I would say it depends on the Delta/individual.

Once we are officially in a relationship, I say "Dear" "My Love" and "Precious" *makes Gollum face.* Only in private though, I would be mortified if a SO did it in a public place, I'm a private person. I've only been in one relationship in my life though. I have to have gotten to know him on a deep level before we get to this stage of our relationship. It's an indication that I feel safe with him, and it's one of the greatest things in the world when my special someone calls me that too. It makes me feel wanted and accepted, there are a lot of places in the world where I feel like an outsider but I can be myself with him. If a guy didn't say these things, he probably wouldn't be the person for me.

I guess this is a little part of a love language (?) I mean, words of affirmation is more one of my love languages but it's a weird subtype of that in my book.

I know some people think that's yucky and mushy, and it is to an outsider. I get grossed out if I'm not an insider.

But if some guy who I wasn't in a relationship calls me sweetie, I'll want to avoid that creepo.