Quote Originally Posted by GK4705
Thus, I am a dominant introverted thinker with extraverted intuition. For all our interpersonal flaws, most INTJ's are excellent at reading people and coming to accurate conclusions regarding their (via real life or tv ect) strengths and weaknesses. We are also second to none in analyzing and understanding theories. Thus, I have learned to apply the theories of Jung and socionics and have been able to apply it to people on a regular basis with a great deal of accuracy. This is especially true when it comes to people in the alpha quadrable, because I share the same functions, and thus, values.
We are? Well then, I guess nobody else's theories on thier people's types is worth much.

Sean Penn-Intj
Bill Clinton-Intp
Madonna-ENTP, perhaps INTJ
John Lennon-INTJ (not Intp, although George Harrison probably is.) As for the Beatles-Although INTJ and ESFP are conflicting types, they still share the same functions in different orders (ie: INTJ and ESFP has (Ti, Ne), (Si, Fe), Se, Fi) ect.
Somehow these two talented musicans accessed each other's subconscious in a beautiful way. However, as we know, it didn't last very long.
Yoko Ono-my guess, INTJ. An identical relationship

Lastly, benefit relationships are unhealthy. I've been in them and it's no fun to receive little to no acknowledgement of your talents. Just stay away from them. In my opinion, it is better to not have a relationship than to have an unhealthy and one-sided one.
I don't agree with any of these types really. I thought it was known that the beatles were all alpha quadra?