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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #1041

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    oh no we lost adage? this sucks
    Yeah, I got lost irl, like real life stuff. Felt like a dream.

    So mushrooms, some are poisonous, others aren't. Might represent, along with blindness, an inability to recognize good from bad. Since it's the female, also a mother, could be linked to nurturing, caring, feeling unsure in the more generaly considered feminine's aspects of life. Maybe it's about intuition, as mushrooms can be psychadelics that can lead to visions, transes, awakening experiences.
    It seems the feminine aspects is at odd with the masculine for which only physical, concrete threats are understood, the mushrooms being seen as bears by the son. It's as if being affraid of whatever the mushroom represent is rejected by some part of the psych because mushrooms cannot physically hurt you, they are things you must ingest for them to have an effect.
    I wonder if the blind female is linked to some fear of having a more feminine outlook on life, as it can be considered weak and abstract, it can seem unreconcilliable with strenght, making sense, living in the real hard, cruel world where bears can attack you but mushrooms can be ignored easily, even stomped without retaliating.
    The mother role is often associated with self-sacrifice, it's possible the mother's blindness represents giving more importance to what the son sees, the son being younger and being part of the now. The mother is also older(hopefully : P), therefore has more experiences with life to offer but might be affraid of seeing the world through her own eyes because of being outside of time, being unsure if she offers good insights, care... older people being deemed irrelevent in western societies.
    That's what I got from this.

  2. #1042

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    I did recently dream of kissing someone on the stomach and being incredibly excited by it; best one I've had in ages tbh.
    This sounds like you are finding yourself. The stomach's got the sacral chakra which is linked to pleasure, creativity; it's as if you're embracing, well, a more pleasurable and fruitful life.

  3. #1043
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    I did recently dream of kissing someone on the stomach and being incredibly excited by it; best one I've had in ages tbh.
    Me too

    (Was it me?)
    how to enlarge your dragon, click here

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

  4. #1044

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    I woke up from a nightmare, found myself on a couch at the home we lived when I was a kid. I walked towards my bed to sleep again but there was this very cute kitten there and it jumped to my face and sucked my eyelid, I held the cat and throw it away and got into my bed. I woke up for real this time.
    This sounds like wanting to wake up from a nightmare, go back in time to when things were simpler.
    The couch as you wrote sounds like it doesn't belong in the house, it could represent the actual life being uncomfortable, sleeping on a couch is rarely a nice experience.
    The kitten part is odd. One thing is that the kitten sucked on your eyelids, not eyes. For what goal?
    The eyelids protect the eyes, allow us to close them, not see the world, rest. Sucking is one of the first thing babies of all kinds do, it's how they feed. Maybe something you deem cute/nice/innofensive is feeding off of you and is keeping you from resting.
    Your goal seems to be to rest in a comfortable, familiar place, your bed. Maybe you're exhausted by a life that isn't great.
    But yeah, idk much about you so.

  5. #1045

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    Quote Originally Posted by born2simp View Post
    Me too

    (Was it me?)
    silence, alt

  6. #1046
    mbti INFJ lookin4waifu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    silence, alt
    Hush hush while you kiss my tum tum
    how to enlarge your dragon, click here

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

  7. #1047


    I had an unpleasant dream, then when I went back to sleep, I dreamt of an also unpleasant continuation of it. They were both long, and there was a lot of detail, but I will try to keep it as condensed as I can.

    I started off driving my former IRL car, a black 1998 Honda Civic. From the car, I struck up a conversation with a girl I didn't know, made her laugh quite a bit. She was about my age, short blonde hair, worked in the gas station I met her at. I got her number, and we hung out more and developed a friendship.

    At some point, I drove (with her in the passenger side) to the gas station she worked at, parked...she went into work, while I hung around outside for a while, just smoking cigarettes (I don't smoke IRL) and waiting around, socializing a little bit with the people around because a lot of people were loitering around and just hanging out like I was. I saw a familiar face walking by, an ex from middle school that I continued to be friends with in high school. I yelled out his name to see if he'd respond, and he did...but he was older and looked a little different, so I said his last name in a questioning tone, trying to confirm it was really him. It was, so we talked a bit, he asked if I wanted to smoke weed with him and I casually declined, saying "nah, man, I don't smoke anymore, that shit gives me anxiety." He smoked by himself while hanging out beside me and then went on his way.

