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    Default Dual-type theory IM and EM: questions and answers

    If you have questions about dual-type theory, you can ask them here.

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    How do you verify and cross-check your findings, what makes you ever certain they are correct?

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    how compatible are two people if ones IM is dual to the others EM?

  4. #4


    what is IM and EM.

  5. #5
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    Why don't you use an unambiguous name?
    "Dual type" has a completely different meaning in classical socionics: your dual (ESFj) is your "dual type"
    DeLong uses the term "dual type" uses the term "dual type"
    Last edited by JohnDo; 03-20-2010 at 09:05 PM.

  6. #6
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Why don't you use an unambiguous name?
    "Dual type" has a completely different meaning in classical socionics: your dual (ESFj) is your "dual type"
    DeLong uses the term "dual type"
    Ganin uses the term "dual type"
    Good comment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDo View Post
    Why don't you use an unambiguous name?
    "Dual type" has a completely different meaning in classical socionics: your dual (ESFj) is your "dual type"
    DeLong uses the term "dual type" uses the term "dual type"
    Got a better one?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaknet View Post
    what is IM and EM.
    IM is information metabolism. (see Rick's site, Socionics in the West)

    EM is energy metabolism. I use "energy metabolism" as an umbrella term for the brain's data processing system. Energy is the change of data from one form to another. It's metabolic in that awareness of it is received from the outside... it might be thought of as the "stimulus awareness and response" component of information metabolism. The tendency is to think of the stimulus and information processing components as one cohesive unit, but this is not so. It is not necessarily the case that information stimulus, once received, goes directly to its processing function. On the contrary, information stimulus can be observed in the context of ANY function at ANY time. (not implying that the rules of information progression can themselves be circumvented -- they can't). The general word for information stimulus is data, jumbled and indiscriminate. Our ability to make sense of the data we come in contact with rests in large part on our willingness to give it the necessary attention, amid certain evolved factors which have, over the ages, come to accompany specific attentive dispositions. For example, being able to handle a delicate instrument necessitates having a certain measure of control over not only the instrument but also the motion and poise of your body. You must have dexterity and finesse. You might think that socionics sensing types would be good for this and you would be correct... but in only half the cases. We have enough people on this forum who have both strong intuition and strong dexterity to put the "dexterity = sensing" argument quite to rest. Once upon a time, I thought this an indicator of "crosstypes". However, using Augusta's information element theory (and Rick's notes) I was able to deduce that these "crosstyped" individuals did indeed use functions of information metabolism just like anyone whose skill set matched the "model". The difference is that the function processing the skill and the function processing the information are not the same. Putting skills in the context of information metabolism, it is plain that skills come at the expense of each other. The strength/weakness pattern for skill functions matches Model A's. Finally by the rule of eight elements we know that the skills must be classifiable in terms of the eight, or else they could never have been imagined in the first place. That we can think conceptually about our skills shows that the skill functions process the eight elements. The purpose of skills is to manipulate objects by applying energy, therefore we call the skill functions "functions of energy metabolism" and their set in the individual the "energy metabolism type". (EM for short)

    I recently came to understand that our EM type is the cast for our self-image: we use our IM functions in such a way as to befit our reflective self (the self others think of us as) and meet others' expectations, while using our EM functions to fulfill our self-concept. We are bound to our IM types by criticism; we are bound to our EM types by desire to be "us".

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    Dual-type theory is the study of how the IM and EM types interact.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratXII View Post
    how compatible are two people if ones IM is dual to the others EM?
    You haven't offered enough information to determine one way or the other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    You haven't offered enough information to determine one way or the other.
    What is the difference between:
    INFp-INFj interacting with ESTp-ESTj
    INFp-INFj interacting with ESTj-ESTp

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    If you have questions about dual-type theory, you can ask them here.
    I actually have a statement. It's not all that unusual for a type to try to act like something else when interacting with another type or quadra.

    This is called being a person, and you should give up on this Ni fascination.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I actually have a statement. It's not all that unusual for a type to try to act like something else when interacting with another type or quadra.

    This is called being a person, and you should give up on this Ni fascination.
    And what about when they aren't interacting with somebody else? And, for that matter, what about when they are CHOOSING who to interact with, particularly when they don't know socionics?

