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  1. #1


    Okay, thank you for helping. Not to be self-absorbed but... I am more confused at this point though. SLI or LII or Ne somewhere in my Ego....
    Based off of what Maritsa33 is saying, if I were LII I would be using sources to back up any claim. You are correct in that I don't, I never do. I find it tedious. I look for contradictions but never care to correct them unless there is a purpose. That sounds less LII. College courses drive me insane for this very reason. But Brilliand was correct about my intentions. I am admittedly far less knowledgeable in socionics than many if not all of you. I would like to use this forum to fill the gaps in my knowledge. If I had the answer, I would not bother asking. I do seek clarity through elimination however. I also do what Brilliand said of taking pieces of multiple philosophies and try to effectively unite them. That is what I meant. I do not believe socionics is entirely correct, but a piece of the puzzle. I consider astrology speculative at best, but an effective model of seperate archetypes that surface through out humanity. So I do relate to Brilliand if I understood correctly. I did however read on wikisocion that SLI does this situational rather than one cohesive understanding of life. I relate to this more in that I focus more on specific situations. So what I just said does little to clarify anything for myself but perhaps someone else can see a pattern I cannot.

    I can buy that my friend is ESE. That would make her my supervisor if I were SLI (I am not sure how that relationship works in comparison with the one I have with her) my dual if I were LII, or my Activator if I were ILE. I am also very disorganized and messy so possibly irrational. But I could never see myself as extroverted, I lack charisma, I have no social skills, and am uncomfortable talking unless with a friend. I do like attention from a close friend, but not a group of people. One thing that is not ESE about my friend is that she likes clutter. She will be embarrassed if her car is dirty, so not her own, but in the past she has specifically asked that I leave my house messy when she was coming over. She said it would make her more comfortable for some reason. I didn't understand it, she wouldn't explain, but I agreed to do so whenever she comes. Although she has been caught cleaning it herself, leaving me further confused, and doing all the house chores, and she tries to take over the kitchen in a passive way. She won't say anything, but she'll start to cook when I'm cooking, then I'll try to reclaim my kitchen but she'll pout and make whimpers until I let her help at least a little leaving me further perplexed, it seems terribly rude of me to let her help, yet terribly rude if I don't.

    Aiss, lack of foresight elaboration: She lives in the moment, does not consider that when she refuses to do something there will be consequences, and often asks me what I think will happen if she does or does not do something. She worries about the future, but not because she's certain something is going to happen but because she doesn't know what will or if anything will happen at all. She has claimed to hold my advice in high regard when it comes to dealing with uncertain situations, yet strangely, I have little foresight of my own. I can weigh some consequences at best.

    One thing that may help, I was very outgoing as a child and early teenage years. Poor experiences with people have made me learn to close off emotions and intentionally be cold, pursuing intellectual pursuits rather than many relations. I was very emotional and always tried to relate to people. I have since learned not to. I always joked, smiled, and tried to make people laugh. On the other hand, my best friend was as I am now, she also had poor experiences and changed in her early teens, even when I first met her. But she claims we would have been very similar children. This is why she relates me to a younger version of herself. I did not mention this before because it seemed unimportant since it was in the past. But I recently read that you learn your first function as a child. I believe the way I am now should be the real me, but based off of the theory that we learn our ego functions as children, I may be the... opposite of me? This confuses me further and may be pointless.

    All that I am saying seems to be getting nowhere though. So if any would share insight into a pattern emerging, I would appreciate their reasoning. Though I may be getting self absorbed at this point.

  2. #2
    Angel of Lightning Brilliand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reclaimpower View Post
    Based off of what Maritsa33 is saying, if I were LII I would be using sources to back up any claim.
    In my opinion, Maritsa is thoroughly wrong. Most members here would say that about most of the things that she says. If you ignore her, then we all pretty much agree on LII as your typing; Pinocchio only went so far as ego, but LIIs are ego.


    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
    - Blair Houghton


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    Creepy-Pied Piper


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