    Later, when my new friend was off work (she had a short shift, evidently), we went looking for where I parked. For some reason, I was half asleep and unable to keep my eyes open, but I walked around with her, searching still. We searched everywhere, but couldn't find my car. At this point, I was beginning to wonder if it had been stolen. I returned home without it and thought I could use the Google "find my phone" feature to locate it once I got home, since I had left my purse and phone in the car. I then dreamt of scenarios as I thought through how I would confront the situation to get my car back if it was indeed stolen, making choices about what was smart and what wasn't. I was dreaming of the scenarios, but I knew they weren't part of the events taking place, and they were merely my thoughts as I thought through hypothetical I was able to rewind and make different choices if things went south, etc. because it wasn't actually part of what took place.

    I woke up. I slept again a bit later.

    When the dream continuation began, I was living with my mother in her house. I asked her if my new friend could come over and stay the night. When she said no, I became upset since I felt it was unfair that I was literally the only one in the house who couldn't have friends over. I did say this to her, and then I decided I'd go to her place instead, and I said I'm a grown ass adult so I have the right to do this. I was going to call my friend, but realized it was 5am and stopped. I time skipped to later in the day, then I was outside in the front yard. I needed to mow the lawn, but I was too focused on my missing car to make that a priority. My old group of friends from high school were around and talking to me. It started to rain, so I took cover while I smoked a cigarette, then my friends let me use one of their bicycles to head off and look for my car. 2 of them went with me, but the rest stayed behind and I figured they would tell my mother I went looking for my car if she asked.

    As I was riding around the first left turn corner, I almost wrecked, so I adjusted the seat to be lower. (During that part, the bicycle was, for some reason, a unicycle, and I was riding without my ass on the seat since it was too high.) In this dream, I had my phone, but my purse was still left in the I couldn't just track where my car was. One of my friends asked, "wouldn't you have known where you parked and seen it if it was still there (at the place I last parked)?" and I explained that I had been looking while so exhausted that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I thought about my arrival and was visually seeing those thoughts in my dream. I must've felt hopeful I would find it, since I thought I would see it and be like "yep, there it is." Even though I dreamt I found it, I knew it was only an imagination (just like the scenarios in my head that played out before), and wasn't actually happening as part of my dream.

    I woke up without actually getting an answer as to whether it was found.

    I suspect the loss of my car represents lost independence, but other than that, I'm not sure what it meant. There was a part I never mentioned, which was that I stopped to hear a band that was playing nearby while I was searching for my car. I can only imagine that it represented getting distracted from my goal.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 12-25-2022 at 08:36 AM.

  8. #1048
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    i thought she could've brought them to a water source and then they would be fine but maybe they actually needed a mother and she picked that up, however if she put them to a water source in the end, and they survived, would have they become human? @adage
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  9. #1049

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post

    i thought she could've brought them to a water source and then they would be fine but maybe they actually needed a mother and she picked that up, however if she put them to a water source in the end, and they survived, would have they become human? @adage
    Hm, that's an interesting dream.
    I'm gonna assume the person who dreamed this lives in a place where geese are considered mean and dangerous. What I see in this is that you cannot save others from themselves, people have to face their own wickedness to be reborn(metaphoricaly) into some better form mentally, emotionally...
    The crippled goose could be seen as suffering from it's bad ways, the baby goose represents a form of purity, it was dying as it rejected its goose self, both are facing a critical moment in their evolution. Attempting to aleviate their pain eternally would only make them into a position where they could not change as the relationship would be based upon their helplessness, tho showing care and a possibly better future can help and inspire people to better.
    The care the person shown was beneficial but the boss stepped in to end it because the geese had things to face, death is transformation. They stopped being birds and became stars whom in their freedom could take a human form and join the person in life as their own beings instead of helpless birds.
    The three persons, I think one female, one male, and one child represent a whole. There's the nurturing, caring, intuitive female aspect reuniting with the once crippled but now healed strenght, active, expending male, both together with the child that represents all the possibilities, the innocence, the blank page to write.
    It's a very difficult thing to let people, or geese here, face their own demise, and it doesn't mean a lack of care. The boss was the truth and faith that it would turn out okay, even tho it seems like a cruel figure.
    I think that if the person had taken the geese to a water spot, the ending wouldn't have been a heartwarming reunion. I see it as a lesson on letting go.

