yeah I knew an INFj who seemed very ethical/moral. VERY nice person. Loved that about her and we were good friends.

About a year later she admitted it was sort of an act, and she just knew people wouldn't like it if she was herself (she was saying this about dating -- since she'd get dumped when she showed her true colors). I also stopped being friends w/ her when I saw how she was.

She did things like stay friends with an ex-boyfriend because she could vacation at his parents' house and he'd buy her things, even though she told me he was disgusting and she had no respect for him. She only wanted to date rich guys and live the easy life, without really contributing anything in return. That sorta thing.

Not sure if this has been on topic. But Fi and being ethical/moral are not always tied together. It can be easy to be swept along a path of being immoral sometimes, but then you wake up and realize and get back on track.