Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
so i woke up a couple hours ago and i can't go back to sleep. i dreamt that instead of a ribcage, i just had a birdcage in its place (or my ribcage doubled as a birdcage, whatever) and everyone was trying to coax the little yellow bird out from my ribs. and i was upset and telling everyone to fuck off because it really hurt. as they called the little birdie out, its beak would poke through my flesh and everyone was oblivious to it tearing a hole through me. "come here, little bird" and i'm just screaming because the bird is flapping inside my ribcage. i don't think the bird got out, but i can't recall how the dream began or ended, so maybe?

anyway, what does this mean?

birdcage instaed of ribcage. Is the bird where your heart would be?
Does it flutter like a heart? This would be supported by this.
Dream Moods: Your Dream Symbol Interpretation

Perhaps you're feeling like you can't let go of you heart/love/free spirit for some reason? Would it leave you vulnurable to pain? is a person/people pushing you or demanding that you open up more or something like this?

anyway just some things off the top of my head. maybe relevant maybe not. anyway hope you work it out, doesn't sound too pleasant.