  10. #1050


    I dreamt about my partner, a random guy who was just a friend, my ex (who I coldly rejected when he tried contacting me, haha), my dad, my mom and her new husband (who I called out on some RL shit), and...a very surprising guest to my dreams, the Christian version of God. Lol.

    I dreamt that I was offered millions for something I refused to part with, and I had to fight some people who were hired to take it by force.

    I dreamt that my dad, brother, and I were selected to fight some...weird...lizard monster people? They worked sort of like zombies. They were formerly normal humans, who became monsters via contact with monsters. They looked like humans, and their true nature had to be discerned magically, or spiritually, or whatever. Although their nature was visibly seen, it was something seen by being sensed; by being skillfully attuned to their inward nature, not something based on their physical appearance.

    I felt so much resolve toward becoming a skilled fighter so I could protect my dad and brother, and have their backs. My desire for this was burning within me passionately. I looked fiercely determined, with tears in my eyes. I fought with determination and it made me learn and improve very quickly.

    When my brother was harmed, I felt responsible. I felt that I had failed him. I learned from my mistakes and improved, determined to do better in the future.

    When we all learned that these things didn't know they were dead...we were all deeply saddened, and we grieved for the future in which we would meet the inevitable task of killing our own loved ones who had been lost to the infection. We especially grieved for the children; both those we knew, and the ones we didn't. We always separated the children who were infected from the adults, dealing with the children much more gently.

    I'll stop there.

  11. #1051
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    I dreamt I was responsible for collecting caskets from various locations and transporting them to a funeral home. Each of those locations seemed to have something off about them. The first was a nursing home, which seemed mostly normal except for that the caskets I collected thence made strange noises when I moved them to my car, as if something were moving inside. I felt I shouldn't investigate. There was also a veterinary warehouse, a seemingly endless industrial warehouse-type building filled with cages, containers with medication and machinery, and thousands of veterinarians in suits walking about and working; from them I received two caskets with apes inside and smaller containers filled with animals' ashes. There was a secluded property, wooded and green, with a cabin it seemed several young attractive and gregarious women were staying in. From them I received a casket with no explanation of who was inside or how they had died. There was also a supermarket, which sold strange products and had stalls inside with vendors attempting to sell products. I had a feeling that one of these locations were dangerous in some way, but one was more dangerous than others, and would come to envelop the world. Some time later, I went with my family into the supermarket. At some point my sister had begun working there, for one of the stalls. During this trip, though, my mother was approached and persuaded to work for another. She began working that hour. They did not leave for several hours. I went to find my sister, feeling something was vaguely wrong, and also feeling bored. When I found her, her employers had just cut off one of her hands for failing to meet her quota of products sold. She was crying and holding her bleeding stump. I forced her away from her post, though she was unwilling to leave. I took her to my father who was browsing stupidly some distance from my mother's stall. I went to my mother and told her what had happened to my sister. She didn't seem to care. I realized something was affecting their thinking, making them not realize the situation was perverse, and that whatever it was affected me less. I began inventing thought exercises and asking them to my mother and sister, making them think, and think indirectly about their situations. I was frustrated at how slowly I was getting through to them, and that they seemed suspicious of me and the reasons I was asking them these things.

    The dream shifted, and I was back at the entrance to the women's cabin property. I knew that of the locations I had visited this was the one I wanted to be victorious, and I only knew one way to help it. The women were trying to invite me in, making an attempt to flirt with me. I knew they were monsters and would kill me somehow, but I was depressed and didn't mind. I asked them not to insult my intelligence or pretend with me; I didn't have the energy to respond. I followed them further into the property and the dream ended.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 01-04-2023 at 05:08 AM.

  12. #1052
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lunacy View Post
    I dreamt about my partner, a random guy who was just a friend, my ex (who I coldly rejected when he tried contacting me, haha), my dad, my mom and her new husband (who I called out on some RL shit), and...a very surprising guest to my dreams, the Christian version of God. Lol.

