Quote Originally Posted by Mariano Rajoy
how do you explain KIM's behavior not fitting her type?
Any human being can use all of their functions, and they do.

My weakest function is - introverted sensing - which is related to physical sensations, but even I can go out of my way to buy a kind of food I particularly enjoy.

Does that mean that my behavior is not fitting my type? To imply that a human being - whether ENFp or whatever - of weak can't use logical analytical thinking at all is self-evidently absurd.

Socionics does not any point imply anything of that sort.

What it does imply is the level of comfort, of confidence, different people will have when using different functions, and how does the different use of functions affects people's behavior, especially when interacting with other people.

However, the extent to which people use different functions and how that affects their behavior and relationships is often not immediately obvious and it may take quite some time to reach a conclusion on someone's type, precisely due to the very obvious reason that everyone can use all of their functions to some extent.

Basically you seem to be trying to invalidate socionics by disputing claims that socionics never made. Duh.