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Thread: Dual-type theory IM and EM: questions and answers

  1. #121
    CILi's Avatar
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    First off, really, thanks a lot for taking the time to respond. That said...

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    I'm attracted to people based on their charisma. ...[Not IM], just temperament.
    Fair point. I was kinda presumptious/naive there.
    The best way I can be of maximum service by using my best EM, is to develop my best IM to support it.
    Well put and very easy to follow. That's just what I needed.
    By creating typologies I've eliminated most of that naivete. I can recognize one thing about them and instantaneously make broad assessments of their behavior.
    I think I can relate to that, and I'd guess a good number of 16T/Socionics/Personality-Psych fanatics are drawn to typology out of a similar anxiety. If we can assess and predict behavior both in advance and from a distance, it makes social interaction look and feel a whole lot easier.
    That's mostly IM...
    Guess I wasn't even close, but I'd rather know now than keep building on something wrong.

    One last thing: In a couple threads (and a couple forums), you've posted some one-liner or one-phrase descriptions of the motives/aims of different dual-types. I've seen loads of IEI EM, several Beta EMs, and a few other combos every now and then. Do you have a list or database (or are you working on one) of really basic descriptions for each IM-EM pair? 16 x 16 (if not more) is a ton of types, but I think it'd be a huge step in making your work accessible to the community.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    First off, really, thanks a lot for taking the time to respond. That said...

    Fair point. I was kinda presumptious/naive there.

    Well put and very easy to follow. That's just what I needed.

    I think I can relate to that, and I'd guess a good number of 16T/Socionics/Personality-Psych fanatics are drawn to typology out of a similar anxiety. If we can assess and predict behavior both in advance and from a distance, it makes social interaction look and feel a whole lot easier.

    Guess I wasn't even close, but I'd rather know now than keep building on something wrong.

    One last thing: In a couple threads (and a couple forums), you've posted some one-liner or one-phrase descriptions of the motives/aims of different dual-types. I've seen loads of IEI EM, several Beta EMs, and a few other combos every now and then. Do you have a list or database (or are you working on one) of really basic descriptions for each IM-EM pair? 16 x 16 (if not more) is a ton of types, but I think it'd be a huge step in making your work accessible to the community.
    I have a list of function combinations on my website. I've attempted dual-type lists but haven't stuck with them. Mostly I work on EM types only nowadays. I think many perspectives are needed to understand dual-types.

  3. #123
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    Another Q:

    When we're fully disinhibited, when we stop filtering our speech and behavior (be it by choice, by alcohol, or by some other influence), what type surfaces? Do we live out our IM, our EM, some combo of the two, or something completely unrelated to type?

    From another perspective, if we suddenly stopped caring what other people thought of us, what "type" would we show the world?

    I assume, in both cases, it'd be a very true, very "real" self; but, functionally speaking, ...what is that?

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    Never been that drunk, so I don't know.

  5. #125
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    Bah I can't help to read this thing as "tcaudilllg is an IEI wannabe"...

    Or to generalize, "I'm type XXXX but also a ZZZZ wannabe".

    It's all mixed up with the "persona" concept, esp. the comparison you did with the doctor profession...

    "Every calling or profession has its own characteristic persona. It is easy to study these things nowadays, when the photographs of public personalities so frequently appear in the press [early VI intuitions?]. A certain kind of behaviour is forced on them by the world, and professional people endeavour to come up to these expectations. Only, the danger is that they become identical with their personas-the professor with his text-book, the tenor with his voice. Then the damage is done."

    I don't see the point in typing the persona, or what you like to call "EM", it's already hard enough to reach the person's core and see his/her real IM type...
    "Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.
    At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions."

    C. G. Jung

    Know your body, know your mind, know your limits.

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    Gulenko was wrong to appropriate the term "persona" to the EM type. The persona is a much more generic term than he describes. It generally refers to behavior that one really is not, but which one tries to be. Persona means "mask". EM type is not a mask... it's who you really are and a vital part of your purpose as an individual.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    • Type your hobbies. The integral type of your leading hobby and interest is that of your EM type.
    • My Children. Health. Reading/Writing. Socionics. Which of those should come first? idk. I agree, hobbies change far too much to really be reliable in assigning a "dual-type." Unless you believe that dual-types can change.

