me mom is a complete ISTj and here Se and focus on authorities makes her tell people "Just do what the doctors ordered, they went to medical school!". She had me convinced I needed to wait and let my body adjust to the medication, it did, but my health would be fine for 4 days then get even worse. Anyways (this is going somewhere), the whole thing had be really down, this semester was hard because I was always tired and irritable. It made me really just want to be strong again and so I know exactly 100% what you mean when your saying that thing about building muscle and what not. I hate to feel weak. I just don't mean in a purely physical way, but I like to have that large capacity for stress and to have the mental/physical/emotional strength to undertake challenges. Lol I used to think to myself occasionally, "the meanings in the struggle" (think of how cheating on a competition makes you feel undeserving of the admiration when you win). Anyways, good luck with your health and life. I'd definitally make a toast to a better future.

    Edit: I may try to write another synopsis in kiersey/MBTI. Socionics I think isn't always the best option for typing. Its so focused on jungian functions, intertype relations, quadras, and renin dictomies. All of which clash with my personal preference on how to think about people. I really like kiersey's synopsis the best and then I usually analyze it down further in my own way.
    Thanks a lot HaveLucid...

  14. #14
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    I´m rigid, serious.
    This pretty firmly rules out ESTp or at least makes that typing unlikely to be right.

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    hehe good work labby poo!!

    you get a cookie!!!

    *gives labby cookie*
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    This pretty firmly rules out ESTp or at least makes that typing unlikely to be right.
    Is this about the Reinen dichotomies? I don't like them, not becasue I think they're inaccurate, but because the way they're named makes people misapply them too easily. Like if you asked me whether I would describe myself as merry or serious, I would definitely say "merry" and think anyone who said "serious" was crazy. What the words mean to any given individual and what those dichotomies are about are not necessarily the same.

    As I said in the other thread, Airborne, I would keep my mind open for a while and just post and read. It will become more clear with time, and people will start fighting over your type, not because they want to find the right type for you, but because either they simply want to win the argument or because their idea (right or wrong) of socionics works better with you being one type or another.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    You seem to be attracting a lot more attention from EIIs than IEIs.

    I see Fi types as more willing to listen to you and perhaps try to be corrective towards you, rather than being outrightly repulsed or taken aback by "Se".

    I don't particularly see you as wanting to draw Fe from other people, but you don't seem to mind demonstrating your 'flaws', which may be more asking for Fi input or correction from others.

    But I'm not sure. I sort of see LSE>SLE>SLI.
    I don't particularly see you as an E1, because, you spend a lot of time talking about how you do things that are not right and it's no big deal to you.

    Nothing so far makes me think LSE is out of the question. However, I do know that your abruptness of abrasiveness has drawn strong reactions from some people, including some delta NFs. I don't think you'd be "rejected" from beta ; but I don't know if you really are beta or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    Thanks Silverchris9.

    it´s interesting... either I have a very repressed personality or I´m not an ESTP... but I might have a repressed personality.

    I like sadistic sex, me being the short, to be honest, I like to make that woman into a slut, I like fucking sluts, I like to say perverted things to them, I like to sort subdue them and treat them as shit.

    but I was wondering also about being an ISTJ.
    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    when I say I like fucking sluts, I mean literal sluts, prostitutes. Because with them I feel I can be quite sincere in my sexual intercourse, whereas with respectable ladies... I once got punched in the face by one of them lol... just because I called her "my little fucked-up slut who needs a lesson" when we were in bed for the first time. but I´m very embarassed about this. I shouldn´t be opening this, I´m just saying this openly cause here I´m anonymous.

    I´ve been quite known to fuck sluts at home, once a neighbour shouted at us and threatened to kill me because I was fucking that beautiful slut in a ..let´s say my property, but visible area of it.
    Why mention all this "fucking sluts" thing? What does it have anything to do with typing you? I really doubt an SLE who's had a good Fi-polr hit would expose themself in this way... And, I don't buy in the least bit that you are a sweetie with women when I read shit like this. You are coming off as a disturbing wife-beater.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    You seem to be attracting a lot more attention from EIIs than IEIs.

    I see Fi types as more willing to listen to you and perhaps try to be corrective towards you, rather than being outrightly repulsed or taken aback by "Se".
    Not really. The Se is too raw for me... I can't recall an SLE with that much Se rawness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    LOL! What about the possibility that those sluts actually enjoyed a slap or two?
    Them liking it is irrelevant to me.

