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Thread: Types of your friends and family

  1. #1
    Imagine Timeless's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Types of your friends and family

    Mother: ISTp (SO: ISTp)
    Father: ESTp*

    Grandmother: ISFj
    Grandfather: ISTj*

    Brother: ENTj
    Step Brother: ESFp*

    Aunts/Uncles: ESFp, ISTp*, INTp*, ENFj*
    Cousins: ISTj, ESTj, ENTj, ESTj, ISFj*, ISFp*
    Friends: ESFj, INFp, ESFj, INFj*, ESFp, ISTp*


    You can tell who I get along with the most and those I don't.


  2. #2
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timeless View Post
    Mother: ISTp (SO: ISTp)
    Father: ESTp*

    Grandmother: ISFj
    Grandfather: ISTj*

    Brother: ENTj
    Step Brother: ESFp*

    Aunts/Uncles: ESFp, ISTp*, INTp*, ENFj*
    Cousins: ISTj, ESTj, ENTj, ESTj, ISFj*, ISFp*
    Friends: ESFj, INFp, ESFj, INFj*, ESFp, ISTp*


    You can tell who I get along with the most and those I don't.

    How about your other grandmother/father?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  3. #3
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Me: INFj

    Mom: INTp
    Mom's Mom: INFp
    Mom's Dad: ISFp

    Dad: ISTp
    Dad's Dad: ISTp
    Dad's Mom: ESTj

    Sister: ESFj
    Brother: ISTp

    Cousins from Dad's side: ESTj, ESFj, ESFp, ISFp, ISTp,
    Cousins from Mom's side: INTp, INTp, INFp, ESFp, ISFp
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  4. #4
    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    Me: SEI

    Mother ESI (quasi-identical)
    Father LSI (beneficiary)
    Sister: ESE (mirror)

    Best friend: LII (activator)
    Also good friend: ILE (dual)
    Another good friend: SEI (identical)
    Former best friend: SLI (kindred)

    My first big love: ESE (mirror)

  5. #5


    Me: SEI

    Mum: EII

    Dad: SLE
    2nd wife: EIE
    2.5 girlfriend: Not sure.
    3rd wife: IEI? Guess

    Mum's mum: LSE

    Dad's mum: EIE
    Dad's dad: ILE? Not too sure.

    Mum's brother: SLI
    Mum's brother's wife: ESE
    Son: SLI? Hard to tell.
    Daughter: probably ILE

    Dad's brother 1: SEE
    Children/partners unknown

    Dad's brother 2 + family unknown. His wife is LSI.

    Isha/BFFFL: Alpha NT for sure, probably ILE.
    Boyfriend: SEE fo sho'

    Ryu: LSE

    Akra: EII (mum's "type twin")

    WoW buddy: SLI

    Current Guild Leader in WoW: SLI
    Boyfriend: ESE

    Stand-in leader: ILE or SEE

    Old internet buddy: ESE
    His/my friend who I lost touch with: LII

    Girl I met on AVEN: LII

    Crushes: unknown, ESE, IEI, IEE, SEI, SLI, untyped.


    Schoolfriend 1: ILE
    Schoolfriend 2: LII

    Group I hung out with all through school: EII, SLI, LSE (left eventually), IEE (occasional visits), ESI (joined later; guess).

    Chemistry teacher Y11: ESE
    Chemistry teacher Y12: LII
    Biology teacher Y11 & Y12: IEE

    Maths teacher Y12 part 1: ESE
    Maths teacher Y12 part 2: LII
    Maths teacher Y11: ILI
    Maths teacher Y10: SEI

    Sanskrit teacher Y10/Latin teacher Y10: SLI

    History teacher Y?/House master: LIE

    Tutor: LSE

    Economics teacher Y11/Geography teacher Y10: SLI

    Some observations:

    History dept has a LOT of Gammas. (No surprise?)
    Geography and Classics primarily Deltas.
    Maths is largely Alpha. Some Betas. And a lone Gamma. Never typed the entire dept though, obviously.


    Maths tutor: LII

    Cello/piano teacher: SEI


    I really like LIIs

    And now that Isha is ILE, I guess they're alright

  6. #6
    <something> Wynch's Avatar
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    I've posted my family's types several times, so instead I'll respond with friends.