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    Default Model Of Information-Energy Metabolism

    This model includes a number of elements from multiple socionics theories
    • DCHN subtypes
    • Model A (Model B optional)
    • +/-
    • Political type theory/theory of belief ontology (optional)

    The type of the information metabolizing system (IM) is the arrangement of the individual's priorities for personal development. The type of the energy metabolizing system (EM) is the arrangement of the individual's priorities for social participation, which frames their interests.

    The IM and EM systems work together to make sense of the world. Their function is the identification of relationships between information aspects of different elements. For example, beta Se EM paired with gamma Te IM correlates harmony/disharmony with changes in magnitude. An LIE-SLE, as such, would very likely be alert to opportunities in the arms business -- at the very least, they would observe that conflict tends to create more conflict (negative beta Se expansion), which would lead them to observe that the weapons business is and will remain lucrative. (Eisenhower is famous for criticizing the LIE-SLE mentality in this regard, which he dubbed the "military-industrial complex"). The IM-EM relationship establishes that changes and states of aspects of one element are always matched by corresponding changes or states of aspects of another element (or the same) -- it is the system of correlation. The breadth of our correlative awareness is, accordingly, the sum of our knowledge.

    The concept which joins the IM and EM systems is that of the object. When Ti(N) IM creates an identity for a Ti(S) observation of independent movement, a special function of the brain grabs onto this and removes it from the flow of information metabolism. Rather, information metabolism becomes the subject of the Ti-processed item.

    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    |  Fi  |  Ne  |  Ti  |  Se  |  Fi  |  Ne  |  Ti  |  Se  |  Fi  |
    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    |  Ti  |  Se  |  Fi  |  Ne  |  Ti  |  Se  |  Fi  |  Ne  |  Ti  |
    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

    The IM and EM systems each perform specific functions of relation between oneself and the world.
    • The EM system is the vise by which the world is apprehended. The world, as such, is observed to be primarily concerned with the ego and superid blocks, and less concerned with the superego and id blocks.
    • To be an actor in the world, one must influence it as desired. Experience using each of the EM functions naturally leads to their prioritization by one's own accord, and use of non-valued functions is minimized. This in turn reinforces the impression that the world has primary and secondary characterizations, because while one's influence on the domain of the ego and superid function is plainly evident, the lack of attention to the domains of the unvalued functions exacts a price in that one is influencing them in unknown and possibly negative ways. This has the effect of creating a "shadow" over one's own life, that can only be compensated for through learning to value these function more.
    • Development of knowledge through the IM system is seen as necessitated for effective navigation by means of the EM functions. This because the individual intends to use the IM system as a means of increasing their awareness of objects, which in turn will help them observe correlations between aspects. The IM and EM systems feed into each other by a feedback loop. We can say this with certainty because it is impossible to consider information outside of the context of a correlative relation between elements. (when we consider the "pure" form of the information elements, we are in fact considering them in the context of the EM and IM functions of the same element feeding into each other). This fact cannot be emphasized enough, thus I denote the theory of the system's interrelation as the "dual-type" theory.

    The systems are related under a "master-slave" principle: the state of the IM functions is what it is because the EM state is what it is. The exact form of the relation depends on the "subtype modality" being used to process the function block.

                          INFORMATION METABOLISM
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    <-- Fi <-- Ne <-- Ti <-- Se <-- Fi <-- Ne <-- Ti <-- Se <-- Fi  |
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
         ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
         |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    <-- Ti <-- Se <-- Fi <-- Ne <-- Ti <-- Se <-- Fi <-- Ne <-- Ti  |-*
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
                            ENERGY METABOLISM
    The above example demonstrates accepting modality information processing. First, Ti aspect states are observed as corresponding with Fi aspect states in a definite manner. The consequence of the correspondence is observed as a definite Fe state which is controlled by Ne. If the Fe state is positive, then it may be reasonable to leave the Ne alone. But if it is negative, it makes sense to control the Ne in such a way as to befit the state of the Fe. It follows then, that although Ne controls Fe its state will not be allowed to rest unless the corresponding Fe state is favorable.


