Quote Originally Posted by Mariella View Post
Well, Ips are supposedly lazy, but it's something that can be influenced by where someone is in their life and what's going on with them, so you have to use caution when saying, "He says he's lazy, therefore he must be an Ip type."
true, I coupled that with what I interpreted to be Si...thank you for correction to Ne. I suppose being an Ne, she sees much more possibilities then I do and is not confined to the J which pushes to make conclusions and move forward..

Quote Originally Posted by Mariella View Post
OK baby issue there.

The reason I said that LII is not an impossibility is because it sounds like you have very strong Ti (charting, systems, etc.) and that is something that you seem to enjoy very much and therefore it might be an IE that you value. So I wouldn't throw that possiblity out. But then the fact that is a business venture could indicate Te, though I think that, as with photography, many people of many types are interested in making money for obvious reasons, so I wouldn't use that as a strong thing to type by either.

So generally I feel like ILI over LII, but I would not say no way to LII. Both types are strong at Ti and Te, and also at Ni and Ne, so you have to look at what is valued more than which of those are strong. But I would say that, which I wouldn't 100% rule it out, you don't seem to be SLI to me.

LIIs supervise me and I'm finding myself worried that I might have contradicted myself somewhere, which makes me wonder if I'm getting a supervision vibe from you. LOL. Maybe I'm imagining that.
Just perception, I don't feel the Ti at all, he hasn't chosen any system to eliminate contridictions to...yet.

I get a lot of Te...you?