    Best friend: EIE > ESE

    Boyfriend: SLI

    Roomies: SEE, ESE > LSE, IEI, LIE(?)

    Other friends that I spend a lot of time with: ILE, LII SLI, IEE, SEI
    (random note: ILE and LII are getting married)

    Friends from high school: EII, SLI, ILE, SEI, LII, XEI
    (random note: EII and SLI are married; LII and XEI are twins)

    My fav profs: Social history/historical theory IEE (100% on the same page) and Medieval/historical theory ILI (hilarious and high expectations)
    7w8 so/sp

    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

  7. #7
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Myself: Fi-ENFp
    Mother: Si-ISFp
    Father: ?Fe?-ESFj
    Brother: Ti-ENTp
    Maternal Grandmother: Si-ESTj
    Maternal Grandfather: ?-INFj
    Uncle: ?-ISTp
    Aunts: Bunch of ENFps
    Howler (cat): Ne-ENFp
    Scrunt (cat): Ti-ISTj

    Best friends from high school: 2 Ne-ENFps, Ne-ENTp, Ti-ENTp, ?Si?-ISFp, 2 ?Se?-ESFps
    Fav. high school teachers: Fe-ISFp (French, English), Ti-ESTp (Music)
    Least fav. high school teachers: ?-ISTjs (History and chemistry)

    Best friends from college: Ne-ENFp, Fi-ENFp, Te-ISTp, ?Ne?-INFj
    Fav. college teachers: Te-ESTj (Writing), ?Te?-ISTp (TA for Music & Pop Culture)
    Least fav. college professor: ?-IXTj (Calculus)

    Best non-socionics internet friends: Fe-ESFj, ?Si?-ISFp
    Ex-boyfriend: Te-INTp
    Sworn mortal enemy: Ti-ESTp
    Last edited by Galen; 04-13-2010 at 09:11 PM.

  8. #8
    Imagine Timeless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    How about your other grandmother/father?
    My father's parents? They're far, far, and away and I know little about them.

    Quote Originally Posted by he died with a felafel View Post
    i'm curious as to whether anyone has any experience with duality within the family (nuclear family i mean)
    Well me and my mother get along the best ("semi-duality") and my grandmother and I get along the worst.

    Outside my nuclear family, one of my cousins is a rapper, and I think (I'll check later for sure) he's an ISFp, we get along great. He recently sent me a track and wants me to come up with a music video concept for it. I guess he knows how my mind works!

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    WoW buddy: SLI
    If we're including that, then my good buddy who I still talk to from WoW is an INTp.

  9. #9
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    My mother is ISFp.

    My father is ISTp.

    My brother is ENTp.

    My paternal grandmother was ESTj.

    My paternal grandfather was INFj.

    My maternal grandmother is ISTj.

    My maternal grandfather was ENFj.

    Yes, I think both pairs of grandparents were duals--and the EIE/LSI pair actually got divorced long before I was born.

  10. #10

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    Me: ?

    sister: EII

    brother in law: IEE

    Mother: ESE

    Father: ILE

    my Mother's side of my family:

    Grandfather: LIE
    his brother (great uncle) probably EIE

    Grandmother: beta ST
    her brother (great uncle) beta ST
    her sister (great aunt): ENXj
    her father (my great grandfather): possible ESI

    aunt: EII
    uncle: possible LIE
    half uncle: possible IEE

    my Father's side of my family:

    (my grandfather died before I was born)
    Grandmother: ESI

    uncle (deceased): ESI
    uncle: SLE
    uncle: SLI
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

  11. #11


    Close Family
    Mother: ISTj-Ti -- e6 (e1 and e2 in tritype) (sp/so)
    Father: ISTp-Te -- e8w9 (e5 and e3 in tritype) (sp/so)
    Sister: ExFj -- e3w2 (no idea in tritype) (so/sx)

    Dad is a pilot, Mom got a degree in psychology, Sister teaches English for non-profit

    Extended Family

    --Mom's Side
    Grandfather: ISTj (traits of INTj, INFj), Fi>>Fe -- e1w2 (e2 and e5 or 6 in tritype)
    Grandmother: ESFj (possibly ESFp) -- e6 or e2
    Uncle 1: ESTp-Ti -- e6w7
    Uncle 2: INTj-Ti -- e5w6 (sp dominant)