    Although the four blocks of EM Model A are similar in principle to those of the IM system, they are experienced differently. Strong functions have high efficacy, weak functions comparatively low efficacy. Valued functions receive a lot of attention and use, while unvalued functions receive attention only when absolutely necessary.

    IDENTITY BLOCK (IM Equivalent "Ego Block")

    One identifies strongly with the functions of this block. One looks for a positive stereotype to emulate when using these functions, and identification with the same is seen as something of a compliment. One wants to be thought of and remembered as a person who lived the positive aspects of these functions to the utmost -- the improvement of their state is seen as the central theme of individual existence and no effort will be spared to make the most of them for as long as the individual lives.

    INCAPACITY BLOCK (IM Equivalent "Superego block")

    Although one would like to use these functions to accomplish something meaningful, it is simply the case that one has very limited ability to use them. Learning to disavow responsibility for the functions of this block -- and to accept the consequences of our non-participation -- is an important aspect of the human experience. More than any of the others, experience with these functions teaches us humility, that there are many things in life that are simply beyond our control or our ability to change.

    CONTROL BLOCK (IM Equivalent "Super Id Block")

    The state of these functions is observed as the backdrop against which the identity functions operate. It is understood that the state of these functions has direct bearing on one's ability to exercise the identity functions effectively, and as such it is important that they be controlled. There is an effort to keep the domains of these functions stable, predictable, and safe. However this requires a commitment by oneself to their control. As soon as one "lets go" of these functions, the problems that one had "held down" by controlling them re-emerge. For this purpose it is invaluable to have the aid of a person who is competent with these functions, so that one can leave them in capable hands and return attention to the identity functions.

    One may be tempted to identify with these functions, particularly with stereotypical images of dual and activity partners. However, actually living out the stereotype is seen as distasteful and inoptimal; if anything, the dominant aspiration is to reduce negative use of these functions by improving the identity block situation.

    MYSTERY BLOCK (IM Equivalent "Id Block")

    Although it is understood that these functions are an important part of life, one has a certain anxiety about them. Indeed, one is so afraid of discussing one's experience with these functions that they become "the elephant in the room" -- discussing a person's mystery block is always a one-way affair. The individual understands the importance of these functions and will search high and low for clues as to their situation, but will not share any of their own information about them. Instead, they find themselves almost pleading -- sometimes even -- for information about them from their [EM] quasi-identicals and contraries. Through this information, they hope, they can derive these functions' situations without actually having to inquire about them directly, thereby avoiding any negative consequences.

    What makes the mystery block functions so dreadful, is that they seem susceptible to myriad stigmas and prejudices. The hope is that by deducing the response to discussion of these functions before the discussion actually takes place, any possibility of being prejudged for one's use of them may be avoided.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 07-08-2010 at 12:40 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    Is all of this clear and understandable?
    I don't think so. That's why nobody answers I guess...

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    This model includes a number of elements from multiple socionics theories
    • DCHN subtypes
    • Model A (Model B optional)
    • +/-
    • Political type theory/theory of belief ontology (optional)
    There are several problems concerning your theory:
    • You don't really seem to understand the system of DCHN subtypes. It doesn't make much sense to construct new theories using it without understanding it properly.
    • Nobody here is familiar with Model B because no English articles about it are available anywhere. Why don't you put a description of it on Wikisocion?
    • +/- signs are used very rarely on this forum. Most forum members probably don't even know them.
    • "Political type theory" is another theory of yours that hardly anyone seems to support or even understand.
    • Even with a very good English-German dictionary I just don't get what you mean in many cases. You should get used to simple English if you want anyone to understand you...

    So how could anyone on this forum be able to understand your newest invention?

    What makes the mystery block functions so dreadful, is that they seem susceptible to myriad stigmas and prejudices. The hope is that by deducing the response to discussion of these functions before the discussion actually takes place, any possibility of being prejudged for one's use of them may be avoided.
    Let's have a look at this last passage of your writing to understand why I (and probably others) have difficulties understanding it...

