It is sad that a thread about PoLR Se has turned into a fight like this. So so sad.
I am MBTI INFp and Socionics EII-Ne. I have three very close SEE friends. We have argued a lot. Their controllingness can drive me mad every moment. Somehow they find me extremely attractive (so it always starts one sided from their side). The way they want to convince me how what they feel about something can be the most valid thing on earth and the way they want to check to see whether I disagree with them can feel extra forceful to me. I somehow enjoy the friendship with them since I have a certain 'admire' towards them. But they look to me as if they all are slightly spoiled brats. Therefore I don't get the big fuss about this thread. People pointing fingers at each other saying you are ESFp because you said this and that!!! In my mind, a Fi-dom will never do such a thing. I have encounters with an SLE. I try my best to avoid him the most. Though my boss, an ILE, wants me to stop avoiding the SLE and collaborate and ask for help from him, I don't do that. I have most of my life been like this: when I feel low in authority, and I am asked by a higher authority to do a certain thing, I tend to say OK because at that moment I really can think of stuff that can lead to me doing that. But then I don't feel like I will do it anymore. I procrastinate, wait, wait, wait for the time to come and never ever forget the task I was asked to do. Still, I don't do it. That in my mind is PoLR. I am not entirely passive though. I talk about that task with the closest people to me and try to help them and myself understand why I don't want to do it and how can we replace that task with something else which drives me less crazy (less SEE or SLE involved in it). I saw no such explanation in this thread. I am still surprised by this thread to say the least. It sounds to me as if SEI is trying to prove people that she is right, and to her, it is clear that people lack Te (insisting that people should do some READING). They are an expertise-freak or bookworm. Thinking they know or have read more than everyone else. They seek Ti and Ne quite clearly. We have an SEI in our workgroup, she is like that.