    • Pay attention to which types you hang around most. Not out of applied socionics, but naturally.
    I hang out with whoever's available. Really. Plus, this has also changed from when I was a kid. When I was a kid, most of my family were J-types, and I believe I hung out with mostly P-types at school; now, most of my nearby family (in-laws) are P-types, and most of my friends from church (where I get most of my socialization) appear to be J-types.

  8. Observe the information element you feel most compelled to modify. This is your creative function. Identify the element which is the means of this modification -- this is your creative EM function.
Modify? Do you mean develop? If so, then probably Si, coupled with Te. So according to that I'd be an ESTj or ISTp?
  • Type yourself according to the EM dichotomies.
  • [/QUOTE]

    I've done this before in your other thread, but I don't think it helps.

    Try to determine if you are more introverted or more extraverted than your identicals.
    Try to determine if you are more intuitive or more sensing than your identicals.
    Try to determine if you are more logical or more ethical than your identicals.
    Try to determine if you are more rational or more irrational than your identicals.
    And according to this I'd be an own Conflictor
    My life's work (haha):
    Input, PLEASEAnd thank you
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  • #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Gulenko was wrong to appropriate the term "persona" to the EM type. The persona is a much more generic term than he describes. It generally refers to behavior that one really is not, but which one tries to be. Persona means "mask". EM type is not a mask... it's who you really are and a vital part of your purpose as an individual.
    1) the link I pasted is quotes from Jung various CW volumes about the "persona" concept, I'm not even talking about Gulenko

    2) elsewhere you told people Gulenko agreed on your theory (I'm glad you had the chance to talk to him in person btw), then here you say he was wrong and associated your EM to "persona"? So in fact you don't agree, no?

    3) how you wanting to be like an IEI is different that you wearing a mask in society to pretend you are "cooler" than the average LII "geek"?

    4) how hard you try, you won't be an IEI like me I'm afraid...but if that could crack you a smile, say I wish I was a smart LII like you, does that make me IEI-LII?

    PS: this weekend I switched my Ni off completely and decided to live in the "here and now" as many IEI are "SP wannabe" my head I was a bold SLE!!! But ask the girls I dated, I'm sure they'll say I was just a rather confident IEI that night...but that's all lol
    "Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.
    At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions."

    C. G. Jung

    Know your body, know your mind, know your limits.

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    Default EM type representatives

    An EM exemplar is distinguishable for their passion to explore all sides of their strong EM functions.

    ISTP - Leonardo Da Vinci
    reason: interest in medicine and art

    ENTJ - Alfred Keynes
    reason: strong grip on the intricacies of finance

    ISFP - Michael Jackson
    reason: strong use of style, emphasis on care for others.

    ESTP - William Wallace
    reason: expert command of military strategy. A fighter who refused to compromise.

    INFP - Jung
    reason: emphasis on the emotional well being of the patient.

    ENFJ - Obama
    reason: emphasis on performance oratory.

    ENTJ - Alfred Keynes
    reason: believe in the fluidity of wealth, the openness to see it in all of its forms. Perception of economic activity as an end in itself, whether for the gain or the loss.

    INTP - Linus Torvalds
    reason: the self-styled hacker revolutionary who saw programming as a means to ethical restoration.

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    Default Theory: T EM types are more monogamous than F EM types

    It seems like T EM types prefer to have very few and very specific, organized relationships for the simple reason that they don't like reading people. F EM types read emotions all around them, and feel an impulse to "give of themselves" to the surrounding world by treating others' emotional health.

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    Default EM Type 4th Function

    This is our social weakness. It differs from the IM type 4th in that where we are conscious of the IM type 4th's weakness -- it is a true point of least resistance, a point we feel helpless about and do not contest -- we are oblivious to our limitations with respect to the EM type 4th. We seek to reshape the world with this function, only to be criticized in the harshest possible ways.