    First problem is that I don't know some of the words you use. That's typical of LIIs I think, they like to use technical terms and avoid common speech. Doesn't really make it easier for people who don't speak English as first language. "dreadful", "susceptible", "myriad"?! Dictionary... So dreadful means something like horrible, susceptible something like vulnerable and myriad something like many. Well then, I always like to learn new words... But I don't really get the meaning of the second sentence, even though I know the words you use. I think I'll give it up...
    Last edited by JohnDo; 07-08-2010 at 10:04 AM.

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    Then you are ill suited to apply the system, I guess.

    Gulenko's articles are far more technical than this one. If you can't understand it, then you probably don't really understand Gulenko's articles, either. You are particularly blind to the man's limitations.

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    Yes, I have to work with a dictionary a lot when I read Gulenko's articles. That's just because I'm not a native speaker...

    But the problem is that even native speakers and even LII native speakers don't seem to understand what you mean...

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    Let's see if we can clear things up a bit...

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    The type of the information metabolizing system (IM) is the arrangement of the individual's priorities for personal development. The type of the energy metabolizing system (EM) is the arrangement of the individual's priorities for social participation, which frames their interests.
    IM determines development, EM determines interests? I thought about this concept during the last weaks. Might be interesting to discuss about it...

    I'm sure that I'm an LII-IEI and I have tried to study mathematics for several years. I was never really happy with my decision, even though LIIs should be great mathematicians (I didn't know socionics or MBTI when I started). Is it because of my IEI energy type that I became much more interested in psychology, socionics and so on? On the other hand, one of my professors seems to be LII-IEI, too. Have I mistyped him or can an LII-IEI be a great mathematician whereas I am just to lazy/stupid/psychotic?

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    An LIE-SLE, as such, would very likely be alert to opportunities in the arms business -- at the very least, they would observe that conflict tends to create more conflict (negative beta Se expansion), which would lead them to observe that the weapons business is and will remain lucrative. (Eisenhower is famous for criticizing the LIE-SLE mentality in this regard, which he dubbed the "military-industrial complex").
    I think Donald Rumsfeld might be a good example of an LIE-SLE. He has qualities both of an enterpriser and a conquerer. According to the VI-pattern I discovered, a face that looks like a piriform oval indicates a strengthened mobilizing function. If he is LIE he should be an Se-LIE (using 8 subtypes) and an LIE-SLE or LIE-SEE (using dual-types).

    Tcaudillg, it would be much easier to develop dual-type theory if you were familiar with the systems of 4 and 8 subtypes.

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    The concept which joins the IM and EM systems is that of the object. When Ti(N) IM creates an identity for a Ti(S) observation of independent movement, a special function of the brain grabs onto this and removes it from the flow of information metabolism. Rather, information metabolism becomes the subject of the Ti-processed item.
    I don't understand anything.
    1.) What is "object" supposed to mean in this context? An extraverted element (object=extraverted, field=introverted)?!
    2.) What does Ti(N) and Ti(S) mean?!

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    I don't really get it either. Can you provide an easy to understand guide or summarize some of the basic points so that I can get through it more easily?
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDo View Post

    I think Donald Rumsfeld might be a good example of an LIE-SLE. He has qualities both of an enterpriser and a conquerer. According to the VI-pattern I discovered, a face that looks like a piriform oval indicates a strengthened mobilizing function. If he is LIE he should be an Se-LIE (using 8 subtypes) and an LIE-SLE or LIE-SEE (using dual-types).

    Tcaudillg, it would be much easier to develop dual-type theory if you were familiar with the systems of 4 and 8 subtypes.
    Man, if I've learned anything from these five years of studying socionics, its that when someone proposes that this or that function is "strengthened" in a given context, it's because they have indeed noticed something, but have not the foggiest clue why its there or what it means.

    1.) What is "object" supposed to mean in this context? An extraverted element (object=extraverted, field=introverted)?!
    2.) What does Ti(N) and Ti(S) mean?!
    An object in this context means a focus of attention. Like a ball, for example....

    Ti with auxiliary N and S, respectively.

    As for Model B, all you need to know is that it has 16 functions and that half of them are under the auspice of the Freudian subconscious. Oh, and their dimensionalities are 5 - n. (meaning LII Fe is 5 - 1 = 4D on the normal track).

