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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

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  1. #1


    I'm not joking here, but it's pretty... odd. And not entirely safe for work, I guess? tl;dr, I've had two dreams where I've had a female's equipment, and they were very NSFW.

    I was in a hospital that was being assaulted by demons or something, and it was filled with hospital staff, reporters, and the military (was it legions of SWAT teams? They all had that padded blue armor on). Skip ahead, and I'm watching a room (from like, outside the walls, so it's like I'm floating in space and there's a wall missing) where there's these two nurses chatting next to some guy on a trolley. Anyway, one of these demons has tentacles, and my dream-camera is at around floor level, so I see it snaking along, then the dream camera jumps up to around normal height, and the tentacle snakes around one of the nurses' legs, before abruptly doing what a demonic tentacle might be inclined to do finding itself in such a situation. At this exact moment, all hell breaks loose, and there's lots of running and screaming and, while I can't see what's happening (because I'm, um, enjoying the chaos), there's bloodstains on the wall and people stumbling trying to run as fast as they can. At any rate, I suddenly get this impulse to force down on my equipment really hard, and it morphs into that of a female's. Not sure if I had breasts, though, which is relevant, because...

    ...this is not an isolated incident. I was in a castle, or a school, or something, and for some reason (I'm vague on the story, but I can obviously remember the insane bits that make me scratch my head when I wake up) my friend and I get sent down this tower to what basically wound up being a pantry (we were sent to retrieve something or other) where we're accosted by some dude who summons a giant slime mold. I think I offer to distract it, or sacrifice myself, or something of that nature, because it attacks me with a fairly non-slimy appendage. The dream ends with me pinned quite some ways up a wall with said appendage in a certain region. As a side note, it was supporting me pretty well.

    Then there's another dream where I was a girl searching around in a haunted mansion for my brother, and then I was my brother; but I think this is just a case of how I tend to be lots of different things in my dreams. I've even been Puss In Boots from Shrek 2, for example. (I got executed by an angry mob outside a stadium that time.)

  2. #2
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Your dreams are like really weird anime, and you have massively repressed sexual urges.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Your dreams are like really weird anime, and you have massively repressed sexual urges.
    Massive repression issues, yes, but why are they coming out as me being female?

  4. #4


    Also, why am I almost never myself? Recently at least, it seems the only times where I'm myself are if it involves Isha. What does that mean, too?

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Massive repression issues, yes, but why are they coming out as me being female?
    Probably because you suffered pain or a perceived disadvantage at some point early in life as a result of some aspect of you that is specifically male. Could just be massive garden-variety castration anxiety, especially if you are a very physically sensitive person. Are you circumcised?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Probably because you suffered a perceived disadvantage at some point early in life as a result of some aspect of you that is specifically male.
    My mother. I don't think I was immune to her burning anti-male crusade. And then I had Dad on my case for being "too girly", so shit. Any predictions about what that kind of effect that would have? And probably a lot of the electronic guardian reinforcing lots of "men are dicks" messages (why I came out as a sensitive, new-age guy doormat, because TV told me it was a good thing that at least would not make half the population hate me (this was before I had the epiphany that it's never possible to have NOBODY irritated or discontent)). Is 9~12 too late to be "early in life"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Could just be massive garden-variety castration anxiety, especially if you are a very physically sensitive person. Are you circumcised?
    Nope. Though there was this incident where a doctor wanted to get rid of this little band of too-tight skin back when I was eight-ish. By that stage I was operating entirely out of the assumption that any time I said "No" it would be totally ignored*, so I was confused for the longest time, wondering when I'd get dragged off to hospital to get whatever he wanted done to it done (or rather, being really confused when I *didn't* get dragged off to a hospital or wherever, and wondering when it was going to happen).

    *Can I be E9 yet?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    Because you want a female, and the only person available is you, so you make do?
    No, dreams where I'm "making do" with myself have me anatomically unaltered. I'm fairly sure I know what those mean, though, so they aren't overly relevant to any sort of discussion.

    On a totally unrelated note, there was this one time involving an empty elevator, and I only just got what the pun was.

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    when i really need to pee in the morning i dream i really need to pee. ? ? ? ? ? whats it all mean

  8. #8


    I dream of Genie.

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    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Is 9~12 too late to be "early in life"?
    No, that's actually one of the most impressionable ages as far as the early stages of forming your self-identity.

    Based on what you're saying about your parents, etc., it definitely does sound like you've got some issues with your masculine side being repressed. Your subconscious takes that literally, and produces the dreams.

    My completely amateur psychologist recommendation would be to take a martial arts class or something. You can't get comfortable with your masculine strength/aggression without actually getting out there and using it. But again, I'm not a certified psychologist or anything, so what do I know?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    My completely amateur psychologist recommendation would be to take a martial arts class or something. You can't get comfortable with your masculine strength/aggression without actually getting out there and using it. But again, I'm not a certified psychologist or anything, so what do I know?
    I'm not a professional psychologist either, but ime working out and physically activity usually does wonders for your masculine side. Not necessarily by making you bigger or more imposing - the mix of concentration and testosterone just gives you more energy and confidence - that's applicable in any sphere of life, not just romance.