    The 4th EM function appears most strongly when the individual has considerable power to shape it. An IEI EM, for example, might attempt to reshape monetary policy, only to have their authority to make the change challenged. GW Bush, an IEI EM, became infamous for promoting tax cuts for the wealthy even as he increased spending on social programs ("compassionate conservatism"), pushed the Medicare Subscription Drug Benefit, and poured billions into defense spending and the rebuilding of Iraq. In the following administration, Barack Obama, an EIE EM, pushed through "Obama Care" despite the disapproval of more than half of American voters (although it was completely paid for and a comparative triumph of Te). When power is at its peak, dominant subtypes especially are like to submit to the allure of the EM 4th and reinforce the old adage, "absolute power corrupts absolutely."

    Interestingly, Obama, an SLI, has managed to improve his political standing by reinforcing existing Si (his stand for unemployment benefits for workers last year), without actually opening new channels for Si itself (read: new government programs). In his response to Libya, we are seeing a delicate dance of keeping humanitarian aid open, and maintaining the status quo, while not opening new channels of aid to the rebels.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 04-29-2011 at 07:58 AM.

  • #132
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    what about political 4th function? is there one of those?

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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    what about political 4th function? is there one of those?
    I don't think the political types can be considered in terms of Model-A. They run beneath it, not parallel to it.

    Weakness at the Model-A level dictates intolerance for the shadow's political type on a per-function basis. Extremism begins at the superego block and threatens to overwhelm the ego block, but can be fought off there generally through sheer dedication to self-improvement and social responsibility. Depending on how much emotional investment is installed in the superego position, the superego may or may not be normalizable.

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    Default EM Duality

    From what I can tell, it involves getting a vital opinion on a subject that one has an important interest in, but doesn't fully understand. It's different from classical socionics duality in that where the IM dual confidently gives advice, an EM dual offers correction. An IM dual will surprise you by what they say... an EM dual will validate your assertions and hypotheses.

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    Default IM-EM interfunction feedback

    Any recalled concept is remembered as an IM-EM aspect pair. When using the IM and EM systems to draw new correlations between two information aspects, the IM aspect recalled into the EM system's "attentive processor" is recalled with its correlate intact. Thus when one recalls a sensation, one also recalls the events surrounding it. We can thus think of up to three IM aspects at once, although this requires deep thought and immersive concentration. (we cannot "consider" four aspects at once, one aspect state correlating to another that correlates to another that correlate to another -- the original state will be dismissed as "irrelevant" in our conscious processing so that we can fill it with the "relevant" correlating state).

    One might ask what the clarity by which the third aspect is observed actually is. The answer is that it is only as clear as it was when it was first encountered -- what is remembered is the learning and the details that were actually assimilated at the time of the experience. Thus there is no "third level" of differentiation and no "third" type.

    Nonetheless, the individual's ability to recognize information plays a role in their ability to perceive details at all -- never mind their interaction -- and as such the IM type plays an important personal role relative to the EM system.

    The EM type is seen as the essential role that the individual has a responsibility to perform as a social actor. The IM type is seen as a means to the definite improvement of one's performance in this role. In essence, one desires the optimization of their ability to implement the ideas of people whose IM matches one's EM and whose EM matches one's own IM. Ultimately, the IM base is the means to which the role function is upheld. In the case of INTJ-INFP, the role is gamma Fi (equity) and the responsibility is to prevent the upholding of values that will result in inequity, to halt the process of inequity's emergence, with an ultimate eye to preventing injustice. To do this, it is important to identify actors based on their attitudes and opinions, which requires that they be categorized. An Se type would not prevent injustice because they would prefer to withhold conclusions about a person's essential nature, thus they will not attempt, as LIIs would, to make sweeping judgments about a person's intent to be unjust and as such, cannot prevent the performance of injustice as LIIs do. (an Se type would prefer to engage the individual and block their bad behavior on a case by case basis).

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    Default Understanding EM Functions

    The functions of energy metabolism are one half of what Anton Kepinsky called "information metabolism". The functions of information metabolism, as defined by Augustinaviciute, process information taken in by the senses. In neuropsychological terms, they commit information to long term memory. Information is relayed from the senses to short term memory, where it is analyzed via working memory.