    Oh, and that "object passing between the functions" thing comes from an idea by Boukalov called the "function of consciousness", the medium of communication between functions of the same system. According to Boukalov, this continuous transference of attention is what we call "consciousness".
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 07-09-2010 at 12:16 PM.

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    In dual-type theory, if you were to consider both of your IM/EM types, would the IM type always have greater influence over your life than the EM? If so, there is reason to believe the EM type can align with a 16 subtype system. Is this not the case?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
    In dual-type theory, if you were to consider both of your IM/EM types, would the IM type always have greater influence over your life than the EM? If so, there is reason to believe the EM type can align with a 16 subtype system. Is this not the case?
    The EM type is much more obvious than the IM type. A person's talents and interests are pretty plainly observable, don't you think?

    You should just drop the 16 subtype system thing completely. Even Gulenko says they are different.

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    Is all of this clear and understandable?

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    Default Methods for finding your dual-type

    • Type your hobbies. The integral type of your leading hobby and interest is that of your EM type.
    • Pay attention to which types you hang around most. Not out of applied socionics, but naturally.
    • Observe the information element you feel most compelled to modify. This is your creative function. Identify the element which is the means of this modification -- this is your creative EM function.
    • Type yourself according to the EM dichotomies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    • Type yourself according to the EM dichotomies.
    Is there a comprehensive list of these?

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Type your hobbies. The integral type of your leading hobby and interest is that of your EM type.
    Not necessarily. The problem is that hobbies and interests change very often, especially if you are young. Two years ago my leading hobby was playing chess so my energy type would have been INTp? Four years ago my leading hobby was watching porno films so my energy type would have been ESTp? Six years ago my leading hobby was playing video games so my energy type would have been INTj?
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Pay attention to which types you hang around most. Not out of applied socionics, but naturally.
    I disagree. While energy type certainly has some influence, intertype relations are determined primarily by IM type.
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Observe the information element you feel most compelled to modify. This is your creative function. Identify the element which is the means of this modification -- this is your creative EM function.
    I don't feel compelled to modify any information element. Why should I modify by using ? And how should I do that?
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Type yourself according to the EM dichotomies.
    I don't see the different between EM an IM in your descriptions.

    Maybe a better way of determining your energy type if you already know many of your IM identicals:
    • Try to determine if you are more introverted or more extraverted than your identicals.
    • Try to determine if you are more intuitive or more sensing than your identicals.
    • Try to determine if you are more logical or more ethical than your identicals.
    • Try to determine if you are more rational or more irrational than your identicals.
    Last edited by JohnDo; 07-17-2010 at 12:28 PM.

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    Che, I would appreciate it if you did not post in my threads. This is a request.

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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Che, I would appreciate it if you did not post in my threads. This is a request.
    It is not really "your" thread because you are not the owner of this forum.

    I think it is interesting that I am almost the only one here who seriously tries to discuss with you about dual-type theory.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    • Type your hobbies. The integral type of your leading hobby and interest is that of your EM type.
    • Pay attention to which types you hang around most. Not out of applied socionics, but naturally.
    • Observe the information element you feel most compelled to modify. This is your creative function. Identify the element which is the means of this modification -- this is your creative EM function.
    • Type yourself according to the EM dichotomies.
    My main hobby right now is personality theories like socionics and the ennegram. Seeing the behavorial and thought patterns in myself and others. That sort of stuff fascinates me. I also enjoy surfing the web and finding cool websites to share with other people, reading both fiction and nonfiction, listening to music, and just daydreaming.

    I tend to hang out most with alphas and deltas. I tend to feel more comfortable with them than with valuing quadras. I really can't narrow it down further to specific types.

    I'm guessing the element I feel most compelled to modify would be but I could be wrong here. I especially feel compelled to modify it when people are overly emotional and unreasonable about things.

