Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
Probably because you suffered a perceived disadvantage at some point early in life as a result of some aspect of you that is specifically male.
My mother. I don't think I was immune to her burning anti-male crusade. And then I had Dad on my case for being "too girly", so shit. Any predictions about what that kind of effect that would have? And probably a lot of the electronic guardian reinforcing lots of "men are dicks" messages (why I came out as a sensitive, new-age guy doormat, because TV told me it was a good thing that at least would not make half the population hate me (this was before I had the epiphany that it's never possible to have NOBODY irritated or discontent)). Is 9~12 too late to be "early in life"?

Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
Could just be massive garden-variety castration anxiety, especially if you are a very physically sensitive person. Are you circumcised?
Nope. Though there was this incident where a doctor wanted to get rid of this little band of too-tight skin back when I was eight-ish. By that stage I was operating entirely out of the assumption that any time I said "No" it would be totally ignored*, so I was confused for the longest time, wondering when I'd get dragged off to hospital to get whatever he wanted done to it done (or rather, being really confused when I *didn't* get dragged off to a hospital or wherever, and wondering when it was going to happen).

*Can I be E9 yet?

Kids think like kids, and grown-ups forget that


Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
Because you want a female, and the only person available is you, so you make do?
No, dreams where I'm "making do" with myself have me anatomically unaltered. I'm fairly sure I know what those mean, though, so they aren't overly relevant to any sort of discussion.

On a totally unrelated note, there was this one time involving an empty elevator, and I only just got what the pun was.