    I dreamt that I was offered millions for something I refused to part with, and I had to fight some people who were hired to take it by force.

    I dreamt that my dad, brother, and I were selected to fight some...weird...lizard monster people? They worked sort of like zombies. They were formerly normal humans, who became monsters via contact with monsters. They looked like humans, and their true nature had to be discerned magically, or spiritually, or whatever. Although their nature was visibly seen, it was something seen by being sensed; by being skillfully attuned to their inward nature, not something based on their physical appearance.

    I felt so much resolve toward becoming a skilled fighter so I could protect my dad and brother, and have their backs. My desire for this was burning within me passionately. I looked fiercely determined, with tears in my eyes. I fought with determination and it made me learn and improve very quickly.

    When my brother was harmed, I felt responsible. I felt that I had failed him. I learned from my mistakes and improved, determined to do better in the future.

    When we all learned that these things didn't know they were dead...we were all deeply saddened, and we grieved for the future in which we would meet the inevitable task of killing our own loved ones who had been lost to the infection. We especially grieved for the children; both those we knew, and the ones we didn't. We always separated the children who were infected from the adults, dealing with the children much more gently.

    I'll stop there.
    This was better than the last episode of the walking dead ! Thank you for sharing.

  13. #1053
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    Quote Originally Posted by TyranitarNpika View Post
    I had a dream last week of Ken Wilber and Carl Jung prophesying that all earth humanity is becoming 1 mind, 1 will, 1 consciousness in a deep space trance background.

    It seemed really scary to me, like the dream of malevolence. And being Red or Ash in Pokemon, Will of the elite 4, and Carl Jung having written the Red Book, where he spends more time in the collective unconscious term he invented instead of actively thinking in general seems poisonous and suspect to me.

    And a lot of INFJ new age women may be drawn to something vaguely similar as Jung and Wilber, a frequency and all worlds of light project - and yet, Jung and Wilber seem more technical or professional, not as flighty or fairytale like as the New Agers (and I think Ken Wilber is INTP by the way, but a lot like the istp and infj.)

    So it's very good news for me that I'm with Bunny to protect me from this kind of false illusion dawn paradigm, and even a fully wise and evolved Blastoise Lugia...
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
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  14. #1054
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    I saw my dead father. I asked him were you in mafia, he said yes, I thought about it and said it totally makes sense. I was trying to get more info out of him.

    We were near a frozen river.

  15. #1055
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    I keep on having dreams that I’m being possessed and hurting others as I’m possessed. To me it means that I feel out of control of my life’s trajectory and it’s gotten so out of hand that I’m being detrimental to others.

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    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

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  16. #1056
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    Two young men entered an opening into a cavern, curious where it led. The hole didn't go very deep, but as they advanced within a few paces of a wall it disappeared from them as if stone above their feet stopped existing within the boundary of a sphere surrounding them. Puzzled, they continued. Even after walking for several minutes the stone continued to disappear around them as they progressed. But soon they noticed that stone would reappear from where it had vanished -- including in the direction they had come from. Moving toward the reappeared stone would make it vanish again. After continuing to walk for a long time, though, they noticed that moving back in the direction they'd originally begun walking from had ceased to make the stone vanish again. When they did notice this they panicked. They were more than a mile from their original entrance and had no idea how else to get out. But they had no choice except to keep walking. After some time of this, in a grim and anxious mood, they froze as they heard a noise approaching them, which in a few seconds revealed itself as an enormous monster with a long torso (thorax?) and glittering with black scales (or metal?) covering its body. Stone was vanishing from its path in the manner it had been vanishing for these men. When it saw these men it paused, then approached to get a closer look. The two were frozen in fright. The monster observed them for a few moments then retreated, and made a call. After a few moments, another of its kind appeared. The men began to feel that these monsters were happy. They were making noises. A sense of irreality set in. One of the monsters began to communicate with the men in distorted language. Establishing that they couldn't return home, it seemed to laugh and offerered to guide them out. It offered its giant hand (?) into which the men climbed, and the two monsters advanced in the direction the men had come from. Around them the stone would vanish. The monsters would move and turn and make noises in a way the men interpreted as joyful. They could move much more quickly than the men had walked or could walk, and in what seemed like only a few minutes they were back at the entrance. The monster carrying them deposited them there. The men asked if they wanted to come out with them. The monsters seemed reluctant, but communicated between themselves and then declared they would leave. The cave entrance was near a park of some kind. The exit of these creatures was visible to those in it, and they looked with concern to see these monsters. But as the monsters came toward the park its occupants became happy to see them. A family eating on a table and benches was approached by one, and felt it was asking to join the meal. They agreed to let it. The monster slid into a sitting position on the bench and was offered a share of the picnic basket, which it accepted and began to eat. The family was laughing and talking to it. Then the monster reached over to the child sitting across it and bit off his arm. The family, except for the now-crying boy, continued to laugh. In a few seconds the monster raised the child and took a leg, than another. Within a minute the entire body was eaten. The family continued to laugh. The men who had come out of the cave were watching this, dazed. And suddenly they perceived that their hair was shaved and scars ran across their heads. They remembered that in the cave more had happened to them. One had undergone surgery on his head, conscious. His mind had been changed. The other had something else happen to him. He began to remember, but it was too terrible. The dream ended.

