Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
Fi and Fe aren't about actually being good people. Just because those types might talk more or vocalize more or comment more about what is right and wrong or positive or whatever - making normative statements, doesn't mean they are particularly saintly themselves. It's kind of like saying - oh, you're a priest, right? That must mean you're a good person. Obviously that isn't the case; someones occupation or someone's type doesn't mean morality.

All people have to fight their weaknesses and overcome difficulties, and deal with different pressures in different ways. EIIs, yes, like everybody else, make bad decisions, wuss out, use people, cop out, and other such things. EIIs tend to be immoral via passivity or omission, using their reservedness or typically seeming ethical disposition. Although not always.

I think the 'sin' of EIIs is most often developing a sense of ambivalence and expectation that action is dependent upon other people for something to change or happen; or thinking that by the amount mental energy or emotion they put into things, that will, therefore, translate into reality somehow. I've seen this in E9s, but also the E6s and the E4s, in their own ways.
We never omit information. Always ethical.