Ive known my gf for almost 2 years now and we've always gotten along really well - almost perfectly to say the least. Shes Se ISTj and im Ni ENFj. But lately things have been tense. First of all shes always insluting me and cussing at me for the least thing. She blames it on her PMS and says "sometimes im just a straight up bitch" but i havent seen her this way in two years almost that Ive known her. Sometimes shes blows me off and is really cynical Ill ask her how shes doing and shell be like "whatever just do what you have to do" and i ask why shes being that way shell say "w/e just have a good day" reallly cynically and blows me off when i want to help her. Or well be talking then all of a sudden shell be like " i dont wanna talk anymore leave me alone" and it really hurts me when she talks that way obviously. Then for that she apologizes. But thats not what bothers me most. What bothers me most is the way shes started talking shit to me for no reason. We'll be talking on the phone and she doesnt talk very loud so i ask her to repeat herself and shes like "clean the cum out of your ears"! Thats not something a gf says to a bf. And once she was like "you suck" for for no reason at all. I tell her that it hurts me, that yes im oversensitive being a a pisces and 4W5 but that doesn t help shell still be like "you take things tooo personally" or "i never said I was nice". And she never gives me compliments either(ever), while I give her so many.

And theres another thing that causes me to resent her. Since for now we're long distance she wants to have an open relationship until w're physicallly together where we can have sex with other people! All this because her hormones temporarily make her on fire! She admitted to having cheated on me once long ago and I said I let it slide because we love each other tooo much. But shes said if I didnt accept her idea of an open relationship and "set her free" that "there would be alot of lies between us"! Thats no way to talk to someone you cling to like she does to me.

All this bugs me because she basically treats me like crap. Not alll the time, and I realize theres worse, but i dont wanna put up with this I feel like she doesnt care if our relationship goes down the drain because of her carelessness and tactlessness. Let me remind you I love her very much and she loves me enormously too i know this.

Whats going on? Can someone give me advice? any ideas/suggestions?