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    I never said I beat women. What a conclusion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Why mention all this "fucking sluts" thing? What does it have anything to do with typing you? I really doubt an SLE who's had a good Fi-polr hit would expose themself in this way... And, I don't buy in the least bit that you are a sweetie with women when I read shit like this. You are coming off as a disturbing wife-beater.
    This made me think of HA as described here:

    - behavior aimed at showing how popular and liked by the crowd you are, but that is actually making you look like an ass.
    Might not fit literally, but IMO very much to the point. On the other hand, focus on interest in beliefs rather than beliefs themselves could pass for -DS/HA. LSI fits more with Enneagram 1 and being obsessed with order, however.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    This made me think of HA as described here:

    Might not fit literally, but IMO very much to the point. On the other hand, focus on interest in beliefs rather than beliefs themselves could pass for -DS/HA. LSI fits more with Enneagram 1 and being obsessed with order, however.
    are you talking about functions of the Ego block?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Why mention all this "fucking sluts" thing? What does it have anything to do with typing you? I really doubt an SLE who's had a good Fi-polr hit would expose themself in this way... And, I don't buy in the least bit that you are a sweetie with women when I read shit like this. You are coming off as a disturbing wife-beater.

    Not really. The Se is too raw for me... I can't recall an SLE with that much Se rawness.
    First, I think when you analyze people you have to analyze the whole of them.

    If the person carefully is able to conceal some parts of his/her life that he/she does not want revealed, it is very difficult to get to know someone. I learned this from nazis, really, as one of their groups has a very interessant and deep way of typing any probable group member before he/she enters the group, they´re methodically typed to exhaustion using something very similar to Jung/Socionics/MBTI, I mean four-letter typing with the same variants. Although they do not have these talk about functions, Si, Se, Ne, they believe this is just bullshit which does not help in knowing a person because it stereotypes too much, while a more concrete approach to typing, based on interactions with others and personal observation of people when they think they are not being observed, is much more effective for typing using this system quite similar to socionics.

    Anyway, the period I was somehow involved with this group, although I never became a member, I became aware I was being tested and 'gotten to know' in a very intrusive manner. They sent men and girls to flert with me, two girls aimed at having sex with me, at least four men, one of these girls actually managed to have sex with me. This would be good, were it not for the sake of typing a person and getting to know every possible fact about that person, including anything which would make him/her very troubled if disclosed, or anything he/she does not like in him/herself. In this way, a secret society or any group can smartly have a high degree of control over someone, because once they get to know even your dark side, or even attempt and create one dark side if you don´t have one and you buy it, you´re totally on their hand.

    So I became a nazi puppet from then on. I just obey orders and fuck sluts, LOL. [this last paragraph is not necessarily true.]

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    To be completely honest, I think we're just mistaking Airborne's randiness to Se, which I don't think is entirely correct.
    Ceci n'est pas une eii.

  26. #26


    I still think Delta > Beta

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    They sent men and girls to flert with me, two girls aimed at having sex with me, at least four men, one of these girls actually managed to have sex with me.
    What was she, a ninja?
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    What was she, a ninja?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    This made me think of HA as described here:

    Might not fit literally, but IMO very much to the point. On the other hand, focus on interest in beliefs rather than beliefs themselves could pass for -DS/HA. LSI fits more with Enneagram 1 and being obsessed with order, however.
    I really don't know... but he seems to describe a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with socionics, and doesn't seem aware at how bad it makes him look.

    Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post
    First, I think when you analyze people you have to analyze the whole of them.

    If the person carefully is able to conceal some parts of his/her life that he/she does not want revealed, it is very difficult to get to know someone. I learned this from nazis, really, as one of their groups has a very interessant and deep way of typing any probable group member before he/she enters the group, they´re methodically typed to exhaustion using something very similar to Jung/Socionics/MBTI, I mean four-letter typing with the same variants. Although they do not have these talk about functions, Si, Se, Ne, they believe this is just bullshit which does not help in knowing a person because it stereotypes too much, while a more concrete approach to typing, based on interactions with others and personal observation of people when they think they are not being observed, is much more effective for typing using this system quite similar to socionics.

