I wouldn't say I'm sensitive in a general sense. My reaction to rejections in particular is to get irritated and frustrated and to just reinforce the rejection from my side with compensatory force. It's not really a sense of feeling hurt so much as it is of saying "well forget the stupid thing then, I'm fine on my own".

You don't come across as an Extrovert in any of your postings. The only type I'd recommend taking a look at is INTp. My own estimation is that INTj is best fit type for you regardless of the concerns you express in your post. As a general recommendation, consider that there is a lot of room for variety within a single type.

Labcoat is also highly theoretical, and it could be argued that he's an "experimental extreme" of the LII scheme.
Are you saying I am some kind of genetic experiment? What are my superpowers? Do I get a cape?

On a serious note, what I think you mean is that I've turned socionics into an obsession, so what you see of me here is already a divergence from what I am otherwise like. On another forum I post on, 75% of my posts are one-liners. You'd get a completely different image of me if you analysed that sample instead of the one from this forum.

Another thing I should say is that I don't identify with tcaudilllg either. My main reason for being interested in his dual-types was that I wanted an explanation as to how he and I could be so irreconcileably different.