    The functions of energy metabolism appear to be dedicated short term memory processors for each of the sixteen information elements. Depending on your ability to assimilate information aspects of an element and follow their relationships, you may have more or less command of a developing situation than a person who has more ability in that regard. But what determines the ability? The main determinant appears to be the ability to focus on one aspect at a time and systematize its relationship to the rest. This involves being able to judge the importance of any single aspect. The better you can judge import relative to your own accepted standard of such judgment, the more self-confidence you have and the more control you feel over the domain of that element.

    Judging importance requires concentration. This is the clincher: how long can you concentrate on understanding all the different aspects of the "aspect"? How dedicated are you to managing the information at a level most would consider "professional"? How -hard- are you willing to work? EM functions vary in how long concentration at a professional level can be maintained with respect to an information domain: strong functions can devote a high level of concentration; weak functions are difficult to concentrate with at all. When you try to use an EM function for longer than the threshold period for its position, you get bored.

    In essence, each position has an associated energy level, a reservoir of "fuel" that it runs on. Each function has its own tank with a definite capacity, which is determined by its position in the function order. When a function runs out of fuel, a resistance to its use emerges which we feel subjectively as boredom.

  • #137
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    Thanks, tcaud.

  • #138
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    Let's add the human element to what you're saying.

    I have Fi as base EM/IM; does that mean I naturally concentrate on Fi information first? If this is true and that is what makes me Fi than why on earth would I want to "allow" or give more time to other elements? What good does it do to do so?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  • #139
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    I took the DCNH test and got this:

    Based off of those results, would it be correct for me to dual-type as an SEE-SLI?

    If it helps any - even when I was in elementary school, I took cooking books out from the library and baked cakes at home, played musical instruments, made comics - all sorts of things that come off to me as heavily related activities (the cooking seems rather related as well)...
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    In my experience, attraction to a person is at least somewhat dependent on their IM type's relation to your EM type. The more similar the two types are, the greater the attraction.

    I, for example, am most attracted to INFPs. I've known another LII-IEI, who dated several INFPs. Was her theory that INFP is her anima (something that greenantler also suggested some years ago).

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33
    I have Fi as base EM/IM; does that mean I naturally concentrate on Fi information first? If this is true and that is what makes me Fi than why on earth would I want to "allow" or give more time to other elements? What good does it do to do so?
    Fi-Fi types are very critical of others' motives. They are the morality police for the morality police. Being an F EM type means you are a people watcher -- not just a "people person" (that's an extrovert) but a person who tries to put themselves in the thick of the surrounding emotional environment. F EM types try to take in others' emotions in all their nuances -- they want to know how people "really" are. They try their best to get into others' heads and figure out what makes them tick.

    The purpose of using other functions is this: circumstances change. Different circumstances require different functions. For example, if you are going to try to perform a physical activity, you're going to have to use Se EM if the activity requires dexterity at all. Using Se EM, you can control your own strength. People with weak Se EM have very little control over their strength: when the situation calls for it, they end up putting too little "oomph" into their push or not enough. This is why they make pitiful artists in comparison to people with strong Se EM, for whom artwork remains a labor, but a fruitful and satisfying one. When tracking the motion of objects and coordinating yourself to them, you need Ti EM. Being a successful athlete requires strong ST EM.

    Also consider that when you use Fi, you must choose between using Ne or Se as its auxiliary. One will have the 2nd position, and the other will have the 4th position. Thus you'll be able to use one form of Fi for a long time, and another for a briefer period, perhaps in a supporting role. Either form is exhaustible however, because both have limited fuel. So you can get burned out on trying to be fair and equitable and instead shift gears to a more incentive-based approach, with the ultimate goal of creating a more functional society.

