I have came to the conclusion after studying the results of people that the IJ configuration of MBTI does correlate with the socionics configuration of Ip and the IP correlation of MBTI correlates with the Ij correlation of socionics. I believe that it is an incorrect myth that J=j and P=p when comparing MBTI to the socionics structure. I have also came to the conclusion that Ganin has mistyped himself. He is actually an INTp. This makes perfect logical sense to me after studying the way he presents information and the type of information he presents. INTjs and ENTps are supposed to be somewhat radical. This what the emergence of -Ti/+Te and +Ne/-Ni appears like when presented to the population of the world. INTps and ENTjs follow the laws of the world. They try to appear as normal as possible. This is due to the +Ti/-Te and +Ni/-Ne functioning. Ganin fits in the latter category. His ideology with the J/P for MBTI and socionics is wrong. J does not equal j on average. P does not equal p on average. I think this is a mistake that Ganin has caused the majority of the people in the socionics field to make.