  17. #1057

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Two young men entered an opening into a cavern, curious where it led. The hole didn't go very deep, but as they advanced within a few paces of a wall it disappeared from them as if stone above their feet stopped existing within the boundary of a sphere surrounding them. Puzzled, they continued. Even after walking for several minutes the stone continued to disappear around them as they progressed. But soon they noticed that stone would reappear from where it had vanished -- including in the direction they had come from. Moving toward the reappeared stone would make it vanish again. After continuing to walk for a long time, though, they noticed that moving back in the direction they'd originally begun walking from had ceased to make the stone vanish again. When they did notice this they panicked. They were more than a mile from their original entrance and had no idea how else to get out. But they had no choice except to keep walking. After some time of this, in a grim and anxious mood, they froze as they heard a noise approaching them, which in a few seconds revealed itself as an enormous monster with a long torso (thorax?) and glittering with black scales (or metal?) covering its body. Stone was vanishing from its path in the manner it had been vanishing for these men. When it saw these men it paused, then approached to get a closer look. The two were frozen in fright. The monster observed them for a few moments then retreated, and made a call. After a few moments, another of its kind appeared. The men began to feel that these monsters were happy. They were making noises. A sense of irreality set in. One of the monsters began to communicate with the men in distorted language. Establishing that they couldn't return home, it seemed to laugh and offerered to guide them out. It offered its giant hand (?) into which the men climbed, and the two monsters advanced in the direction the men had come from. Around them the stone would vanish. The monsters would move and turn and make noises in a way the men interpreted as joyful. They could move much more quickly than the men had walked or could walk, and in what seemed like only a few minutes they were back at the entrance. The monster carrying them deposited them there. The men asked if they wanted to come out with them. The monsters seemed reluctant, but communicated between themselves and then declared they would leave. The cave entrance was near a park of some kind. The exit of these creatures was visible to those in it, and they looked with concern to see these monsters. But as the monsters came toward the park its occupants became happy to see them. A family eating on a table and benches was approached by one, and felt it was asking to join the meal. They agreed to let it. The monster slid into a sitting position on the bench and was offered a share of the picnic basket, which it accepted and began to eat. The family was laughing and talking to it. Then the monster reached over to the child sitting across it and bit off his arm. The family, except for the now-crying boy, continued to laugh. In a few seconds the monster raised the child and took a leg, than another. Within a minute the entire body was eaten. The family continued to laugh. The men who had come out of the cave were watching this, dazed. And suddenly they perceived that their hair was shaved and scars ran across their heads. They remembered that in the cave more had happened to them. One had undergone surgery on his head, conscious. His mind had been changed. The other had something else happen to him. He began to remember, but it was too terrible. The dream ended.
    All this reminds me of is social acceptation and how much we are willing to overlook until it goes overboard and then it hits how much we were "altered" in the process.
    Altered might not be the best word tho.

