I'm not joking here, but it's pretty... odd. And not entirely safe for work, I guess? tl;dr, I've had two dreams where I've had a female's equipment, and they were very NSFW.

I was in a hospital that was being assaulted by demons or something, and it was filled with hospital staff, reporters, and the military (was it legions of SWAT teams? They all had that padded blue armor on). Skip ahead, and I'm watching a room (from like, outside the walls, so it's like I'm floating in space and there's a wall missing) where there's these two nurses chatting next to some guy on a trolley. Anyway, one of these demons has tentacles, and my dream-camera is at around floor level, so I see it snaking along, then the dream camera jumps up to around normal height, and the tentacle snakes around one of the nurses' legs, before abruptly doing what a demonic tentacle might be inclined to do finding itself in such a situation. At this exact moment, all hell breaks loose, and there's lots of running and screaming and, while I can't see what's happening (because I'm, um, enjoying the chaos), there's bloodstains on the wall and people stumbling trying to run as fast as they can. At any rate, I suddenly get this impulse to force down on my equipment really hard, and it morphs into that of a female's. Not sure if I had breasts, though, which is relevant, because...

...this is not an isolated incident. I was in a castle, or a school, or something, and for some reason (I'm vague on the story, but I can obviously remember the insane bits that make me scratch my head when I wake up) my friend and I get sent down this tower to what basically wound up being a pantry (we were sent to retrieve something or other) where we're accosted by some dude who summons a giant slime mold. I think I offer to distract it, or sacrifice myself, or something of that nature, because it attacks me with a fairly non-slimy appendage. The dream ends with me pinned quite some ways up a wall with said appendage in a certain region. As a side note, it was supporting me pretty well.

Then there's another dream where I was a girl searching around in a haunted mansion for my brother, and then I was my brother; but I think this is just a case of how I tend to be lots of different things in my dreams. I've even been Puss In Boots from Shrek 2, for example. (I got executed by an angry mob outside a stadium that time.)