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    Angel of Lightning Brilliand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Massive repression issues, yes, but why are they coming out as me being female?
    Because you want a female, and the only person available is you, so you make do?

    @OP: That reminds me of the dream when I had a telephone for my torso. Anyhow, I see a relationship to how you left Alpha and some of us didn't like to see you go... we keep trying to call out your fun side, but that's not how you want to be; so as we try to puncture your mask - the mask that you consider your identity (for every identity is really a mask) - you feel that you yourself are being punctured.

    I was mainly thinking of Dolphin, I guess... it doesn't make quite as much sense when I say it about you, but it's still decent.


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    Angel of Lightning Brilliand's Avatar
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    To see a birdcage in your dream, represents a loss of freedom. You are feeling locked up and unable to fully express yourself.


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    oh the things i do on impulse late at night… sigh. i wish i hadn't posted that now but thanks anyway, guys.

    @ mimosa - i agree with you re the symbols. i find the universal interpretations interesting, even if they don't necessarily apply. but yeah, i'm pretty sure it had little to do with finances.

    tbh interpreting my own dreams makes me kind of uncomfortable. but if i continue to think about it maybe i'll pick up a paintbrush and let my hand interpret it for me. pretty much the easiest way for me to "confront" things i'm not yet aware of. a;lsdkfj;asldfjka;lskdfja;lsdfjkas;df;;;
    maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist
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    Angel of Lightning Brilliand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    Is that your signature now?


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    Analyze this one:

    I dreamed that an 80 foot snake was eating a bunch of young adult men. (in early twenties/late teens) The snake almost ate me but I dodged it. Before he came down to try and ate me I knew I would make it. (It's not so much I dodged it just like the snake purposefully missed me almost like he didn't want to eat me) Still, I was terrified as hell. One time when the snake scooped up a bunch of people, one of the guys pushed his bro down to save him. But he died anyway from the height of the fall.

    Oh the snake was in a field, just a large open green field. there was also a tree. I knew somehow if I went around the tree, that the snake would not eat me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Analyze this one:

    I dreamed that an 80 foot snake was eating a bunch of young adult men. (in early twenties/late teens) The snake almost ate me but I dodged it.
    It has to be a giant snake eating young men? lol (I imagined them all standing in a line, shirtless of course, with bulging muscles, flexing them even, before the snake came along and swallowed them whole one by one.)

    And then I found this:

    Something in you has been oppressed. This could be by outside forces, societal rules or inner oppression of true desire. Something quite important is happening in your subconscious and will eventually give rise to a new dimension within your outer life. I will also say that sometimes the snake images do warn of danger, but mostly of hidden truths coming up for healing and often around sexual energy. The danger warnings are about not heeding the call to heal a particular area and so making the issues "worse" somehow. However, the predominant images do speak of a healing of fear surrounding the sexual expression area of life or fear surrounding men or a male in your life. Ponder on these thoughts and feel if there is any connection with these symbols inside of you.
    I'm being evil, but this was honestly the sort of thing I thought of. *looks innocent*
    Last edited by marooned; 03-11-2010 at 03:53 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Analyze this one:

    I dreamed that an 80 foot snake was eating a bunch of young adult men. (in early twenties/late teens) The snake almost ate me but I dodged it. Before he came down to try and ate me I knew I would make it. (It's not so much I dodged it just like the snake purposefully missed me almost like he didn't want to eat me) Still, I was terrified as hell. One time when the snake scooped up a bunch of people, one of the guys pushed his bro down to save him. But he died anyway from the height of the fall.

    Oh the snake was in a field, just a large open green field. there was also a tree. I knew somehow if I went around the tree, that the snake would not eat me.
    means you're gay and you want to get fucked in the ass.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Analyze this one:

    I dreamed that an 80 foot snake was eating a bunch of young adult men. (in early twenties/late teens) The snake almost ate me but I dodged it. Before he came down to try and ate me I knew I would make it. (It's not so much I dodged it just like the snake purposefully missed me almost like he didn't want to eat me) Still, I was terrified as hell. One time when the snake scooped up a bunch of people, one of the guys pushed his bro down to save him. But he died anyway from the height of the fall.

    Oh the snake was in a field, just a large open green field. there was also a tree. I knew somehow if I went around the tree, that the snake would not eat me.
    This dream might indicate trying to gain control of one's sexuality and fear of being overwhelmed by uncontrollable urges. It seems like a dream not too unusual so don't feel strange about the interpretation. It is merely suggestive of unconscious energies at work to grapple with matters of sexual discipline and not let the id ruin ones life either.
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