    There are both external and internal pressures. Besides fuel, there is an impulse to use a function when its tank becomes full. You want to make time for it as a special "treat", whether it is strong or weak. However whether you want to exercise other functions or not, sometimes the situation requires it -- LSEs in particular will demand that employees at least attempt to fulfill the requirements of a position if no one who is particularly talented at it is available for it, as per their unvalued Fe. They have a hard-core "something is better than nothing" philosophy, coupled with a motto of "don't like it? Suck it up." As my LSE father says, "the problem is not getting a job... the problem is managing to keep it once you get it." He prides himself on his determination to take any job to provide for his family. Of course if your EM function strengths are unsuitable, you will probably not only end up disliking your job, but also being replaced with somebody who has a more suitable type once they come to the attention of the LSE....

    IM type very greatly influences your attitude towards using your EM functions, because your type determines how you react to others' opinions of you and your product. The primary reason for focusing on only your strong EM functions is the need for respect and self-esteem. The less you appreciate Fe, the more likely you are to broadly use your EM functions to serve highly idiosyncratic purposes, although attitude modifiers other than the position of Fe are also relevant. The more egotistical a person is, the more they are likely to stretch themselves and be satisfied with work that is below par for a given field.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 06-05-2011 at 03:52 PM.

  • #141
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    Interesting. I am most attracted to my duals.

    Thank you.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Default IM-EM Interaction and the person

    Based on the behaviors I have seen, the IM type is seen as a means to the improvement of the EM type. Floating in between the relationship between the two systems is a fundamental drive that only their effective interaction can satisfy. For each dual-type this drive differs. What is certain is its nature is one of determination to overcome a serious personal weakness.

    It's when we consider the IM and EM types together that a personality begins to become apparent.

    For each dual-type the prime drive must be independently deduced. There is no "pattern", only a symmetry. The weaknesses inherent to the IM type shape the conditions which the EM type must struggle with, and therein lies the quest to overcome. These drives are not flattering... in fact, they are even outright invasive. You really have to appreciate a person's humanity in the full to notice them.

    Here are some patterns:
    • Introverts are by their nature prone to feelings of extreme loneliness. F EM types are unable to escape these feelings, while T types bury them behind a wall of purposeful abstraction. Likewise, extroverts with F EM types are more engaging than T types.
    • Ni EM types very deeply want acceptance into groups. They see their IM type as the means to obtaining this acceptance. For example, the LSE-IEI sees teamwork and humility as the key to being accepted. The LII-IEI sees conversion of views and allegiances as the means to acceptance. ILI EM types would like to get acceptance, but often find that the political analysis required is more than they can handle. As such, they are more likely to stick to enclaves as opposed to winning people over, as an IEI EM will. For ILI EM refuge with like minds is satisfaction enough, but for an IEI EM people who have automatic liking for them are never challenging enough politically to sustain their interest.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 06-19-2011 at 02:09 PM.

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    People can change their behavior.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Yes, but only for as long as their internal "scales" permit.

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    I like this, tcaud. I'm gonna think about it for awhile.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    No it's not. In model B all the functions follow an ordered pattern based on which functions are in the ego block. In the two-type system, the ordering of each type is independent of the other.

    A person notices an animal is going to attack them. Their reaction is to either fight or flee. The animal attacking you would call Se EM, your reaction is the IM.
    Now think of a person who is hunting. They attack a deer with a spear, the dear responds by fleeing into the woods with a spear in its side. Now in this case the IM was you attacking the deer (Se), and the EM was the deer running away from you.
    The animal is an object, and is thus beta Ti. However it can be held in mind without referencing beta Ti itself, via attention. Object recall is of course obtained by referencing the beta Ti region of the brain. I imagine names are kept in the Fe part in that they are "respective".

    The attack would be Se, but it would be EM because it's an immediate event. The deer's flight would be beta Ti (motion) but processed by EM because it's not an intellectual feat, but an environmental event.

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    Well you built up to and planned the attack. You stalk down the deer and then make the killing blow. That deliberation is part of hunting. But the attack itself is not experienced as much as it's executed by you. Experience implies a passive stance towards what's happening. The execution of the kill is done with the IM. You aren't passively observing yourself kill a deer. You are thrusting your spear into the deers side. Sure you are watching for how the deer reacts; if he runs or whatever; and you react to that. That's the constant interplay between the IM and EM that occurs. But the IM exists on a moment to moment basis as the subjective drives. Yeah it ties moments together, but again what do you think drove you to kill the deer? The act of killing it and the whole buildup to doing so aren't separate things.

