I think most accurate typing for Maritsa was Airborne's - enneagram 2 disintegrating to 8. ESI was my perception of her. It seems to work unless there's an illness involved.

Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
I know, it's not. It's that she perceives it as such. That seems to make sense for aSe-polr: perceiving aggression when it's not actually there, because of a heightened sensitivity to aggression. And actually some people have been pretty aggressive with her (mostly betas, like some of her discussions with pirate).
This doesn't seem like Se-PoLR to me. LIIs and EIIs here tend to go for peaceful and open-minded discussions rather than arguments. Maritsa backs out of an argument only if she knows she's going to lose, but never admits to being wrong; if someone is nice and lets her type them ("acknowledges her authority", in a way), she's likely to allow the person be their type, or a similar one; yet when someone suggest she has lost, she'll fight back past the point of reason. The perfect example is what happened with Minde - when she patiently went through the steps of Maritsa's typing method, she was finally allowed to be EII. Yet as soon as people started congratulating Minde on finally winning, Maritsa changed her mind and insisted she's SEI.

It's pride, not oversensitivity. Se-creative, not Se-PoLR.

I disagree. I think that Te is about correspondence to the facts, and Ti is about internal coherence. Maritsa does not have an internally coherent system, she has a list of facts: EIIs do x, SEEs have facial structure y. If you look at how she expresses herself, she doesn't talk in terms of a Ti system where information goes in (inputs) and conclusions come out (outputs). Rather, she talks in terms of facts: You are [insert type here]. "Why?" Because [insert type here] does [insert action here]. It's a subtle distinction, but it's just the kind that separates Te from Ti or any external function from its internal counterpart. Maritsa wants her thinking to be external, reference to external facts, rather than making any reference to an internal idea of "does this makes sense, what do the rules of logic say, how does this relate to unchanging universal principles?"
These aren't facts, these are generalizations. She draws hasty conclusions and says "You are [something]". This is a conclusion, and she has to be asked for evidence to back it up. IMO it's a weak super-ego Ti mixed with Te-valuing - she wants to reference facts, but can't really sift through them to find relevant ones, and consciously makes generalizations which are just logical enough not to be totally random, and don't form a consistent system. The strength beyond the statements (same difference as between LSI and LII) comes from Se - rather than be aware of many possibilities, she focuses on enforcing one.

Also, if she used Te she wouldn't be ExI.

Also, that description isn't really Beta ST, except maybe the line about being in control of your life, but even then, Beta STs don't really control their SOs lives unless they're unhealthy. The thing about being dry and expressing themselves in an unemotional way is much more delta ST (Weak and unvalued Fe) than beta ST (weak, but valued Fe). I'd say it was more a generic oversimplified ST description.
I think no type controls their SOs lives unless unhealthy.

LIEs aren't known for being particularly emotional, I think. Maritsa clearly reserves the bossiness for herself, even though she claims not to.