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Thread: explanation of my SLE typing

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    Ni: This is the information element that I understand the least. Everything about my thought processes that I had attributed to Ni I've now realized was Ti, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how Ni actually presents itself. I have mentioned it in a few of my previous posts (as it relates to Se and Ne), and aside from that I'll just say that I fully identify with the wikisocion description of Ni in SLE's.

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    Fe: I identify 100% with all of the wikisocion description of Fe in SLE's, except one part:

    SLEs are unable to suppress the manifestations of their moods, and thus greatly appreciate individuals who can deal with their sudden, uncontrollable outbursts of emotions.
    Negative. If I'm upset, I become quiet and withdrawn. I used to have these uncontrolled outbursts, but they were met with severe criticism by both of my previous relationships (which in total represent the last eight years of my life), so I learned not to blow up for the most part. It would still happen on occasion, but not very often. Exceptions would be if I was already in a bad mood and was having trouble with some stupid little task that should not be as difficult as it was proving to be. In that case I'd yell and curse... not at someone but just out of frustration. I don't do that much anymore these days, either.

    Additionally, at this point it's difficult to upset me. I take most things in stride. I'm one of the least easily offended people I know, and I recognize that there are very few things that are worth getting upset over.

    For many SLEs, expressive activities such as acting, musical performance or even religion serve as ideal "ethical vents", helping to give them the emotional release they struggle to find in other areas of society.
    For me it's music.

    Apart from the things mentioned in the wikisocion description, I would like to add that I find being around Fe creatives very freeing and refreshing. They boost my mood considerably and diffuse stress. This is invaluable to me. A fun or relaxed atmosphere is something I had experienced very little of until I started hanging out with my IEI friend and spending time at work with a couple of SEI's there.

    I will add that I've found that I am FAR more effective and productive when I have someone offering me Fe to help me manage stress. I can accomplish a lot and make short work of what many would consider to be large problems as long as I am not totally stressed out. A little bit of creative Fe works wonders for diffusing my stress.

    Additionally, pretty much everything I've said negatively about Fe in my time on the forum has been based on interactions with ESE's. While I find them funny and enjoy them in small doses, overall they're annoying to deal with and their form of Fe tires and bores and annoys me more than it amuses me.

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    Si: Things I had previously attributed to a Si PoLR in myself I now readily recognize as mere symptoms of depression. I don't have trouble with any of them anymore.

    I identify entirely with the wikisocion description of Si in SLE's. I will add a few things though.

    First of all, I feel that pain and discomfort are things that are to be subordinated to my will. I have an extremely high tolerance for pain (according to various people in health care professions that I've dealt with over the years, such as dentists and massage therapists). This ability to subordinate discomfort to my will makes accomplishing objectives such as losing weight easy for me once I've resolved to do it.

    Secondly, I'm well aware of how to take care of my body properly. I just do what makes sense and don't focus on it all that much. If it feels like I'm coming down with something, I'll sleep extra and take vitamin c and zinc. No need to make a fuss about it. On the subject of sleep, if I don't sleep much (or at all) for one night, and I can function just fine the next day. If I haven't been sleeping enough over a period of time, however, then I'll feel run down and know I need to start sleeping more, and I'll do it.

    Aesthetics in my surroundings are something I focus on to a very limited extent. I appreciate things like nice furniture, flattering clothes, and a comfortable bed, but those things aren't a huge focus for me. One thing I do value though is fresh air and natural light in my house while I'm there. And I hate dog hair. My dogs are moving out in a month and a half, and I will NEVER again own a pet that sheds.

    I'm good at cooking when I choose to do it, but that's not very often. I see food as fuel for the most part. When I do cook these days, it's social. I'm showing off my skills, lol.

    I know when I look good and when I don't. I hadn't looked good for a few years now, but at this point I've lost enough weight to be confident in my appearance again.

    Basically, I generally take a goal oriented approach to health issues or bodily conditions. If there's a problem, I fix it. No need to fuss or worry.

    There's another aspect to Si that I think is often overlooked, and that is mechanical aptitude (whether the "machine" is a car or the human body or something that needs to be put together or anything else of the sort). These are things that I have little patience for, generally speaking. I can deal with them when I need to though. I do find the operations of the human body interesting, but that's more of a scientific and/or a goal seeking interest.

