Quote Originally Posted by Jimmers View Post
I'm Aristocratic in the sense that there are certain tasks that I do not think I should be doing because of my qualifications or because it is something that I am not interested in. I prefer to specialize in something I'm interested in. However, I'm mostly Democratic in the sense that I will talk to anyone and don't really see an "us" vs "them". I tend to get along with groups that are "below" my status in a way that Aristocratic members of my own group do not. To be honest, I posses both Aristocratic and Democratic traits.
Regarding tasks I should or should not be doing, if I don't think I know enough about it and will do a poor job as a result, I would prefer to delegate to someone else. But when I think of the word qualifications, I think of degrees and certificates and the like, which are highly overrated. Just because you have a degree or certificate does not necessarily mean you are better at it than someone who doesn't. Some people self-educate themselves and have a high level of demonstrated ability but society doesn't seem to recognize this enough. It's all about whether or not you have that piece of 'paper.'

I much prefer to specialize in things I'm interested in and do tasks I'm interested in. I think most people are probably like this. But I can also do tasks that don't interest me but need to get done.

I also much prefer that there isn't an "us" vs. "them" divide. That everyone is all on the same side. I wish there weren't any social statuses at all. Everyone is on the same level. I don't really care about social status anyway when interacting with someone. It's who you are as a person that counts.