Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
Have you encountered those? I've been noticing the gradual change in me when it comes to morality... Slowly, I don't see things as being "good" or "bad" anymore, and I've had people question my morality/stance on some issues. There's something about stress and pressure that makes you question some issues about morality. It's like I'm venturing into a place that is foreign to me, since I used to have a defined point of view morality when it came to situations, and was able to reach a conclusion rather quickly about what is the correct/wrong thing to do. I'm sure of being a good/nice guy though, but it's like I am slowly being able to separate more and more actions from "the person within," maybe this is an Fi development issue, idk. I've noticed recently how this might be different than someone who has Fi polr, who might automatically judge a person's character based on their actions, and not see the person within. At least this has been my experience with an ILE recently. The point is, I wonder if people find this kind of thing disappointing when they know an EII like that.
I think you're going through some positive changes (I would rather use "a-moral" instead of "immoral"). Think of Sartre, who said morality was a tool of the bourgeoisie to control the masses.

It's not unlikely that you'll end up with a new set of ethical standards, one that has been carefully thought over and therefore feels more authentic. But I want to warn you upfront: at first, this process might set you apart from the people you know, if they hold preconceived ideas about morality, and you won't be able to communicate your new understanding. It takes time to find new people who will.