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    SLEs have the ability to pick out information which will help them achieve a goal; they will often refer to well-known facts, statistics and historical examples to back up their claims. Often their own viewpoint will remain standing in the face of a majority opinion, as they know how to formulate a strong argument. SLEs will often question the authenticity or reliability of informational sources, preferring not to use those which are doubtful or which have been proven wrong in the past. They enjoy learning about a wide variety of things, and are motivated by the prospect of rewards and status; they like to prove their authority and skills e.g. through a large amount of academic awards or extra curricular certificates.

    SLEs are very practical, hard-working individuals. They know how to utilize their time effectively in order to reach any given goal, and have no problem discerning efficiency and utility from incompetence and uselessness. Nonetheless, they retain a kind of "don't care" attitude when it comes to productivity and effectiveness. They feel that it is a waste of time to sit around and discuss efficiency, and would rather act effectively. SLEs may playfully mock those who they believe are "obsessed" with productivity, efficiency or effective action.

    SLEs often assume the role of someone who is always ready to assist people in their practical affairs, even to the point of others' annoyance or offense to the SLE's obtrusiveness (which is simply enthusiasm to the SLE). They enjoy receiving thanks for their services, and take full responsibility for their actions. Their intentions towards others in this area are generally always good.
    I agree with all of this, but I identify especially strongly with the bolded part.

    It doesn't bother me when others have weak Te because I've got enough to go around. I actually find weak Te, especially in IEI's, cute and endearing.

    I'm confident in Te areas and don't mind focusing on Te when I need to. It comes naturally. tbh, if it weren't for the Fe vs. Fi valuing aspect of the Te/Fi vs. Fe/Ti dichotomy, I might not be certain whether I value Te or Ti more. I do focus on Ti more than Te though in that Te is something that seems to happen by itself while Ti is more built into my conscious thought processes.

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    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    Its not like this was even neccessary but this only further cements that you are NOT an SLE. First off, what kind of fucking SLE would write pages upon pages defending their type? An SLE more or less would not give a damn and certainly would not write to this massive degree about it. Neither would they have a manga character as their avatar, or rate anime in their spare time.

    I find it silly to even engage this topic, typing through wikisocion is not that great of an approach to finding your type. They dont capture certain subtleties that can only be experienced when interacting with certain types.

    Your breakdown for example: despite agreeing with almost everything you show no signs of SLE communication, you do not talk or write like them. You may be agreeing with what you perceive these certain elements to be like, yet you do not convey an affinity to them with your tone of writing. Also the way in which you relate to them seems VERY superficial to me. Basically, your word in embodying them is all that is seen. Actually embodying them is the key component your lacking.

    Another thing is you say you need Ni but dont even know what it is. This statement is fucking ridiculous to me.

    "I am always very aware of the rules, policies, and procedures of any organization I am dealing with, whether it's the law or work or a class. It's important to me to understand both the reasons those rules/procedures exist and the likely consequences of breaking them. The ones I agree with I adopt, and I remind others of them when they're breaking them (generally explaining why that rule exists or what might happen if they break it). Sometimes I do it in a "technically it's supposed to be done this way" or "you're not technically supposed to do that" kind of way followed up by my own thoughts on the matter, including how important the rule is. When someone breaks a rule/law, my thoughts generally turn to how the rule is enforced or what recourse is available within that and related systems (whether it's the recourse for those enforcing the rules, those somehow hurt because the rule has been broken, or the one breaking the rule who must now find a way to respond to the rule's enforcement). If I do not have this information, I quickly obtain it. I either look it up myself or ask someone. The person I ask is selected based on their understanding of the rules AND their position in regards to either helping or hindering me (or the person involved) towards their objective based on their level of power and interests in the situation."

    is indicative of SeTi? you remind others when their breaking rules? really?

    "Yes, I'm basing this on behavior and qualities I'm seeing, but I can recognize leadership qualities in others (maybe that's just Se though) and can see when all it would take for someone to make use of their abilities is their resolve to do so and confidence that they can (that's just Se too, I suppose). "

    No, its not. WTF
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

  6. #6
    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    I read this shit on another site, it just seems so fake. you say you relate or agree or whatever but the examples dont add up. it just seems like your trying to be something your not.

