1) inspirator

Easily excitable, abrupt. Shows nerve-strain, is resolute and artistic. Easily gives in to exaltation, is remarcable for aristocratic manners. He is usually a good orator, a political leader with patriotic deviation. He is internally dramatic and spontaneous, likes make a demonstration of himself. He may shock his associates with extremes in his clothes - a vagabond with greased sleeves or, on the contrary, may dress brightly or aristocratic and refined.

2) warner

He is predisposed to reflection, internal fluctuations and doubts. Thinks figuratively, is philosophically inclined. He isn’t so critical to his appearance and food he eats. Reserved, vulnerable, may be even broken, expresses himself softly-softly, he is responsible and punctual. He is a good tutor and teacher, may carry away his students. He is quiet, consecutive in statement of a material.