    EM Dichotomies (I've capitalized the ones I most strongly identify with)
    Deep (Fe valuing)
    ROUTINE (Ni valuing)
    Deliberate (Ni valuing)
    Motivated (Fi valuing, I know this contradicts with deep)
    RESTRAINED (Fe accepting)
    FORMULAIC (Te accepting)
    Argumentative/Tolerant (Not sure. I like avoiding arguments and I don't take for granted that people will automatically agree with what I say. I can sense well when arguments are likely to happen. However, I have almost zero tolerance for one's negative emotional outbursts and am inclined to take it personally, as if somehow it was my fault rather than attributing it to someone just having a bad day)

    Harmonius (Se accepting)
    Nonfictionalist (Ne accepting)

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDo View Post

    Maybe a better way of determining your energy type if you already know many of your IM identicals:
    • Try to determine if you are more introverted or more extraverted than you identicals.
    • Try to determine if you are more intuitive or more sensing than you identicals.
    • Try to determine if you are more logical or more ethical than you identicals.
    • Try to determine if you are more rational or more irrational than you identicals.
    I guess compared to other IM identicals, I'd be somewhat more introverted and intuitive and significantly more ethical and irrational.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDo View Post
    Two years ago my leading hobby was playing chess so my energy type would have been INTp? Four years ago my leading hobby was watching porno films so my energy type would have been ESTp? Six years ago my leading hobby was playing video games so my energy type would have been INTj?
    Lol story of my life. I thought chess would be more LII though.

    The only EM dichotomy that I'm sure of from the list is Routine. Later today I'll investigate the others and post about which ones fit me the most.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Type your hobbies. The integral type of your leading hobby and interest is that of your EM type.
    I like simulation games and knitting. What type are those?

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Pay attention to which types you hang around most. Not out of applied socionics, but naturally.
    Irrational gammas, deltas, and alphas besides ILEs.

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Observe the information element you feel most compelled to modify. This is your creative function. Identify the element which is the means of this modification -- this is your creative EM function.
    What do you mean by modify?

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Type yourself according to the EM dichotomies.
    Where are these?

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    . Identify the element which is the means of this modification -- this is your creative EM function.
    Which ones would this be for me?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  34. #34
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    Bah I can't help to read this thing as "tcaudilllg is an IEI wannabe"...

    Or to generalize, "I'm type XXXX but also a ZZZZ wannabe".

    It's all mixed up with the "persona" concept, esp. the comparison you did with the doctor profession...

    "Every calling or profession has its own characteristic persona. It is easy to study these things nowadays, when the photographs of public personalities so frequently appear in the press [early VI intuitions?]. A certain kind of behaviour is forced on them by the world, and professional people endeavour to come up to these expectations. Only, the danger is that they become identical with their personas-the professor with his text-book, the tenor with his voice. Then the damage is done."

    I don't see the point in typing the persona, or what you like to call "EM", it's already hard enough to reach the person's core and see his/her real IM type...
    "Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.
    At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions."

    C. G. Jung

    Know your body, know your mind, know your limits.

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    Gulenko was wrong to appropriate the term "persona" to the EM type. The persona is a much more generic term than he describes. It generally refers to behavior that one really is not, but which one tries to be. Persona means "mask". EM type is not a mask... it's who you really are and a vital part of your purpose as an individual.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Gulenko was wrong to appropriate the term "persona" to the EM type. The persona is a much more generic term than he describes. It generally refers to behavior that one really is not, but which one tries to be. Persona means "mask". EM type is not a mask... it's who you really are and a vital part of your purpose as an individual.
    1) the link I pasted is quotes from Jung various CW volumes about the "persona" concept, I'm not even talking about Gulenko

    2) elsewhere you told people Gulenko agreed on your theory (I'm glad you had the chance to talk to him in person btw), then here you say he was wrong and associated your EM to "persona"? So in fact you don't agree, no?

    3) how you wanting to be like an IEI is different that you wearing a mask in society to pretend you are "cooler" than the average LII "geek"?

    4) how hard you try, you won't be an IEI like me I'm afraid...but if that could crack you a smile, say I wish I was a smart LII like you, does that make me IEI-LII?

    PS: this weekend I switched my Ni off completely and decided to live in the "here and now" as many IEI are "SP wannabe" my head I was a bold SLE!!! But ask the girls I dated, I'm sure they'll say I was just a rather confident IEI that night...but that's all lol
    "Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.
    At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions."

