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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    Can some alpha NT analyze this for me:

    I have dreams that I cannot walk anymore. I'm paralized in my legs and sometimes even do headrolls in my dreams to move forward.

    Strange eh? I have these kind of dreams every once a week or so.
    not NT, but I'll throw some stuff out anyways. it could mean that your subconscious is feeling blocked as far as moving forward on something. maybe in life, maybe something else. could be a stalled, frustrated, or just not fast enough life plan thing.

    could also be that you're sleeping in a weird position and the sensation on your legs is bleeding through into your dreams. another possibility, sometimes my legs stop working in my dreams when i have to take a piss but I'm still asleep.

    if it isn't the latter, and probably not the former, you could try posing the question to your subconscious, "what does that leg thing mean?". In my experience you could get an immediate answer that you'll tangent on for awhile that leads to the right one or resolution of the issue, or you'll get something more concrete to interpret in your dreams to get you there.

    if you can remember the question in your dreams, you can ask somebody there and see what they say, which will give you something to think about to realize the meaning.

    In my opinion, dream symbols and archetypes will only be a very general idea of what's being worked out or how it relates to IRL. They can also be highly subjective in form and don't come in one-size-fits all packages.

    hopefully something in that^ is worth while to you.
    Last edited by bg; 11-26-2010 at 12:13 PM.

  2. #2
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    the main dreams i remember distinctly are ones where i'm flying. in some of them, i can actually will myself to fly, it's the coolest feeling. then there are some that are what i call continuation dreams where i'm picking up on a previous dream and having the next chapter. finally there are some where there is just this frustration and feeling of dread.

    my dreams lack sensory detail and even color. they are more like vague storylines and feelings. except for the flying ones.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  3. #3
    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    The best dreams are the ones where the details are really sharp. I sometimes become aware of that I'm dreaming and I think to myself: how is it possibly that my mind creates all this, I can see things around me exactly as if I was awake. Then I start to experiment: I focus on an object to examine all it's details. Even though the dream is extremely realistic there are sometimes some detail that is weird or surrealistic that reminds me of that I'm dreaming. Then I can become so exited about the whole experience it that I wake up

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    the main dreams i remember distinctly are ones where i'm flying. in some of them, i can actually will myself to fly, it's the coolest feeling.
    ohh i love flying dreams, though whenever i fly, i cant get high at all, like there is a invisible barrier between me and the higher part of the sky.. and i fly very slow... i try to will myself higher and faster but for some reason i cant .. makes me sad so then i get bored and change/switch dreams

    I also can change my dreams when im sleeping and choose where they go, like a story book with multiple opportunities for you to pick. i create what i want in my dreams.. if my dreams are to surreal and scary i change them.. i did this especially when i was little.

    i kinda think dreams are usually more than just dreams, like a force higher than yourself shows you things about things, premonition, showing you where you are in life etc... i guess sometimes though dreams are just dreams... or subconscious talking with you..

    but times when i dream, its so surreal that i remember everything about it and it leaves an impression on me... i think those ones are more than just dreams i believe they are form god haha pretty awesome!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by twitch View Post
    ohh i love flying dreams, though whenever i fly, i cant get high at all, like there is a invisible barrier between me and the higher part of the sky.. and i fly very slow... i try to will myself higher and faster but for some reason i cant .. makes me sad so then i get bored and change/switch dreams
    YES! lol I have the same thing. invisible barriers with dream flight. it's like the edge of the map in a video game. there's nothing there, but you can't go any further.

    I used to fly by jumping up, then I'd go up too high and freak out. so I'd have to hold really still until I floated back down to an acceptable height.

    There was a time some years ago when I was getting really detached from life, in my dreams I didn't walk anymore, I just floated above the ground a few inches without moving my legs. People stopped having faces, they were just a blur. I took it as a sign of being way too disconnected from people and maybe myself. made some real efforts to open up IRL. Seemed to help because now I'm back to vivid rich dreams where I'm in contact with things and the dream people.
    Last edited by bg; 11-28-2010 at 10:16 AM.

  6. #6
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    i had a dream last night that i had to use a really disgusting public bathroom. it was

    i wonder what freud would say.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    Can some alpha NT analyze this for me:

    I have dreams that I cannot walk anymore. I'm paralized in my legs and sometimes even do headrolls in my dreams to move forward.

