* Is friendly, and polite to all. But, much less people see this cheeky, naughty side.
* Certaintly would never call anybody names such as ugly, or criticise anyone in anyway (at least intentionally)
* Is incredibly loyal. Yet, unfortunately, can never decide whether a relationship has run it's course, and as a consequence waits for the other person to terminate it or run it's natural course.
* Is incredibly understanding towards people. Understands themselves very well, and would rarely judge people and their behaviour.
* Likes to learn from other people's stories, and life events.
* Lives to understand people, the world. How it works, and how to get on.
* Socialises, but often this is largely because it should be done (they want to keep good relations with people), rather than because it would be fun!
* Makes friends with people fairly easily, but often feels distanced from many, as if they'll never know their true self.
* Reliable
* Reacts accordingly to understanding of how people are feeling.
* Longs to people with people their 'sort', to whom they can be themselves, all cheeky and fun, rather than suppressed.
* Tends not to give up on tasks, or people. But does occassionally.
* And overall, so fiercely loyal.