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Thread: How to tell if someone is INTp or ENTj?

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    Default How to tell if someone is INTp or ENTj?

    These threads have been useful so far so let's make another one. I need this info to type a friend of mine who refuses to believe he is ENTj.

    Edit: No answers in three hours...I had to shorten this a bit

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    Default Re: How to tell if someone is INTp or ENTj?

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    These threads have been useful so far so let's make another one. I need this info to type a friend of mine who refuses to believe he is ENTj.

    Edit: No answers in three hours...I had to shorten this a bit
    do you have a general description of him/her? it might make it easier, be as exact as you can.

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    Default Re: How to tell if someone is INTp or ENTj?

    Quote Originally Posted by mike_INTJ
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    These threads have been useful so far so let's make another one. I need this info to type a friend of mine who refuses to believe he is ENTj.

    Edit: No answers in three hours...I had to shorten this a bit
    do you have a general description of him/her? it might make it easier, be as exact as you can.
    Damn I just deleted a long description because I thought it to be too long Not writing it again right now. Maybe later. Any ideas on general level on what might be the big differences in the way they interact and behave etc? I did similar thread on ENFp/INFj, ISTp/ISTj and they came out with pretty good criteria.

    Especially I'm interested in how introvert can ENTjs be (MBTI sense). This guy is introvert in MBTI sense but I just get lots of ENTj vibes from him.

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    Default Re: How to tell if someone is INTp or ENTj?

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by mike_INTJ
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    These threads have been useful so far so let's make another one. I need this info to type a friend of mine who refuses to believe he is ENTj.

    Edit: No answers in three hours...I had to shorten this a bit
    do you have a general description of him/her? it might make it easier, be as exact as you can.
    Damn I just deleted a long description because I thought it to be too long Not writing it again right now. Maybe later. Any ideas on general level on what might be the big differences in the way they interact and behave etc? I did similar thread on ENFp/INFj, ISTp/ISTj and they came out with pretty good criteria.

    Especially I'm interested in how introvert can ENTjs be (MBTI sense). This guy is introvert in MBTI sense but I just get lots of ENTj vibes from him.
    i know how i behave, but i can't compare myself to someone that doesn't behave like me. the long description is always useful, you need to wait longer.

    but i still think it's only fair to hear everything you've observed about him.

  5. #5
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    you are balls out nuts dude. you didn't give that thread any time to grow, you turned neurotic before anyone had anytime to respond.

  6. #6
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    The ENTj is a louder, dumber version of an INTp.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    The ENTj is a louder, dumber version of an INTp.
    loud being the key quality. if you could mistake him for an ESTp, probably ENTj.
    Well yeah, I said dumber than an INTp, which basically means nothing since every type is dumber than an INTp.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    The ENTj is a louder, dumber version of an INTp.
    loud being the key quality. if you could mistake him for an ESTp, probably ENTj.
    Well yeah, I said dumber than an INTp, which basically means nothing since every type is dumber than an INTp.
    First you made me say, "Hey!!! What?!" :wink:
    But Erkki thinks that of course everyone is dumber than INTp, but not like he'd ever tell anyone IRL.

    But, as I see it, the general differences between an INTp and a ENTj (or fundamental differences between me and my partner)...
    ->I like to win more. He definitely doesn't mind winning, but I LOVE it.
    ->I want to understand things in depth (as long as it's somehow useful), but INTp want some knowledge of everything. Very wide spectre of information.
    ->I like to use my knowledge in practical applications, Erkki just wants to understand. Understanding is good enough for him.
    -> INTp can just observe. He won't meddle unless it really interests him. I can't help myself and I want to have some effect on things. For example, if a friend is being very grumpy, Erkki will make an observation. But I at least try to find out what the reason is and then see if there is anything I can do to make the friends day better.
    ->relationship charts! Find out more on your own.
    ->I force myself more. I just HAVE TO get somewhere in life. That doesn't mean that he has no goals. He just tries to make the right choices continuously... But I have many years of my life planned so I won't waste time. I'm still not sure how I'll fit 5-6 years of my life to have 4 children and it troubles me. If I want to be a successful scientist, I have no time to "waste". :wink:
    ->The general attitude towards the world is very different, but it's really hard to explain. When we talk, we just feel the slight differences. And some of it might be male/women differences and some of it might be just individual traits that can't be generalized to all the ENTjs and INTps.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    Quote Originally Posted by heath
    you are balls out nuts dude. you didn't give that thread any time to grow, you turned neurotic before anyone had anytime to respond.
    hush!! I add the description bit by bit if/when needed. I just wanted to get some information fast to see if I'm totally mistaken.He might be INTj too though unlikely. And usually I get at least one response in three hours

    But judging from what was written by ENTjs I suspect he is more likely INTp then. But he is just constantly active, always optimizing his time (hates wasting time more than anything), he has lots of "spine" and he doesn't seem that much of an observer but more or less an actor with a strong A.