  18. #1058
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    Dream interpretation is so Ni

    I had a bizzar dream that I don't remember but when I have one and I do I'll be sure to write it down for an interpretation since I am truly curious
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  19. #1059
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    Here’s a dream from what I can remember

    There’s a huge storm that’s flooding areas outside and I’m in a multi level church/ hotel. it’s at night and I’m trying to sleep but a friend walks in with one of the worse cases of dandruff and is asking me to help him treat it. So I apply medicine to his head and he goes out of the room.another friend walks in and she too is dealing with dandruff but also depression so I try to sooth her. I ask her to sleep with me so she won’t be lonely. I tuck her into my bed but her head facing the opposite direction of the bed so I can check up on her (this is how my sister and I would sleep when she insisted on sleeping with me as a child because she was scared).the next day I phone my mom and she’s living in a previous apartment we used to live in and I get my dad on the phone. I am concerned for them and dad reassured me that they are ok and the rain isn’t too bad for them. I’m still stuck in this high rise building and one of the floor is church history books. I go there and theses an ornate book. Someone is reading from it about some history that I get on the phone with dad who tells me about that event. He says we are in that book too. I leave for bed and this time my girl friend who is staying with me is in a bed near the window next to my bed and she’s starting out the window at the darkness. The previous male friend returns saying his dandruff got much better but there’s a spot that won’t go away. I look at it and she says she too is dealing with it as well so I reach to treat them both with medication and I hear big tall men trying to find their way to my room trying to go through many spinning doors that lead into all sorts of directions. They are also seeking treatment for this weird hair condition that seems to be affecting the two people I was treating. My hubs comes to pick me up for a date night. We are driving in the tiny car it’s like a smart car size car and it breaks down in an ally way. A women who is catering a restaurant asks us if I can recommend which ring she should wear. She points to a black flower ring with gold edges it looked like a peonies and she’s wearing all black so I tell her that one would match her dress. Instead of wearing it she puts it aside and asks us what we want and notices my car has broken down and wants to make a suggestion “do you want to have that machanic look at it?” I say yes sure. We turn the corner to go to this mechanic and we walk right into the city I used to live in and I don’t know how we could have gotten there so easily. We turned the corner and we were in the city I love and would love to live in. Meanwhile I am calling my parents again and dad says that there’s a major underground flood with people stuck in this giant pipe that are flowing down river with giant star shaped gummy candy of every color. (Note it’s been years since my father has passed away). Hubs and I are just as we are in real life. Comfortable with one another in a tight space in that small car. We are holding hands.

    Yes it was so bizzar
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  20. #1060

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Here’s a dream from what I can remember

    There’s a huge storm that’s flooding areas outside and I’m in a multi level church/ hotel. it’s at night and I’m trying to sleep but a friend walks in with one of the worse cases of dandruff and is asking me to help him treat it. So I apply medicine to his head and he goes out of the room.another friend walks in and she too is dealing with dandruff but also depression so I try to sooth her. I ask her to sleep with me so she won’t be lonely. I tuck her into my bed but her head facing the opposite direction of the bed so I can check up on her (this is how my sister and I would sleep when she insisted on sleeping with me as a child because she was scared).the next day I phone my mom and she’s living in a previous apartment we used to live in and I get my dad on the phone. I am concerned for them and dad reassured me that they are ok and the rain isn’t too bad for them. I’m still stuck in this high rise building and one of the floor is church history books. I go there and theses an ornate book. Someone is reading from it about some history that I get on the phone with dad who tells me about that event. He says we are in that book too. I leave for bed and this time my girl friend who is staying with me is in a bed near the window next to my bed and she’s starting out the window at the darkness. The previous male friend returns saying his dandruff got much better but there’s a spot that won’t go away. I look at it and she says she too is dealing with it as well so I reach to treat them both with medication and I hear big tall men trying to find their way to my room trying to go through many spinning doors that lead into all sorts of directions. They are also seeking treatment for this weird hair condition that seems to be affecting the two people I was treating. My hubs comes to pick me up for a date night. We are driving in the tiny car it’s like a smart car size car and it breaks down in an ally way. A women who is catering a restaurant asks us if I can recommend which ring she should wear. She points to a black flower ring with gold edges it looked like a peonies and she’s wearing all black so I tell her that one would match her dress. Instead of wearing it she puts it aside and asks us what we want and notices my car has broken down and wants to make a suggestion “do you want to have that machanic look at it?” I say yes sure. We turn the corner to go to this mechanic and we walk right into the city I used to live in and I don’t know how we could have gotten there so easily. We turned the corner and we were in the city I love and would love to live in. Meanwhile I am calling my parents again and dad says that there’s a major underground flood with people stuck in this giant pipe that are flowing down river with giant star shaped gummy candy of every color. (Note it’s been years since my father has passed away). Hubs and I are just as we are in real life. Comfortable with one another in a tight space in that small car. We are holding hands.