    Subjective functions do stretch across time but they are still tied to the moment. And EM functions are momentary but they also have a whole objective context to qualify them which can be, in a sense, seen as extending beyond the moment into the vast ocean of information that makes up the external world.

    I deleted my post because I changed my mind on what I said. If the dual types are linked, then they have to be linked via their dual functions; else you have an incomplete link and thus thinking errors. Since both those are entirely possible the model of two distinct types still works, you just have to acknowledge the ideal of dualized dual functions.
    Last edited by rat1; 06-21-2011 at 11:50 AM.

  • #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Based on the behaviors I have seen, the IM type is seen as a means to the improvement of the EM type. Floating in between the relationship between the two systems is a fundamental drive that only their effective interaction can satisfy. For each dual-type this drive differs. What is certain is its nature is one of determination to overcome a serious personal weakness.

    It's when we consider the IM and EM types together that a personality begins to become apparent.

    For each dual-type the prime drive must be independently deduced. There is no "pattern", only a symmetry. The weaknesses inherent to the IM type shape the conditions which the EM type must struggle with, and therein lies the quest to overcome. These drives are not flattering... in fact, they are even outright invasive. You really have to appreciate a person's humanity in the full to notice them.

    Here are some patterns:
    • Introverts are by their nature prone to feelings of extreme loneliness. F EM types are unable to escape these feelings, while T types bury them behind a wall of purposeful abstraction. Likewise, extroverts with F EM types are more engaging than T types.
    • Ni EM types very deeply want acceptance into groups. They see their IM type as the means to obtaining this acceptance. For example, the LSE-IEI sees teamwork and humility as the key to being accepted. The LII-IEI sees conversion of views and allegiances as the means to acceptance. ILI EM types would like to get acceptance, but often find that the political analysis required is more than they can handle. As such, they are more likely to stick to enclaves as opposed to winning people over, as an IEI EM will. For ILI EM refuge with like minds is satisfaction enough, but for an IEI EM people who have automatic liking for them are never challenging enough politically to sustain their interest.
    So I'm thinking of an SLE I know, who also seems to exhibit some IEI traits. I mean, it's weird. He's SeTi but he's also NiFe and it's hard to explain. I believe he was married to his dual for 16 years.

    He wants to contribute to the world through his creativity: writing, art, singing, comedy. He has very strong opinions about politics, religion, policy, humanitarianism, etc. He can be contradictory and appear to have double standards and find himself back-tracking a bit when someone calls him on it. He SO wants to be liked, to be loved, but occasionally finds himself in these altercations with people because he can't stand it when people don't treat other people with kindness and ends up putting them in their place. He's over the top sometimes and he overstates everything pretty dramatically, in writing. But he's much more reasonable/rational/logical in person or on the phone when you can hear his tone of voice. He's into science. Open-minded. Engaging. Doesn't stop talking when he finds a listening ear.

    Anyway, I'm wondering if he's SLE-IEI dual type. Or maybe SLE-EIE.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  • #149
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    tcaud, I believe in this theory. But it's more complicated. And since socionics is as much about intertype relations as it is about anything else, the act of figuring out the relationship between two people at both the EM and the IM level, just gets complex and overwhelming (at least to me). I do think the dual-type theory describes the personality better, more accurately and completely than simple socionics. And maybe it does the useful job of pointing out the fact that humans ARE quite complex. It's just hard for me to think about people, consistently, as dual types, even though I believe that they are. And it's still hard for me to figure out the EM type.

    And, I have questions such as: what happens when someone is your EM dual but not your IM dual? How does that work? Which type takes precedence in the way the relationship goes? Or maybe it depends on what the relationship is about.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    IEI EM tends to be kinda blunt... think George W.. EIE EM is cool and sly... think Obama. (and prone to serious bullshit).

