Quote Originally Posted by Airborne View Post

Where does Si come in with ISTPs? Isnīt it a shadow function of this type?
As far as I know theyīre : 1-Ti 2-Se ...

Interestingly my two closest friends in my xtc-rave-party-days were probably ISTPs, but they are very different... both worked for big software companies, computer geniuses types, and from friday night to sunday evening they kind of transformed into wild animals who took lots of xtc pills. I could never manage to do that. As soon as I started my university course I quit taking xtc and stopped going to those crazy parties - which I doubt was a good idea though because it was lots of fun but anyway I cannot reconcile a normal life with a carreer and a crazy drugged alcoholic weekend.

But they could lead that crazy lifestyle of a sober 9 to 5 (in their case 9 to 7) job at a big company earning very good money with that lack of responsibility in the weekend. I wouldnīt. Most of the weeks I couldnīt get myself out of my bed until wednesday after the weekend. But they were there, like nothing had happened, phoning me on mondays to talk about something and laugh.
uh-oh, UH-OH!! time for you to switch definitively from MBTI to socionics!!

BLASPHEMY! Ti Se is my conflictor!! It's ISTj in socionics.

The ISTPs you know are probably not socionics ISTp's. MBTI type does not translate to socionics (it may coincidentally, but that would just be coincidence). Though I have to say he partied hard but didn't really suffer for it (or so it seemed). . .I dont think he took any hard drugs, he just drinks a lot.

The ISTp (SLI) that I knew probably is an MBTI ESTP.

Anyway so, socionics ISTp is Si Te. Si is their most FAVORITE function