I do wonder if this has anything to do with type/quadra but I can speak from the perspective of a metalhead. "Weakness" is a thing to be rightly despised and thoroughly disrespected. The "weak" have no place with our kind and deserve all they get and anyone who holds it up as some form of "virtue" is working for the great enemy. This is a grand irony for me as so many don't really seem to get what Christ meant when he said "the meek shall inherit the Earth". They equate "meek" with "weak". The "quiet ones" with "weak ones".

Sadly, there is a distinction to be had there that many fail to make. You see, there is "vulnerability" and then there is "weakness" shall we say. We are all the former in one form or another, but only the truly broken will equate that with the later. After all, a random meteorite could pulp your brain the instant you walk out the front door. You weren't weak, you were merely "vulnerable" to what amounts to a dice roll you're so unlikely to "fail" that you rightly never even think of it.

This has nothing to do with "physical" weakness BTW. It is, after all, an ideally temporary state. No body builder or Olympic "lifting" gold medalist just showed up at the tender age of 10 and set a world record. They had to work hard for that one in one form or another. Tons of "whimpy" metalheads out there who can and would show feats of mental and spiritual fortitude that'd put the beefiest strongmen to shame.

This is sadly a fact the soyboys have corrupted to give them succor as well I must sadly say. They imagine themselves titans of the mental realm, but they are, sadly for them, but small souled bugmen. Insects, ticks attached to a great mammoth imagining themselves the operating force behind it. Tragic. Well, almost tragic, if it wasn't for them being in a position for them to take out their frustrations on their hosts!