well [Zero Punctuation] is a video game review show where ths guy with a bitter and cynical attitude rips ruthlessly into games
and he dismissed some shooter as "It's probably some thing where a macho American kills everything and then a girl has sex with his gun"
then I wind up in a situation where I have an assault rifle
which in hindsight was firing rounds that were exploding trees
and I charge this wooded area next to a cliff wiht my squad
and yes, exploding trees, clouds of blood; but everyone dies
so I keep moving, and head up a hill
and there's this naked girl there, I think she may have been being attacked by one of the enemy combatants, who I pew pewed
reviewer's description of the game comes true, so this girl is going wild with my gun
but I'm too busy scanning around me everywhere for more of the enemy
then a gargoyle from World of Warcraft comes down from the sky, and I see someone sneak into this shopping mall
because for some reason up the hill was this suburban area
and I'm like, "Aha!"
then someone comes at me just as my alarm goes off
I'm interested in wtf the gargoyle was doing there


Krig, to answer your questions, Death (as in, the robed figure) probably doesn't have much significance to me, except as maybe someone who is double-cool (cool customer and rather impressive). The TARDIS is actually my generic spaceship, it's a fairly strong association for me.