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Thread: Tritype and Instinctual Variant Link?

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by electric sheep View Post
    I can see the appeal that the US might have to outsiders, but I really want to leave, or at least live in another country for a few years. There's just no sense of solidarity here--everyone's out for themselves and I can't stand it.
    Everyone out there in the US may look like there out there for themselves, but I am out there for you electric sheep.... Doing my LII thing and making the world a better place for the ESEs.... and in a very non-romantic pleutonic non-gay kind of way for the male ESEs.

    Anyways in all seriousness, america is very hyper-competitive, and modern society I think makes it worse. Were are you from btw, because if your in any kind of rural area, you don't have an idea of what its like to be bombarded by loads of hyper-competitive cynical opionated type-A people.... thats what its like in a city environment. I am from a large college in a decent sized city with really bad roads, so traffic is horrible, tons of people at my university, and enough people in the downtown area for me to get a taste of what its like. Traffic for one annoys me. Some people like to play golf or read a book to relax, I like to take a drive, roll down the window, listen to some music, drink a cup of coffe.... but traffic conditions ruin it alot of the time. I commute a 15 min drive to university and I get out of class (like today) at 5pm, so I basically get to spend the same drive which usually is 5-15 mins, I spend 1hr 15 mins to get back, and everyone cuts you off, etc.... I've been flicked off several times, and only for very minor things like changing lanes in a way they didn't like.

  2. #2
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    I grew up in LA, so I know all about pretentious jerks, and traffic. Now I'm in a college town Ohio where all the students want to look like they're from LA. Tanning booths and Abercrombie & Fitch are pretty big here. I dunno maybe seeing this bizarre replication of LA culture is making me want to leave even more. Achievement never really appealed to me, I just think it's like getting on the hamster wheel. You work hard to get far, then you have to work even harder, and soon you can't even enjoy what you've worked hard to get. Most rich people don't even care about what they have, they just care if they have more than their peers. I just want the good life.

    I think I tend to be really mellow for a 3 actually.
    The saddest ESFj


  3. #3
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    I live in a small town in rural Manitoba, filled with down-to-earth farmers and country folk. I know of these pretentious, superficial type people you guys are talking about from movies and TV. Cramming all those people together in such a small area can only have deleterious effects on a culture, in my opinion. Small towns have their own problems of course (gossip and wild rumours being the biggest), but as for me, the only way I'll ever make my abode in the city is if somebody buries my cold dead corpse in an urban grave.

    Or possibly for love, but that seems increasingly unlikely. :/
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  4. #4
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by electric sheep View Post
    I grew up in LA, so I know all about pretentious jerks, and traffic. Now I'm in a college town Ohio where all the students want to look like they're from LA. Tanning booths and Abercrombie & Fitch are pretty big here. I dunno maybe seeing this bizarre replication of LA culture is making me want to leave even more. Achievement never really appealed to me, I just think it's like getting on the hamster wheel. You work hard to get far, then you have to work even harder, and soon you can't even enjoy what you've worked hard to get. Most rich people don't even care about what they have, they just care if they have more than their peers. I just want the good life.

    I think I tend to be really mellow for a 3 actually.
    Is LA that bad? I always thought that the East Coast was more like super-driven-competitive. I've always felt like the only place in the US I could live is the San Diego - LA strip
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  5. #5
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    I like the city. I know it sucks, because like you said, electric sheep, everyone's out for themselves. But it's wonderful, because there's so much energy and passion and drive and will. I feel like people are more naked here because they're more desperate. Like, you see more of them leak out, even as they try to wrap themselves up in culture and convention and clothes. I couldn't live somewhere rural. Not enough noise.

    Are there countries where things are more communal? I think that would be better, except that communal living relies on everyone sharing the same beliefs, or at least a few core ones. The city is an excellent place for dissent, because we learn to tolerate it as necessary. When everyone is out for themselves and fighting with everyone else, we're freer to not believe in any of it and strike out on our own. I guess it's easier to rethinking everything in the city without having to become an Emily Dickinson-style recluse, maybe. Even WS visited New York (And Hartford isn't exactly rural).
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
    But it's wonderful, because there's so much energy and passion and drive and will. I feel like people are more naked here because they're more desperate. Like, you see more of them leak out, even as they try to wrap themselves up in culture and convention and clothes. I couldn't live somewhere rural. Not enough noise.
    Yea I'd agree, but thats positive side... the city imo has two different aspects to its nature, one is the positive and the other the negative. This is a fairly good description of the positive, tons of people's lives intersect because there are so many people, there is alot of life, alot of culture, and its all forcibly exposed because its not easy to escape from the crowd, so you learn to manage that, sometimes it gets to you, but after so much pressure you just reflexively loosen up and express yourself. The negative description of it is all the cynicism that is cultivated, especially with conflicts, in rural areas its easy to be detached from the horrors of reality, but in the city, everyone is so compact there is no escape to the bad thing people do to each other, even the slight actions, and it jades the person. Both the positive and the negative are at work in the city, and thats what makes it a unique setting, and alot of art has come out of this. Alot of Jazz seems to me for whatever reason to express this kind of unique american big city new york 1930's mentality. It is filled with the cynicism of it and the positive side of it.

    I picture central park in october or something with this

    Quote Originally Posted by electric sheep View Post
    I grew up in LA, so I know all about pretentious jerks, and traffic. Now I'm in a college town Ohio where all the students want to look like they're from LA. Tanning booths and Abercrombie & Fitch are pretty big here. I dunno maybe seeing this bizarre replication of LA culture is making me want to leave even more. Achievement never really appealed to me, I just think it's like getting on the hamster wheel. You work hard to get far, then you have to work even harder, and soon you can't even enjoy what you've worked hard to get. Most rich people don't even care about what they have, they just care if they have more than their peers. I just want the good life.

    I think I tend to be really mellow for a 3 actually.
    Yea well I wasn't assuming you weren't from a big city, and well if your from LA you know alot about bad driving. I'm from Austin, TX... I go to the University of Texas there, so yea....

  7. #7
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Is LA that bad? I always thought that the East Coast was more like super-driven-competitive. I've always felt like the only place in the US I could live is the San Diego - LA strip
    LA is full of snobs, but cities are diverse places. Just when you think everyone's caught up in one thing you find people that aren't. I'd go with San Francisco or San Diego though.
    The saddest ESFj


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