I have a neighbor who's extremely opinionated about many things and doesn't hestitate to shove it down your throat. She's the kind of person that if she loves something or hates something, the whole world seems to know about it. She'll frequently post things on Facebook like how awful the movie she just saw was and she feels like it's her obligation to tell others how awful it is so that no one wastes their money or time on it. She's also that way about music, about restaurants (you must order this, don't order that!), books, TV, sports, politics, well everything.

It's as if she doesn't quite grasp that her opinion is not the final authority and that other people have different opinions on things.

Her point of view is completely different from mine. If I like or dislike something, I'm always careful to say that it's just my opinion, its not the absolute truth. But most of the time, I don't feel a need to broadcast to the whole world everytime I encounter something really good or really bad. I don't tell people things like, you gotta see this movie or avoid that one at all costs. What people do with their own time is their own business and as long as they're not harming anyone else, I really don't care. My neighbor thinks alot of things in this world are inherently good or inherently bad. I take a more relativistic stance. It's all in the eye of the beholder.

She's especially this way when it comes to politics. We're both pretty liberal politically but it seems like half her facebook posts are ranting against republicans and how they should just go to hell. Whereas I'm more like I don't agree with their agenda and I hope they get someone better for next term but complaining isn't going to do much and its just a waste of time.

I really don't know this person's socionic type. She's tested as ESFP and ENFP on separate occassions on the Myers-Briggs FWIW, which is not the same as socionics anyway.

Anyway, are there types you think that are more prone to the kinds of behaviors my neighbor demonstrates?