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Thread: Maritsa, why do you think I'm ISTp/same as my mom?

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    Grumble rumble! VixenDogFox's Avatar
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    Default Maritsa, why do you think I'm ISTp/same as my mom?

    Hey, so you said we'd deal with this "later" but I don't feel like it. Let's deal with it now.

    Why do you think I am ISTp and how can you think I am the same type as my ISTp mom even though you know our relationship based on what I've described?

    Our reactions to things are VERY different.

    So, go ahead, explain.

    (I really want an explanation -- I'm not really trying to challenge you, more trying to understand.)

  2. #2
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    I believe that you two are two subtypes.

    The differences between you and your mom come from a lot of things like what she likes and what you like. Also SLI is a unique type of the Socionics spectrum because of their wonderful ability to not only adapt but to camouflage like none other. Therefore you could have as may SLI subtypes as there are SLI in the world.

    I would like to look at it from IM functions if you will please participate and take the journey with me. I would appreciate it.

    Fe- you don't come off as the kind of person who displays excitement and elevated emotions, at least not like EIE or ESE on the forum. Except for your sweet and polite manners, I don't see you using any icons or gestures to lift moods to draw attention to certain contraversial topics like EIE is known to do. You don't display over emotions, except for a smile, a hug, simple gestures. Ignoring perceived Fe stuff also makes you think that your BF displays it so naturally you internalize all of this frustration and are sad and locked down by it.

    "Fe PoLR...' However, it becomes most prominent when they cannot properly organise the sensations, actions, and movements of their physical world. When this happens, they will feel hopelessness and extreme loss. '

    You showed this yesterday.

    Third don't rush others and you don't want to be rushed yourself...

    "SLIs cannot stand being hurried and prodded by other people to do things faster. If there is a real reason to move faster, they want to be told the reason rather than be fed feelings of anxiety, which paralyses them rather than spurring them to action.

    SLIs try to reject all feelings of anxiety and insecurity about the future and simply accept what is. They often entertain doubts and worries about what the future might bring, but they try to keep them to themselves and present a positive, optimistic facade. They appreciate people who are genuine optimists and are able to make provision for many different outcomes even as they enthusiastically pursue just a few opportunities (leading types)."

    If you were ESE then Ni would be in your PoLR...but because both live in the moment that can be very confusing to type between them...

    "ESEs prefer to focus on immediate tasks, taking things as they come, rather than try to evaluate whether or not the task at hand will be very important in the longer run. A common consequence of this is an inclination to get stuck with last-minute tasks that keep the ESE distracted from later appointments or tasks, leading to being late for those.

    They generally have a poor sense of how long things will take, and what the best amount of time to spend on things is. Therefore it is difficult for ESEs to stay on schedule without extensive (even total) pre-planning. ESEs very often have very precise agendas to plan their professional and personal lives, and yet be somewhat late when actually going about them.

    ESEs are more confortable narrating events or stories, or making a point, on a sequential basis - "this happened, and then this, and then that" - since they are not confident that others will connect the dots as to how one event leads to the other, since the ESEs do not feel confident when doing that themselves.

    They perceive time in an undifferentiated manner: the past, present, and future are all perceived as being in or near the present. When talking about the future (especially one's longer-term plans), ESEs treat it as if it were accessible today and often they are not aware of all the developments that must happen first, and how long those can take."

    The purple part is what you don't have about ESE, but you don't draw other's emotions out like ESE would, you instead observe and contemplate with Si.

    I feel the Si, and I love it..well another topic.

    Si for ISTp..
    "SLIs are naturally good at knowing what kinds of activities and stimuli will produce which sensations and physical states in themselves and the people around them. They are highly sensitive to sensations of internal discomfort and dissonance, or when someone or something is aesthetically out of place. They usually take quick action to remove the discomfort, dissonance, or misplacement so that things "feel right." They are attracted to material (concrete) objects which produce the "right" sensations and physical states, such as stereo systems which produce the best sounds or clothes that produce the best feelings either through their pleasant texture and ease of use or through their aesthetic appeal. They dislike it when others deny them of pleasurable material objects and can get quite possessive and territorial when claiming or re-claiming them.

    SLIs are skilled at recognizing and remembering their own and others' internal physical states and at imagining how different things would affect that state. When analyzing the behavior of themselves and others, they focus on these physical states and see them as determining much of a person's actions. They prefer to keep their lifestyle and living space simple and to avoid excessive, gaudy possessions and excessively complex living habits and duties. SLIs encourage those they care about to take the time to experience pleasurable and soothing sensations, avoid getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and to listen to their bodies and their sincere inner desires. They can be concerned with their own health and those they know.

