I like statistics very much. My interest is not so much in collecting the data, but, to interpret what I see for patterns and trends. I often look at the forum stats.

For example, top posters as of late:

Maritsa33 508
Brilliand 94
thePirate 85
aixelsyd 81
discojoe 76
Diana 69
crazedratXII 68
Gilly 63

Top (2-3) posters over the last few months have averaged about 100-120 posts say weekly. I look at Maritsa's count of 508 and find this is a huge variance to the average trend. She is also the only poster with more than 100 posts. Based on the average posting habits over the last few months, I'll say the forum is experiencing an unbalanced state. 508 posts in such a short time makes me think Maritsa probably values much more than she realizes. This amount of posting seems out of character for INFj. Also, the high rating posters are at the bottom of the top posters list, or dropped completely off (pinocchio, as example) makes me think regular posters are losing interest in posting. I'll suggest Maritsa's 'overposting' has an influence.

Alright, well, this is half in jest. But, I do spend alot of time looking at stats to predict patterns and trends. I've had an account with stockcharts.com for 8 years now. It is my personal stats playground. I'll use the information to develop technical trading systems. Also, in deciding on a new camera purchase, I will spend hours pouring over the specs, comparing cameras (including analyzing technical specs on lens - percentage of distortion, etc).