    I dont even think your beta

    you say how good this INFp makes you feel, that it has to be duality.

    have you experienced this feeling with multiple IEIs?
    how would you even know if you cant recognize Ni?

    how would you know that its distinct/real? sarinana said something in another thread about infps & making relationships with anyone feel like duality; I find this capability as something very real. Have yet to see how you really resonate with beta values.

    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    Its not like this was even neccessary but this only further cements that you are NOT an SLE. First off, what kind of fucking SLE would write pages upon pages defending their type?
    Not defending. Explaining. I don't care who agrees or disagrees. I only wrote it because there were several people who asked for an explanation, and I told them I'd give them one. It got long because I had nothing better to do and was trying to think of everything that might be relevant.

    I find it silly to even engage this topic, typing through wikisocion is not that great of an approach to finding your type. They dont capture certain subtleties that can only be experienced when interacting with certain types.
    I agree. I definitely did not use wikisocion to find my type. I just used the description as a point of reference. There are other SLE descriptions I identify with as well, but they're either a lot longer or don't break it down it into specific information elements.

    I will agree that descriptions aren't necessarily the best way to evaluate someone's type. The same functional arrangement can manifest different ways in different individuals, and it's easy to misinterpret descriptions and misattribute characteristics described in them. Fortunately, descriptions of SLE's have not been a central focus in my evaluation of my type. The central focus has been what information elements I feel most "me" when I use and what information elements in others bring out the best in me.

    Your breakdown for example: despite agreeing with almost everything you show no signs of SLE communication, you do not talk or write like them. You may be agreeing with what you perceive these certain elements to be like, yet you do not convey an affinity to them with your tone of writing.
    Whatever that means. I know I'm too serious a lot of the time... the last couple of days being great examples. I wouldn't be spending so much time online if I wasn't feeling sort of bleh. I'd be actually doing stuff (such as preparing for my mythology exam instead of posting a lengthy response to you, lol).

    The more time I spend around IEI's (and EIE's, actually), the less I'm like this.

    Also the way in which you relate to them seems VERY superficial to me. Basically, your word in embodying them is all that is seen. Actually embodying them is the key component your lacking.
    I won't argue with your observation. I don't know what you're seeing or not seeing, but it's yours to see or not see.

    Another thing is you say you need Ni but dont even know what it is. This statement is fucking ridiculous to me.
    Good point. I should probably clarify.

    I have a basic understanding of Ni according to the theory. I can also recognize Ni in people's ego blocks sometimes (certainly not all the time though as not everyone's types are readily apparent) contrasted to Si, Ne, or especially Se. I can recognize some manifestations of Ni ego, particularly in people's responses to Se. Right now primarily understand it for how it balances out Se dominance and a Ne Role as described in my posts.

    The thing I really don't understand (but would like to) is how it actually works when someone is using it and what it's like to use it. I had thought that I did, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

    "I am always very aware of the rules, policies, and procedures of any organization I am dealing with, whether it's the law or work or a class. It's important to me to understand both the reasons those rules/procedures exist and the likely consequences of breaking them. The ones I agree with I adopt, and I remind others of them when they're breaking them (generally explaining why that rule exists or what might happen if they break it). Sometimes I do it in a "technically it's supposed to be done this way" or "you're not technically supposed to do that" kind of way followed up by my own thoughts on the matter, including how important the rule is. When someone breaks a rule/law, my thoughts generally turn to how the rule is enforced or what recourse is available within that and related systems (whether it's the recourse for those enforcing the rules, those somehow hurt because the rule has been broken, or the one breaking the rule who must now find a way to respond to the rule's enforcement). If I do not have this information, I quickly obtain it. I either look it up myself or ask someone. The person I ask is selected based on their understanding of the rules AND their position in regards to either helping or hindering me (or the person involved) towards their objective based on their level of power and interests in the situation."

    is indicative of SeTi? you remind others when their breaking rules? really?
    Yeah, if it's causing problems or if they're likely to get in trouble. And it's not so much reminding them, it's explaining it to them. I don't say "you're breaking a rule". I say "we do it this way because of this and that" (which is pretty much related to policies/procedures at work) or tell them that they're likely to get in trouble (this is more related to friends than to coworkers). Maybe I'm just finding myself warning people about trouble they can get into lately because of the specific people I'm dealing with though, lol. Youth vs. experience. I'm certainly not like this with people who don't need to hear it. Ugh. I think I need more friends that are my age or older.