    --Dad's Side
    Grandfather: ISTp
    Grandmother: ISFj-Fi -- e2 (so and sp mix)
    Aunt: ESFp (possibly ESFj) -- (only know there is an e2 in tritype)

    Mom's Grandfather is a minister/chaplin, Mom's Grandmother is a Nurse, Uncle 1 is an FBI agent, Uncle 2 is a minister

    Good Friends from High School
    Friend 1: INFp-Ni (some ISFp) -- e4 (e5 and e9 in tritype) (sx/so)
    Friend 2: ESTp-Se -- e7w8 (more e8/9 and more e4/3 in tritype) (so/sp)
    Friend 3: ISTp-Te -- e8w9
    Friend 4: ENTp-Ne -- e5 (e3 in tritype)

    Friend 1 is a Jazz Musician, Friend 2 is from Cali, Friend 3 does underwater diving, Friend 4 is playing WoW and getting a degree in physics - is in some rotc program

    Physics Major Friend and Roomates
    Physics Major Friend: ENTp-Ne -- e6w5 (e4 in tritype)
    Roomate 1: ISTp-Si -- (more e2/3 than 4)
    Roomate 2: ESTp-Se -- (e8 in tritype)
    Roomate 3: IxFp-(emphasis on Ni or Si) -- (e9 and e4 in tritype)

    Some College Teachers
    Spacecraft Dynamics: LII/ILE-Ne
    Physics Prof 1: INTj-Ti -- e5/6 (sp/so)
    Physics Prof 2: INTp-Te -- e5/6 (sp/sx)
    Physics TA: ENTp-Ne -- e5/6 (sx/so)
    Physics Prof 3: ENTp-Ti -- e5/6 (so)
    German Teacher 1: ESFj-Fe -- e2w1
    German Teacher 2: IxTj-? -- e6?
    Spacesys Teacher: ENTj-Te -- e3
    Spacesys Lab Teacher: ISTj-Ti or ESTj-Te -- e6
    Mech of Solids Teacher: IxTj-Ti -- e5/6
    Physics Prof 4: INTj-Ti -- e5/6
    Physics Prof 5: ENTp-Ti -- e5/4 (sp/sx)

    Engineering Emphasizes alot more Te and xSTj types, Physics is alot of Ti, tons of LII, some ILE and ILI, most university types in the sciences are e5/6 and very little sx (either so/sp emphasized)

    High School Band
    Head Director: ESTp-Se
    Assistant Director 1: ESFj-Fe -- e6 and e2 in tritype
    Assistant Director 2: ESFp-Se -- e4, e7, e8 in tritype

    Head Director promoted himself as being from julliard, but he never graduated, took alot of classes, bombastic egostistical personality; the assistant director 1 was a female that taught my class, I hated her alot; the assistant director 2 was an active musician in my city, new age, hip person, taught the jazz band, eventually left

  12. #12
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Immidiate Family
    Dad: IEE
    Mom: SLI
    Boy: LII
    Girl: LSE
    Boy: SEI
    Boy: SLE

    Grandpa: ILE
    Grandma: IEE
    Uncle: LSE*
    Daughter: SEI
    Uncle: SLE
    Wife: LSI*

    Grandpa: SLE
    Grandma: ESI
    Aunt: LIE*
    Uncle: LSE
    Wife: SEE
    Daughter: SEE
    Daughter: LSE*
    Aunt: EII
    Daughter: IEI
    Daughter: SEE

    I've typed over 200 people, so I'm not gonna bother listing friends.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by he died with a felafel View Post
    i can't help noticing how much people type! The entire tribe + any social contacts. I'm quite impressed actually, do you (anyone) do this on a daily basis and ponder type all the time? how do you "practice" so to speak? i've noticed i get too self-conscious when i'm thinking about somebody's type while talking to/socializing with them..
    Lol this sounds really stupid, but my mind is like a massive matrix of information.... When I interact with someone its like their is this little nagging impression something they said links a connection to some theme I've studied in a personality type... afterwards I'll come in and analysize this impression and how it matches with that theme in that personality type... from this I develop a tenative idea of that persons type... then that changes back and forth and back and forth as I reflect on memories of that person or have more interactions with that person... eventually I become highly confident when every little peice keeps coming back to the same themes and type and then I end up connecting this idea with the person and how they typically behave and what their mannerisms are, in fact typing is easier for me than simply relying upon what I used to do which is rely on adjective or examples of other well known characters to type people. Now I use Enneagram and MBTI/Socionics/Kiersey to build an entire language from which I can identify cognitive processes, behavorial tendencandies, and themes in behavior in other people.