    SLIs are drawn to situations which allow them to maximize these physical states and like to dwell on soothing, pleasurable sensations, or the enjoyment of physical motion. They often seek physical and manual involvement in work activities. SLIs prefer to get involved in business projects rather than sit back and let things happen on their own (weak Ni too). SLIs are adept at portraying excitement and disgust through their physical gestures."

    Who wanted to get people together for some social time? YOU.
    With Si, you have shared several instances where you recognize your bf's internal state, and that is wonderful, so I guess we don't have any disputes there.

    Let's focus on Ti...

    "The ESE often feels like he wants to go in many different directions at once, and hence desperately needs someone to cut out all the irrelevancies and select the proper course of action, rather than providing even more "helpful" information that is of ambiguous relevance to the situation. The ESE will greatly admire people who can analyze everyday situations and put them in context, as well as introduce them to exciting new concepts or "research". The ESE wants his actions to make sense, but is almost always too caught up in his emotions to make very methodical, introspective, and impersonal judgments. If he cannot find a source of certainty, he may become insecure and unable to act rationally. The ESE loves to learn about new things, and is especially intrigued when the teacher appears confident and knowledgeable."

    What in debth analysis of a situation is your LII bf giving you that you can share with us please?
    In fact, you being SLI are much better then he is at analysis...

    "SLIs like to philosophize and analyze life, but they use logical categories situationally rather than searching for a single cohesive structure for understanding the world. There are always unknown variables and a whole realm of inner experience that they feel is hard to classify, but must simply be experienced for what it is.

    SLIs at times may play skilfully with categories and formal logical arguments, but they do not usually take themselves too seriously for the above reasons."
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 04-17-2010 at 05:53 PM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  3. #3
    ._. Aiss's Avatar
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    Except for saying that she doesn't blind people with Fe (and even examples you mention speak against Fe-PoLR), you give no reason for considering SLI. Where do you see Te, for one?

  4. #4
    Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VixenDogFox View Post
    So, go ahead, explain.
    I admire your open-mindedness, really.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  5. #5
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    My question is Te, I would like to know how you use this function please.

    Te is in Methods of doing things. One is much better at Te then the other.

    My little sister is ESE and my best friend is SLI. My best friend is so Much better at Te, she shops and looks for the best price/quality for things. My sister only looks to be pleased with the object she can buy, never really looking at the price of an item she gets, at least, not as scrupulously as my SLI BFF.


    "...focus on conveying accurate information rather than emotions. They like to take note of and emphasize the usefulness or uselessness of things and how well things or people achieve their intended goals. SLIs are often masters at getting the greatest return from the fewest possible actions.

    SLIs place great emphasis on having high quality objects and people in the right places. They enjoy the process of analyzing and comparing different goods and services when making purchasing decisions and do not like to delegate this task to other people. They enjoy the process of assessing quality and functionality and finding the best price for the chosen option. They effectively and sparingly allot resources and discern between primary and secondary needs. They have a good sense for how much their work is worth and whether something is a good deal or not. They have little problem giving up work that brings too little return for the time and effort invested. They have no interest in careers in which they do not believe they are the best. SLIs recognize fairness and conscientiousness (or the lack thereof) in other people and try to avoid working with those who cannot be trusted to follow through.

    The SLI's objective and creative motive is to find materials,localities, spaces, and actions that will engage and move the senses and produce proper sensations within people. The SLI is essentially "a person's person". However, SLIs are only keen on people from a distance, because people are objects varying in quality of nature. (They do take great pleasure in manipulating people's situational and spatial perceptions.) SLIs do not prefer doing much complicated analysis (subdued ) and rather enjoy the process of synthesising things they sense. They understand their entire world by identifying what causes pleasant and unpleasant reactions. When identifying these, the SLI feels a sense of power because this allows them to adapt and use objects (and people) as he or she feels need.


    "ESEs feel a need to appear efficient, productive and knowledgeable in their endeavours, as long as that does not conflict with priorities set up by their base function, extroverted ethics. For instance, they may end up defending a decision or action, even if it is not the most efficient, if it's the one they see as most desirable in order to achieve or maintain the emotional atmosphere they are aiming at (for instance, not be seen as hostile to a given person or group). They are able to participate in discussions involving exchange of factual information, or involving decisions as to the most efficient actions to take, for relatively short times; their inclination is to either try to lighten up the atmosphere if they see it becoming too heavy, or to become emotionally agitated, revealing their frustration. In such situations, if attempts by the ESE to lighten up an atmosphere they see as too "business-like" are met with factual counter-arguments, the ESE tends to perceive that as emotional hostility and react accordingly. "

    You never react with hostility...
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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