Quote Originally Posted by chip View Post
A women who frequently dates assholes and then she questions her selection in men "why do I always attract assholes?". My opinion is she's subconsciously drawn to dating assholes because she has more success in terms of attracting them from the rest of the bunch. Admittedly 'asshole' is a emotionally loaded term but I do believe there is truth behind my opinion. Its as if you gave her a selection of fifty men to choose from and they were dressed and groomed all the same with differences in only their personality, she would subconsciously choose an insensitive, promiscuous, unfaithful man. That only begs the question why such men find her attractive? Perhaps she is immature, weak, shallow, dull, etc. Basically a certain type of man finds her attractive but not necessarily for the right reasons.

Quote Originally Posted by chip View Post
Men do the same thing. I've fallen for women who are popular and to be honest with myself - I'm unpopular. This is not so much a case of psychological issues as it is with self-esteem. There is a sense of opposites attracting but in the end the result is the relationship crumbles (that is with my dual). Why? The choice being made is keeping social status determines more than individual preference. The upside to being unpopular is that I'm usually right about things because I'm not influenced by popular opinion nor have an agenda to push.

Quote Originally Posted by chip View Post
One last example is a domineering woman who attracts weak willed, timid and emotionally vulnerable men. The woman will continually arouse such men because there is a certain degree of attraction in terms of sexual instict but as a matter of love and duality - no.

Quote Originally Posted by chip View Post
I can cite other examples but instead I'll give counter-examples of duality being ineffectual. Just because she's your dual does not mean she likes you! Just because she's your dual does not mean she will appreciate you for who you really are. Just because she's you dual does not mean she will change her behaviour like become a better person. Just because she's your dual does not mean its meant to be. Just because she's your dual does not mean she can help you become a better person. Just because she's your dual does not mean the relationship has a better chance of survival. Just because she's your dual does not mean she will find you more attractive than other men. Just because she's your dual does not mean that will alter her choice in dating men. Get the drift?! I know from experience. INTJ - intuitive subtype.