  14. #14
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    Last edited by pinkcanary; 06-10-2017 at 01:52 AM.

  15. #15
    i'll tear down the sky Mattie's Avatar
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    This topic has been done over and over again. But why not, I think my types might have changed slightly since the original time I posted. Also... Is anyone looking for any patterns? Or is it useless since it's people's own typings?

    Me: NeFi
    Mother: SeFi
    Father: NiTe
    Younger Sister: SeTi
    Grandmother: TeSi

    Pre-college-era made good friends (whom are still relatively important): NeTi, NiTe, FeNi, TeSi, SiFe, TiNe

    College-era good friends: SiTe, TeSi x2, NiTe, TeNi

    Purely scholastic friends: NiFe, SiFe, SeFi, FiNe, TeNi

    Co-workers (for at least a year): TeNi x2, SeFi x2, NeFi, NiTe, SiTe x2, SiFe, TiNe, NiFe

    I notice a large absence of Beta, but that's about it.

  16. #16
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    Me: def ISFp. It all makes sense!

    Mom: She is some ethical type. I used to say ISFj, but we get along better than that. My dad also gets along better with her with that, although I notice some big complaints she has about him not taking her out enough and stuff. Introverts... I will say ISFp is much more likely for her though.

    Dad: Stereotypical INTj.

    Bro: Idk, I have a feeling he's also alpha. He is much quieter than me but such a huge genius. He acts like he values Se sometimes, but maybe he is just trying to assert himself.

    Sis: idk her either, she is def Fe ego though, that is clear.

    My best friend is a IEI guy. Yeah, we both love Lady Gaga and talk about feelings.

    My best friend who is a girl is actually ILI. It takes a lot of energy to make her value me as much as I value her.
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

  17. #17
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    Me: Alpha SF

    Sis: IEE - probably.. though she can be kinda bossy, which confuses things :-p

    Bro: SLI/Ti-SLE - not sure which. We get on really well at any rate - seems to be fine with Fe!

    Bro: Ne-ILE - pretty positive of his type. Probably the only person on earth who understands me completely. <3 :-p

    Mum: LSI/LIE? - bleh Idk.. We clash like there's no tomorrow. Fun times. She types herself as INTJ in MBTI. The most noticeable trait about her imo is her complete and utter disregard for all things Si. Especially when she's stressed.. something like telling a person who's cold to deal with it because it's good for their metabolism ... wtf? :-p Gahhhhhhhh... Latest clash was when me and her were walking in the city together. Granted, she wasn't used to the city.. but this homeless woman comes up and asks for money for coffee, and my mother looks honestly affronted, and comes out with "I think the last thing you need is coffee." lol I was so mad that I couldn't physically speak to her properly for a couple hours. Seriously - it was weird.. I couldn't put any emotion into my voice - it got really low and flat. haha

    Dad: LSE - seems a stereotypical one to me. We get on ok. I find myself acting Fi-ish around him though.

    Friends: not sure at all about their types - pooosssibly IEE, LSI, LSI, LII, ESE, LII, ILE, EII, EIE, ESE

    Random person: Alpha NT lady in uni admin office that I met yesterday - completely in love with her :-p
    Last edited by Rubicon; 04-14-2010 at 04:52 AM.
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  18. #18
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    Me: Ni-EIE

    Sister: Fe-SEI
    Father: Fi-EII
    Mother: Si-LSE

    Father's Father: Fi-IEE
    Father's Mother: Alpha SF

    Mother's Father: Si-ESE
    Mother's Mother: Ti-SLE

    Closest friends: 2 Ni-IEIs, Se-SEE, Se-SLE, Fe-IEI, Te-LIE, Si-ESE

  19. #19
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    I'm not breaking it down because I don't think anyone truely cares, but yeah...mostly all Betas with some Gammas. I don't even notice alphas...sorry.

  20. #20
    ~~rubicon~~ Rubicon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I don't even notice alphas...sorry.
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

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