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Thread: Famous Rappers

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Who did he put pressure on? He gets laughed out the room by se rappers. The only "force" he has is delegating se tasks to the gang members he was around. Who thought he was a pussy and wanted to kill him .. fi in his ego block he would kno thats how they felt about him..

    Pushing buttons for reactions is fe not se.. what the fuck. How is annoying people by acting like a ****** for attention considered applying pressure?

    He values se but its not leading . He also values fr. Its not demo. A demo function is used in jest not seriously. Its also short lived. He built his whole career on fe marketing.. he made a video curled up like a rat in front to a tv eating cereal watching a show about snopp dogg snitching . How Is this putting pressure on snoop. Or anyone. No one gives a shit. They just laugh or brush it off
    In fact its clear use of strong fe and ne

    Esi.. lmao. IJ. You can't even tell if his energy flows in or out the easiest dichotomy to discern on a common sense level let alone socionics theory .. he looks like a stiff pogo stick jumping around in his videos. Consitent high energy. Always . Show me the EP demeanor

    Where's his Te ha? His pathetic attemps at Se fit Se ha perfectly

    He dramatically changed because he was a nobody before and then he got his Se Ha fulfilled in a major way so his head blew up..

    He constantly shows demo NE in his trolling videos

    Gammas are dry dude.. cardi b is see. They have a totally different vibe and demeanor. Energy communication style . Everything. She uses fe to serve her fi preaching and its always short lived. She naturally reverts back to dry communication. His is always lit up and animated.. even when you look up videos of his esi days as you would call it. He's clearly animated and expressing with fe. He was just a mopey guy..

    The game is an esi rapper
    So do you think Se doms are fucking gods or something that if an Se dom tells you something you automatically bow down and start cleaning their shoes? Force is directly just pushing something causing them to change. I also gotta say it's funny how we used fr the same way either way. What do you define as "force" because there is obviously a missing point here Force is just pushing something so I wonder what you mean by "how is he putting pressure by annoying people" cause that is the whole point you annoy people with so much pressure that they break. Also you mentioned "demonstrative function is jest and short lived" that's wrong demonstrative is something that's always there and showing but it's just unconscious and you're not aware of it. You also say Cardi B and him have a different demeanor like No shit that can also do with gender and different attributes? And you say "she reverts back to dry communication" Cardi B is one of the rappers that's always Animated and is never dry at communication. I'm confused how you say Gammas are Dry and Point to Cardi B who is like a rapper that is never Dry at any point and is always energetic and influencing people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister12 View Post
    So do you think Se doms are fucking gods or something that if an Se dom tells you something you automatically bow down and start cleaning their shoes? Force is directly just pushing something causing them to change. I also gotta say it's funny how we used fr the same way either way. What do you define as "force" because there is obviously a missing point here Force is just pushing something so I wonder what you mean by "how is he putting pressure by annoying people" cause that is the whole point you annoy people with so much pressure that they break. Also you mentioned "demonstrative function is jest and short lived" that's wrong demonstrative is something that's always there and showing but it's just unconscious and you're not aware of it. You also say Cardi B and him have a different demeanor like No shit that can also do with gender and different attributes? And you say "she reverts back to dry communication" Cardi B is one of the rappers that's always Animated and is never dry at communication. I'm confused how you say Gammas are Dry and Point to Cardi B who is like a rapper that is never Dry at any point and is always energetic and influencing people.
    I don't think that at all and that's a really baseless and illogical assumption to make based off of my points. It sounds like a passive aggressive jab at me, rather than anything pertaining to the subject at hand. With that, I'm making this post for the other forum members who want to actually learn Socionics or 6ix9ine's type since that first sentence showed where your head is at.

    So instead of expanding on any of your points on how he used se of fi you make weak claims about what i said..

    All your points sound mbti.. Silly generalizations based on inaccurate definitions. still 0 examples of his te ha and se fi from you

    No one has broke. No one feels pressure. He makes vidoes saying goofy things from. A far safe distance. Se is about physical space and pressuring the people in it.

    you claim he pressures people and breaks them, yet provide 0 examples of these people and the "pressuring" he used to break them.

    8. Demonstrative Function. A person uses this element mainly as a kind of game, or to ridicule those who he thinks take it too seriously. They often intentionally go against its conventional usage simply to prove a point in favor of their creative function.

    Ne as Demonstrative Function

    The individual is fairly good at generating all sorts of ideas, but doesn't himself take the ideas seriously and views the activity as a sort of entertaining exercise lacking in value. It is more natural for him to apply his imagination and vision specifically to those areas where he is trying to achieve something than to "indulge" in thinking about things that have no relation to those areas of interest.

    Fe as Demo:
    The individual appreciates situations where people are enjoying a positive emotional atmosphere as in having fun and joking together, and is quite adept at creating them himself, but does not see creating or promoting them a top priority, nor does he actively look for people who maintain or need such an atmosphere; too high a focus on that is seen by the individual as overdone.

    How is he Fe demo? As opposed to Ne at that?

    He's obviously very good at Fe and intuition. It's guiding his career to the success he has.
    Last edited by kingslayer; 05-30-2020 at 02:38 PM.

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    If it was me or you you would definitely be the passive aggressive one. The thing is yes, I understand youre trying to spread information and educate people but no most if the things you're spreading is wrong. And the way you go about explaining or calling me out is all Mbti hell in no way tekashi 6ixi9ne is an Enfj. Definitely out of the raps. Its funny how you bring the Ne demonstrative argument about him and none of it actually fits him in any way. Even Estp will make more sense for tekashi69 then Enfj. Also if you're saying hes Enfj where is the Si polr? Earlier you explained he doenst take care of his body,hes clumsy,reckless or something? That can also just be his lack of Ni and Se doms have bad Si but it's good enough but for tekashi69 it's not Si polr. From your points Fe demo as hell makes more sense then Ne dom the man likes messing around,having fun,goofing off, but he doenst take that as high focus. He even clowned people like trippie red for being to silly and clownish. Tekashi69 is not EIE he doenst even carry himself as an Fe dom

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    Just look at all the other EIE celebrities and him, not even close. Unless he had some type of inverse development

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