    But he is NOT loud, behaves in pretty introvert manner. He is a partner in a small startup software company (which he didn't start himself but was asked to be a partner) so he is not afraid of people but he hates small talk and "selling" and is more at home with computer than customer interactions. He can do smalltalk and do customer relations but it seems very taxing to him and he tries to avoid it. And he thinks he is the most intelligent guy in the world in a way (he is not that much into pure theory though and although he is good at theory too he admits he has met people who can do theory better, he is result oriented). Anyways he thinks his vision of "world" is ultimately closer to truth than anyone else's (slight exaggeration but not much ). He was thinking a career in academy in the end he wanted a business career and produce concrete results instead of just new ideas.

    He once had relationship with a probable ESFp which seemed to be a lot like activity relations to me and which ended in a big fight and a break up (mostly due to different conception of time and its effective usage . I see ISFj as more likely dual but who knows. When asked his first thoughts were that Fi is more likely dual seeking function and Se hidden agenda but was a bit unsure.

    From answers in this thread so far he is more INTp like.

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    From answers in this thread so far he is more INTp like.
    But now, from your last reply, he seems much more INTj than INTp.

  12. #12
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    XoX, I can't say that I would agree with the list Kristiina has made. I still think that ENTj is totally a viable option for the guy you have described.
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  13. #13
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    XoX, I think he may very well be ENTj.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    XoX, I think he may very well be ENTj.
    i agree as well. in general, as far as i'm concerned, i don't consider myself that smart. but other's do. if he is spouting out how smart he is, he doesn't sound very introverted at all. kind of cocky actually. so i'm voting for an ENTx.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike_INTJ
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    XoX, I think he may very well be ENTj.
    i agree as well. in general, as far as i'm concerned, i don't consider myself that smart. but other's do. if he is spouting out how smart he is, he doesn't sound very introverted at all. kind of cocky actually. so i'm voting for an ENTx.
    He isn't cocky in a loud way. I mean he isn't saying out loud that "I'm the smartest" but when talking to him it becomes clear pretty fast that he is very very confident of his knowledge and opinions. When he needs to form an opinion he carefully studies the subject, forms an opinion and then trusts this opinion over anyone else's. It is pretty hard if not impossible to shake this opinion after he has formed it. Sometimes I have tried to explain him about some things that contradicts his conclusions but he can just bluntly dismiss it like "I have already studied all the relevant sources and formed an opinion and it would be waste of time to consider this issue anymore." He can seem a bit of an intellectual elitist or even proud but I can't call him cocky in "ESTp sense" of the word. He actually projects a bit humble image when not in intellectual debate.

    Hmm..I hope I'm not reiterating here what I already said but...

    Physically he can seem a bit of a pushover from a distance and sometimes even a bit clumsy but close interaction changes that fast. He stands straight as a person with lots of "spine", looks you firmly in the eye and shakes your hand with confidence. Quickly it becomes clear how confident he is about his opinions and he is not afraid to state them. But he pretty much never raises his voice or sound physically intimidating just sounds very very confident.

    He has these rare goofy moments during leisure time. They come and go mysteriously and don't usually last too long. It is funny though. He can suddenly "goof around" for a while and look as if he is not very concentrated at all. However, pretty quickly he goes back to his normal confident and slightly official form.

    Hmm..did I say this already..If you type him in MBTI binary style (one letter at a time) you end up with INTJ. Because he behaves introvertedly in my opinion (and his own opinion too), he is clearly N, clearly T and J in MBTI sense. But we are both quite confident that his intuition is Ni so socionics INTj is very improbable (but not impossible). I can't see any ENTp in him. Ne primary function doesn't sound right.

    Edit: This guy ALWAYS walks really fast. As if always in a hurry even if in my standards there shouldn't be any hurry. He just can't walk slowly.

    Does he still sound more ENTj?

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    The ENTj is a louder, dumber version of an INTp.
    Oh please. You are way smarter than Cone and I at the very least. :wink:

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Does he still sound more ENTj?
    He does to me.

    I'm also "introverted" according to MBTI criteria and come out as INTJ. In fact, the guy you described seems very similar to me.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Does he still sound more ENTj?
    He does to me.