    Anyway, the period I was somehow involved with this group, although I never became a member, I became aware I was being tested and 'gotten to know' in a very intrusive manner. They sent men and girls to flert with me, two girls aimed at having sex with me, at least four men, one of these girls actually managed to have sex with me. This would be good, were it not for the sake of typing a person and getting to know every possible fact about that person, including anything which would make him/her very troubled if disclosed, or anything he/she does not like in him/herself. In this way, a secret society or any group can smartly have a high degree of control over someone, because once they get to know even your dark side, or even attempt and create one dark side if you don´t have one and you buy it, you´re totally on their hand.

    So I became a nazi puppet from then on. I just obey orders and fuck sluts, LOL. [this last paragraph is not necessarily true.]
    Again, why talk about nazis now? It's like you purposefully want people to think you are strange. I agree that you have to look at someone as a whole, but man... So far it's that you like to fuck sluts and treat them like shit, and now you have some kind of understanding, which leads me to think possible admiration, towards nazi groups.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Why mention all this "fucking sluts" thing? What does it have anything to do with typing you? I really doubt an SLE who's had a good Fi-polr hit would expose themself in this way... And, I don't buy in the least bit that you are a sweetie with women when I read shit like this. You are coming off as a disturbing wife-beater.
    it disturbs me, too, but now i'm just considering that he doesn't understand the implications of saying such in english or how incredibly creepy it sounds.
    6w5 sx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    EDIT: Why are you postponing your death
    You'll have to ask God why He insists on keeping me alive. Let me know what He says.

    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd
    - it ain't that bad, you know.
    Indeed, I look forward to it. But first, there is the small matter of life to attend to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio
    what do you think about when someone tells you "twins"?
    1. A pair of balls.
    2. A pair of boobs.
    3. A pair of kids.

    In that order.

    EII - Ne
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Airborne: what do you think about when someone tells you "twins"?
    Oh shit, I knew it. You both are "brothers".

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    it disturbs me, too, but now i'm just considering that he doesn't understand the implications of saying such in english or how incredibly creepy it sounds.
    yes it could be that...or I supposed people were more rational and less puritanical in this forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    You seem to be attracting a lot more attention from EIIs than IEIs.

    I see Fi types as more willing to listen to you and perhaps try to be corrective towards you, rather than being outrightly repulsed or taken aback by "Se".

    I don't particularly see you as wanting to draw Fe from other people, but you don't seem to mind demonstrating your 'flaws', which may be more asking for Fi input or correction from others.

    But I'm not sure. I sort of see LSE>SLE>SLI.
    I don't particularly see you as an E1, because, you spend a lot of time talking about how you do things that are not right and it's no big deal to you.

    Nothing so far makes me think LSE is out of the question. However, I do know that your abruptness of abrasiveness has drawn strong reactions from some people, including some delta NFs. I don't think you'd be "rejected" from beta ; but I don't know if you really are beta or not.
    doing things which are not right in fact IS a big deal to me, and maybe I´m using this thread as a kind of place where I can talk about it - because really, few people know of these things. Even my friends don´t know about my sexual adventures that much. I´m a very concealing type of person as to my private life. I can say I have always had a double life, sort of.

    What enneatype do you see me fitting into more, Ryu?
    I don´t see you as E8, because you never got into an argument with anyone since I arrived here, you´re just too non-confrontational. This is interesting. You look more like a 9w8, perhaps.
    You are one of the few persons on this forum to show a considerable cool head and not want and not be drawn into personal quarrels with others, this is very suspicious for E8. I admire you for that. If I met you personally I would most probably like you to be my friend.

    There are other people here whom I also identify Minde, Marie84, Maritsa, these are people I really identify with, not much with Beta quadra, since they seem to be constantly under the influence of narcotics.

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    Heh I've been through a lot in my time here. But I'll take what you say as a compliment.

    You seem rather open about your 'sex life' and other things on here, which is kind of peculiar as an E1. All the stuff I've said before. It just comes up as odd, because E1s usually try to take a more moral highground approach and don't talk openly about "fucking sluts" and other such things. Your open embracing of your physical appetites seems less E1. Etc. Whatever, it's just something that stands out when I think of your postings here. I've made my suggestion before, I don't like badgering people about what type I think they are.
    Last edited by UDP; 05-02-2010 at 01:26 AM.

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    yeah I could be an E8 as well, although if you met me in person you´d find things which also don´t fit into E8.
    but I´d never speak what I´ve written on this thread on a conversation with someone known or probably known, just really one or two people who I know are very open minded.
    I guess I´m an extraviated E1.

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    I know a few LSE E1s, it's definitely possible.

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