I've tried to find interests in other things, but things just seem to be getting less and less interesting, so I'm moving on to new challenges. Superior academic success is one thing that is completely possible andwithin my control, but I've never done it, so I am really considering taking on the challenge. How do other (intjs) feel about that sort of thing, or academic success in general?

You may remember an early thread months ago, called "Setteling in to my personliaty type". Essentially, I've been an INTj all my life. I just never 'knew' it, as in, understood my ..... myself. Also, I was never pushed in school. At all. It wasn't neccesary for me to get anything above what I did with minimal effort. BUt now that I'm in college, and just after my first half-semester, I'm starting to seriously get into the notion of getting very seriously into my schoolwork. Mostly because it's the only thing that really seems to generate a high quality product. But I'm just not yet acclimated to putting in the neccesary effort.

Does that make any sense, either?