Let's say Pinocchio stabs electric sheep. Are we going to forgive him because he is Fi PolR or do we jail him anyway?

I have/had an INFp friend, who I drove away by forcing my role Fi on him. See, I don't fully understand how people are supposed to treat each other in friendships, so I built this system in my head which I'm quite sure was heavily influenced by my Fi. Every time this INFp friend violated my rules, I'd complain. Well, when he did it too often anyway.

Example: loyalty. "Dude, that guy is my ENEMY, and you hang out with him!" *gasp*

The above example is made up, but it serves the purpose.

So, he eventually got fed up. I clicked that Fi-style friendship was what upset him after Pirate mentioned how dealing with Fi for him is like dealing with perpetual debt.

Now... a bit of a dilemma. The guy knew what I expected from our friendship, but he did his own thing anyway. I feel disrespected. At the same time, I don't know if he should be held accountable, since he is an Fe valuer and not an Fi valuer.

He want us to be friends again. Should I forgive him?