I've noticed Se-types on stickam have a distinct 'unnatural uneasiness' with their physical environment, like we're always paranoid about it and want to dominate it and/or run away from it, whereas with Si-types it's like they blend in with the woodwork and they just sort of organically mesh well with the energy of physical reality as a unified whole.

As such, Se-valuers look more personally powerful and celebrity-like, although not as internally comfortable. Se types also have a pierce to them, even if they are peace-loving people.

But this isn't so cut and dry. For example alpha esfjs look lively and 'out there' but that's because they still have strong Se despite not valuing it, which covers up the polr in INTj. Sooo a better way to say it is it depends on where Se is in your psychological blocks or whatever, but I'm not sure how to categorize it all yet. Though it's just very noticeable to me.

This can be objectively observed IMO so that's why it was interesting to me.


isfp: blend in
esfj: stand out
intj: blend in
entp: blend in

estp: stand out
enfj: stand out
infp: stand out
istj: blend in

esfp: stand out
intp: blend in
entj: stand out
isfj: stand out

enfp: stand out
istp: blend in
infj: blend in
estj: blend in (perhaps enfp and estj are switched. Actually that might make more sense...)