    Strange eh? I have these kind of dreams every once a week or so.
    Didn't come back to this thread in time to analyze your dream, but Bionicgoat and chip said everything I would have said, and more. And the link by Singularity about the dream interpretation site is pretty cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    i had a dream last night that i had to use a really disgusting public bathroom. it was

    i wonder what freud would say.
    That one's really easy to analyze! You are amazed at how disgusting people are... are afraid of the true nature of people, which you fully understand, but do not wish to be a part of. You pride yourself in being different. Pride yourself in not being disgusting, for being 'clean', unique, special in your own way.

    It's also important that you "had to use" the disgusting public bathroom... something forced you to go where you didn't want to. You don't want to go into the bathroom, to be disgusting like everyone else, but something is forcing you... you may feel like you're losing power in your life. Afraid of the possibility of losing your uniqueness, of not being special anymore.

    More generally, you could be subconsciously afraid in real life of your regular routine being interfered with... maybe you're going through some change which you're unfamiliar with. 'Going to the bathroom' could symbolize a regular routine which you've been doing your whole life, but you're afraid everything you know will be wasted, that you'll have to learn something new all over again...

    Not very flattering... but, that could also be a sign of aging. Of feeling old. That everything you've mastered and learned isn't good enough anymore. So I'll ask suggest/ask again, are you going through some kind of change, even a small change, where you have to learn new things?

    I could go on and on, but Mountain Dew needs to get some sleep tonight. I feel like I might be reading into the public bathroom dream too much, and getting off track what's truly going on subconsciously... of course the more details you give, the better I can analyze. Was only given one line to work with... Haha I find this lots of fun... if only I could find a job that paid me to do this stuff all day!

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    Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
    i had a dream last night that i had to use a really disgusting public bathroom. it was

    i wonder what freud would say.
    hmmm though it is an abomination of Freud's personal philosophy on life and the afterlife, if we could resurrect Frued's ghost and have him interpret your dream from the grave well then I imagine he would say:

    "why do you have a painted banana as your profile pic? The shape of the banana is symbolic of a phalic object...boooooooo...a toilet is symbolic of a vaginal object...booooooooooo....fieces indicates a lack of creativity in your waking life"

    Could you imagine if Freud visited you as the ghost of christmas past? He would deconstruct your entire childhood. I remember hearing an interesting ethical theory concerning Freudian psychoanalytics. According to the theory the source of many of Freud's patient's neurotic behaviour did not emerge from the subconscious spontanesouly nor by birth. The theory maintains that the source for many of his patient's neurosis could be traced to sexual child abuse from their parents. Much of his work is impenetrable due to speculations on human civilization and the strains it causes for the individual but the theory maintains that the real and simpler explanation was unlike a healthy and functional member of society a neurotic had been sexually abused. That was the real reason but Freud traced it back to religion and civilization in order to protect the identity of the parents of his patients.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat View Post
    YES! lol I have the same thing. invisible barriers with dream flight. it's like the edge of the map in a video game. there's nothing there, but you can't go any further.
    Yet i wanted to go further!! yeah i guess it is similar
    i wonder if dreaming things is type related...

  10. #10
    Robot Assassin Pa3s's Avatar
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    I sometimes dream that things I wished for happen. It could be a very trivial matter, like getting a PC problem fixed I worked on for a long time, but also fundamental issues like finding your 'soul-mate' and so on. While waking up I recognize it was just a dream and I regret I woke up. But those positive dreams are quite rare, it's mostly more about scary things happening to me, if I dream at all (or if I can remeber my dream). There were surgeries, losing my sight, being crippled somehow or caught in an extremely embarrasing situation... I'm always glad when I wake up after such a dream.
    „Man can do what he wants but he cannot want what he wants.“
    – Arthur Schopenhauer

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    here's one for ya's.

    This morning I dreamt I was in an apartment building and was hiding from Godizzla. Godzilla kept circling the building smashing through different rooms to find me. I never got caught but never got away either. That's pretty much it. Whatever else happened and whatever meaning was signified has descended back down into subconcious memory.

    In waking life I'm living in korea teaching ESL but have been considering moving to Japan after my contract has expried. Godizzla is symbolic in reference to Japan and I currently live in an apartment building.

    My interpretation is moving to Japan is potentially destructive. Japan is where I had wanted to teach all along but Korea offered job placement immediately and provided air fare. I'm not sure what else is relevant.

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