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    Default EM Type - Behavior correlation list

    Key: S = sensing, N = intution, T = thinking/logic, F = feeling/ethic, EM = energy metabolism, IM = information metabolism

    If you are strongly inclined to the visual arts, you have an S EM type.

    If you are strongly inclined to the engineering sciences, you have a T EM type.

    If you are strongly inclined to the social sciences, you have a F EM type.

    If you are not inclined to long periods of physical activity, you are an N EM type.

    If you are inclined to long periods of physical activity, you are either a S EM type or an S IM type (or both).

    If you take great interest in the internal world of people, you are an NF EM type.

    If you take great interest in maintaining relations between people you are an SF EM type.

    If you take great interest in the management and coercion of people and/or things, you are an ST EM type.

    If you take great interest in intangibles, you are an NT EM type.

    If you are strongly inclined to laboratory work, you are an alpha NT EM type.

    If you are strongly inclined to financial details, you are a gamma NT EM type.

    If you are strongly inclined to the regulation, control, and coercion of people and things, and/or the means by which such regulation is obtained, you are a beta ST EM type.

    If you are strongly inclined to the direction of individuals, the issuance of orders, you are a delta ST EM type.

    if you are fast at identifying details which point to an accurate categorizaton, you are an alpha NT EM type.

    if you are strongly interested in the observation and processing of claims, and in inequalities, and the remedy of such inequalities, the address of grievances, you are a gamma SF EM type.

    if you are strongly interested in the maintenance and cultivation of aesthetics, up to and including specific tastes, you are an alpha SF EM type.

    if you are strongly interested in the shaping and conduct of stimulation, you are an alpha SF EM type.

    [in progress]
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 09-13-2011 at 07:43 PM.

  • #152
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    I wouldn't be surprised if some people here used the same criteria, or close enough to make no difference, when determining IM type.

  • #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    I wouldn't be surprised if some people here used the same criteria, or close enough to make no difference, when determining IM type.

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    At last some behavioral details for what "EM" type really is.
    So, to simplify a bit, it seems that in the "dual type" system, IM type is about structure, and EM is about what you're interested in.
    According to the list above, I am probably an S,T,F,N,NF, and NT EM type.

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    "Strongly interested" may not be the right phrase. Also the personal prerogatives which underlie the specific function orders need consideration.

    I'm going to go a step further. Gulenko can play with generalizations all he wants... screw the positivism, I want to demonstrate the framework of a person, not a "glorious" politically transcendent commonality. Gulenko's type systems betray his worldview of politics playing too dominant a role in society, thus what is needed is a perspective that transcends politics and offers a values-transcendent personal identity. The Te EM fixation, beginning with Augusta and passed on to Gulenko, Bukalov, and others, is why the socionists did not discover political types and why they have continued to ignore them even after I have communicated with a number of socionists -- Gulenko included -- about their existence. I've mentioned Mitchell by name. It's like a great blinder spreading over the entire field. Businesses may not care much for political orientation, but they do care about ethics, and unfortunately the two are very tightly wound.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 09-13-2011 at 09:34 PM.

  • #156
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    Default IM = consciousness, EM = awareness

    If, as Boukalov asserts, the work of the IM functions is experienced as consciousness, then the work of the EM functions, which perceive only passing blips without any real reflection of their own, is that of awareness. Thus the IM functions are the functions of consciousness, and the EM functions are the processors of awareness.

    Another observation: "information" is data that has meaning. The EM functions perceive the data, and the IM functions accord it meaning. By that accord, we observe that "meaning" is a "significant relation" between two atoms of information. It is a real relationship between things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    Consciousness is a term that refers to a variety of aspects of the relationship between the mind and the world with which it interacts.[1] It has been defined as: subjectivity; awareness; the ability to experience feelings; wakefulness; having a sense of selfhood; or the executive control system of the mind.
    I don't see how they are fundamentally different. Not trying to be critical, I just don't get what you mean and I think sometimes you know more than you're able to explain logically. Would you perhaps be inclined to explain the difference with an example, a process of experience? It seems to be the only way for me to engage you on this, if you would like me to.

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