    I'm also "introverted" according to MBTI criteria and come out as INTJ. In fact, the guy you described seems very similar to me.
    Heh that's good Because you were the original inspiration for the idea.
    Initially it was this avatar you had that woke up the idea:

    even though Caesar is usually not typed as ENTj the statue actually looks a bit like the guy we are typing in this thread So this can be used as pseudo-VI material The statue has similar facial features and hair-style and he often gives similar serious-confident looks. Although he is not always that serious.

  19. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by mike_INTJ
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    XoX, I think he may very well be ENTj.
    i agree as well. in general, as far as i'm concerned, i don't consider myself that smart. but other's do. if he is spouting out how smart he is, he doesn't sound very introverted at all. kind of cocky actually. so i'm voting for an ENTx.
    He isn't cocky in a loud way. I mean he isn't saying out loud that "I'm the smartest" but when talking to him it becomes clear pretty fast that he is very very confident of his knowledge and opinions. When he needs to form an opinion he carefully studies the subject, forms an opinion and then trusts this opinion over anyone else's. It is pretty hard if not impossible to shake this opinion after he has formed it. Sometimes I have tried to explain him about some things that contradicts his conclusions but he can just bluntly dismiss it like "I have already studied all the relevant sources and formed an opinion and it would be waste of time to consider this issue anymore." He can seem a bit of an intellectual elitist or even proud but I can't call him cocky in "ESTp sense" of the word. He actually projects a bit humble image when not in intellectual debate.

    Hmm..I hope I'm not reiterating here what I already said but...

    Physically he can seem a bit of a pushover from a distance and sometimes even a bit clumsy but close interaction changes that fast. He stands straight as a person with lots of "spine", looks you firmly in the eye and shakes your hand with confidence. Quickly it becomes clear how confident he is about his opinions and he is not afraid to state them. But he pretty much never raises his voice or sound physically intimidating just sounds very very confident.

    He has these rare goofy moments during leisure time. They come and go mysteriously and don't usually last too long. It is funny though. He can suddenly "goof around" for a while and look as if he is not very concentrated at all. However, pretty quickly he goes back to his normal confident and slightly official form.

    Hmm..did I say this already..If you type him in MBTI binary style (one letter at a time) you end up with INTJ. Because he behaves introvertedly in my opinion (and his own opinion too), he is clearly N, clearly T and J in MBTI sense. But we are both quite confident that his intuition is Ni so socionics INTj is very improbable (but not impossible). I can't see any ENTp in him. Ne primary function doesn't sound right.

    Edit: This guy ALWAYS walks really fast. As if always in a hurry even if in my standards there shouldn't be any hurry. He just can't walk slowly.

    Does he still sound more ENTj?
    for MBTI, you really can't judge if someone is introverted or not. since it's a draining feeling you have. all life force is sucked from you. you need time to recharge alone.

    i stand tall. i will argue a point, but not to be forceful, i want to engage in dialog. but many see this as forceful, many don't like to argue with me, because i always have a counter point and will question theirs. many don't like this, they usaully cave in.

    i will stand tall, i'm working on the eye thing. it's hard not to go into a trance. i don't have much of a handshake, as i never saw the point of it in the first place. if i saw all possibilities on a problem, i will be confident about something. but usually i wait until there are less people - i don't like to be the center of attention. and when i talk i usually take in too much stimulus and start rushing everything. i've also notice that i concentrate on the targer person, anyone standing around me is totally ignored. it's almost like talking to puppets - a wierd feeling. i think it's a mechanism to allow me to be more comfortable talking in a large group - i also can't rehearse what i'm about to say, it has to be spontaneos or it won't come out. as a result it may sound cocky...

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    Default Re: How to tell if someone is INTp or ENTj?

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    These threads have been useful so far so let's make another one. I need this info to type a friend of mine who refuses to believe he is ENTj.

    Edit: No answers in three hours...I had to shorten this a bit

    Does he look like a bitch?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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    Default Re: How to tell if someone is INTp or ENTj?

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    These threads have been useful so far so let's make another one. I need this info to type a friend of mine who refuses to believe he is ENTj.

    Edit: No answers in three hours...I had to shorten this a bit

    Does he look like a bitch?
    Umm...not to me at least

  22. #22
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    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sycophant
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    The ENTj is a louder, dumber version of an INTp.
    Oh please. You are way smarter than Cone and I at the very least. :wink:
    Hey hey hey, don't drag me into your self-depreciating.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  24. #24
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    He's ENTj, XoX!
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  25. #25
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    Ok, thx for answers. I think there is a good chance he is ENTj (and it is not just my illusion). Whether he agrees...we will see when I next meet him...

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