Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
Interesting. How do I tell if he is empathetic/cares about me, if he is not good w/ the Fe? (saying the right things, consoling, etc.) I know he "cares" but I can't tell how much.
You know this is honestly a tough question for me because this was partly what let me to start re-researching my type. Whenever I was around this girl for a time, she made me feel like just another person. I really had no idea that she cared for me and otherwise would have thought I was just someone else in her book.

Now that I know her better its a little different. I want to tell you to gauge them by their actions, not by how they say something. This girl for instance baked for me. I didn't take it as anything special, but it was her taking care of my Si needs. Basically, if they makes effort to take care of your comfort needs and offers you advice on how to productively better your life, without asking for it, theres generally a good chance that they care about you.

Another way is to start up an Fi conversation,.

Your going to have to be the one to initiate it. Say your piece and then hear him out. I find generally SLIs are receptive to this approach, they like talking about Fi related stuff. In this way, they express how they feel. You might even see some Fe there ;D

It will be in a generally subdued manner, its not going to be some wild explosive emotion, so in this sense you should appreciate and enjoy his sentiments. Looking for expressions of love for him through his polr though, isn't going to happen. Its like asking you to explain your love for him through the use of logic, and to make sure there are no inconsistencies.