    C. G. Jung

    Know your body, know your mind, know your limits.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    • Type your hobbies. The integral type of your leading hobby and interest is that of your EM type.
    • My Children. Health. Reading/Writing. Socionics. Which of those should come first? idk. I agree, hobbies change far too much to really be reliable in assigning a "dual-type." Unless you believe that dual-types can change.

    • Pay attention to which types you hang around most. Not out of applied socionics, but naturally.
    I hang out with whoever's available. Really. Plus, this has also changed from when I was a kid. When I was a kid, most of my family were J-types, and I believe I hung out with mostly P-types at school; now, most of my nearby family (in-laws) are P-types, and most of my friends from church (where I get most of my socialization) appear to be J-types.

  38. Observe the information element you feel most compelled to modify. This is your creative function. Identify the element which is the means of this modification -- this is your creative EM function.
Modify? Do you mean develop? If so, then probably Si, coupled with Te. So according to that I'd be an ESTj or ISTp?
  • Type yourself according to the EM dichotomies.
  • [/QUOTE]

    I've done this before in your other thread, but I don't think it helps.

    Try to determine if you are more introverted or more extraverted than your identicals.
    Try to determine if you are more intuitive or more sensing than your identicals.
    Try to determine if you are more logical or more ethical than your identicals.
    Try to determine if you are more rational or more irrational than your identicals.
    And according to this I'd be an own Conflictor
    My life's work (haha):
    Input, PLEASEAnd thank you
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    Quote Originally Posted by ananke View Post
    can you give an example - take us through a case, step by step?
    • I'm interested in things IEIs create: fantasy, politics, intrigue, drama, "the quest". A sense of right and wrong... awareness of the internal experience of being human.
    • I enjoy hanging around IEIs (though its not always reciprocal, lol). I have a lot of IEI friends.
    • In my view, people need to broaden their understanding of each other. They need deeper understanding of what it would be like to be x-and-x person.
    • I'm physically inaccurate, a fictionalist, adventurous, deep, deliberate, reliant, excitable, arithmetic, argumentative, and aggressive.

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    Default INTJ

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    • I'm interested in things IEIs create: fantasy, politics, intrigue, drama, "the quest". A sense of right and wrong... awareness of the internal experience of being human.
    • I enjoy hanging around IEIs (though its not always reciprocal, lol). I have a lot of IEI friends.
    • In my view, people need to broaden their understanding of each other. They need deeper understanding of what it would be like to be x-and-x person.
    • I'm physically inaccurate, a fictionalist, adventurous, deep, deliberate, reliant, excitable, arithmetic, argumentative, and aggressive.
    From the website: "INTJ's live in a world of their own conception" no words could better express the truth!!

    and by the way, if anyone is interested, could someone write a socionics dictionary and please include synonyms, antonyms, etc. IM is an abbreviation for? EM stands for?

    here is what a definition may appear like: the definition of :Aggressive,n. a person that has too much testostrone. the origin of the word is traced to Russian socionists Rushen Alcohonokov introduced in 1983. synonym: macho man randy savage. antonym: wimps

    but seriously a socionics dictionary would be extremely helpful as you can see the end result when left up to my own devices. A dictionary of socionic terminology would be a very solid ground to base further theories upon. I mean most if not all serious studies have a well developed dictionary.

    and if this is not too much write a socionics for dummies or a socionics basics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chip View Post
    From the website: "INTJ's live in a world of their own conception" no words could better express the truth!!

    and by the way, if anyone is interested, could someone write a socionics dictionary and please include synonyms, antonyms, etc. IM is an abbreviation for? EM stands for?

    here is what a definition may appear like: the definition of :Aggressive,n. a person that has too much testostrone. the origin of the word is traced to Russian socionists Rushen Alcohonokov introduced in 1983. synonym: macho man randy savage. antonym: wimps

    but seriously a socionics dictionary would be extremely helpful as you can see the end result when left up to my own devices. A dictionary of socionic terminology would be a very solid ground to base further theories upon. I mean most if not all serious studies have a well developed dictionary.

    and if this is not too much write a socionics for dummies or a socionics basics.
    I believe greenantler is working on such a thing. Why not PM her about it?

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