    Maybe this isn't a typical SLE attribute. I don't know. It's related to Ti though, which is why I included it.

    "Yes, I'm basing this on behavior and qualities I'm seeing, but I can recognize leadership qualities in others (maybe that's just Se though) and can see when all it would take for someone to make use of their abilities is their resolve to do so and confidence that they can (that's just Se too, I suppose). "

    No, its not. WTF
    Recognizing a person's strength of will is related to Se. This particular manifestation of it may be an individual thing though.

    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    I read this shit on another site, it just seems so fake. you say you relate or agree or whatever but the examples dont add up. it just seems like your trying to be something your not.
    I'm not "trying to be" anything.

    If there's anything unnatural about my posts it's that I even made them to begin with. I used to spend a lot of time online, including posting here A LOT, but I haven't been doing that for a while now. Except the past few days.

    Alright, I've decided it's time for me to buck up and snap out of it and get back to work on preparing for my mythology exam. I've already put like 10 hours into making these damn flashcards, but I'm almost done. I'm going to finish this post and then do that.

    I dont even think your beta

    you say how good this INFp makes you feel, that it has to be duality.

    have you experienced this feeling with multiple IEIs?
    Yes. There's another IEI at work, but she's an old lady and she's a little slow. We get along extremely well, but she's not someone I interact with in great depth.

    There's another IEI that I'm friends with and talk to a lot, but I've specifically left out mention of her because she's a member of this community and I want to respect her privacy and also because I want to leave debates about her type out of this. I value her input even more than that of the IEI friend I've been referencing, but since we primarily use written communication instead of hanging out in person (though I have met her in person once) the "dualizing energy" or whatever that I get from in person interactions with IEI's (even the old lady IEI, lol) is not nearly as apparent.

    I dated an IEI at one point, but it didn't work out because he was gay (that is, far more attracted to men than to women). I couldn't trust him not to cheat on me with men, so I refused to be in an exclusive relationship with him. He, on the other hand, wanted to get more serious, so I broke it off. We definitely did dualize though. If there had never been a mutual attraction leading us to date, we probably would have stayed good friends.

    how would you know that its distinct/real?
    I think I've addressed this sufficiently already. There isn't any way to KNOW that it's distinct/real, but based on everything I've already described on the subject, I see no reason to doubt it.

    sarinana said something in another thread about infps & making relationships with anyone feel like duality; I find this capability as something very real.
    Definitely. I see it, too. When they're doing this though, it seems they're reserving some aspect of themselves, holding something back.

    Have yet to see how you really resonate with beta values.

    Values such as?

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    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    I read this shit on another site, it just seems so fake. you say you relate or agree or whatever but the examples dont add up. it just seems like your trying to be something your not.

    I dont even think your beta

    you say how good this INFp makes you feel, that it has to be duality.

    have you experienced this feeling with multiple IEIs?
    how would you even know if you cant recognize Ni?

    how would you know that its distinct/real? sarinana said something in another thread about infps & making relationships with anyone feel like duality; I find this capability as something very real. Have yet to see how you really resonate with beta values.

    nihihih did I made you feel proud of yourself?

    Several INFp guys told me that I am the first person they feel they can talk openly about anything and don't hold themselves back.

    My INFp girlfriend once told me "When I am around you I feel like I want to be a badass. It's like you are spreading the energy of freedom and I feel like I can do anything crazy and everything will end up fine."

    And so I was like "what a fuck are you talking about." turned to my ILI best friend and asked if it is really this way. And ILI replied "Sure. Whenever I do something awful at the same moment I see you doing something even more awful. Way to feel good about myself."

    I felt honored that night. but not honored enough to call myself SLE.
    Last edited by sarinana; 04-06-2010 at 11:04 PM.
    Sincerely Yours,

    Beyond the clouds. Beyond the sun.

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    Enneagram 3s are the best at distorting their own personalities, so I think they would be the hardest to pin down socionically.
    The saddest ESFj


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    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    Its not like this was even neccessary but this only further cements that you are NOT an SLE. First off, what kind of fucking SLE would write pages upon pages defending their type? An SLE more or less would not give a damn and certainly would not write to this massive degree about it.

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