    Yes it was so bizzar
    What it strikes me as is that you are very concerned about others and that your husband is a safe space for you.
    There was something dreadful about the settings: the storm, the flood, being stuck in a hotel, so perhaps consider if your involvement with others might be overwhelming you. It's possible that when we are overwhelmed, it affects others to some degree because they can feel it, the storm and flood could allude to this.
    Funnily, your husband arrive and you two go out just like that after you mention being stuck in the hotel, that plus tiny car and the mention of being comfortable together is really what highlights him being your safe space.
    The history book part only makes me think this is a long standing thing since your dad says "we are in that book too".
    The waitress in black with the ring almost sounds like a test, a black ring isn't common and many people might have said it's weird or ugly, perhaps she was gauging your attitude to decide of hers.
    The underground flood with giant star shaped gummy candies of every colors is a stark contrast with the people stuck, I'm not sure what think of it. Stars are often linked to hope and guidance, candies are sweet and can give sugar rush, rainbows are a sign of happiness, luck, hope, new begginings. I guess it means to hang on to hope even tho things seem very dark, stangnant, hopeless. This hanging on to hope seems underlined by the contrast of cozy with your husband in the car at the end holding hands.

  21. #1061
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    1) I had a dream that my ex bf’s dad died. Forgettable if not for a dream I had a few weeks ago where my ex died, too. lol.

    2) Had a dream where I was sitting at a picnic table at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. I was there with a teenage girl and her mom. The girl said something along the lines of “No one ever visits this shitty town. They just stop here on their way to visit other towns. I can’t wait to get out!” and ran off. The mom stood up to follow her and advised me to do the same since the water from the ocean was rising fast. I said that I would catch up with them and stayed sitting at the table until water splashed around my feet. I got up and moved towards a hill but realized that I forgot my cellphone at the table. The water was waist deep and rising by the second, but I decided to rescue my phone anyway.

    3) Had a weird sexy dream where I was pulled over by a cop who happened to look exactly like Jim Morrison.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    opened a door
    walked down a thin path
    enough to walk barely to wiggle
    entered a room with red carpet
    man sitting on it
    asked him who he is
    told me: -its on the tip of my tongue i just can't say it
    -i know who u are
    -i know what u've done
    -one choice is going to enlighten you as to who i am, the other is going to postpone it
    -in the end the answer will be clear
    he got up and left
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

    I want to care
    if I was better I’d help you
    if I was better you’d be better

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    @FreelancePoliceman ur dreams often seem to have smth to do with the unconscious. this is interesting bc dreams are usually alraedy unconscious. this suggests me to think u have multiple layers of unconscious. i dont know if the 2 men are both you, or you and someone related to you.
    if u recall the previous dream where you were in a labyrinth, found a light, then decided to leave it bc ppl who went that way didnt return back. now the monsters took u out of the cavern.
    When you dream of a good monster, this shows that you have to be careful. Some people want to take advantage of your kindness. Don't let them outwit and ruin your life. The best thing is to pay attention to those who ask for help from you.
    so the mosnters manipulated you. monsters are also smth ugly, but were perceived well by the people. the child that eaten, may be realted to your own inner child or you saw someone else get hurt as a child.
    so you had a bad childhood, you had to become brainwashed to fit in, and that was all welcomed by the external world/people you know/family. what happens from traumas and brainwashing is personality splits.
    ur dreams tend to make me angry and give me control issues. it seems passive and letting thigs happen.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

    I want to care
    if I was better I’d help you
    if I was better you’d be better

    Human Design 2/4 projector life path 1

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist
    @FreelancePoliceman ur dreams often seem to have smth to do with the unconscious. this is interesting bc dreams are usually alraedy unconscious. this suggests me to think u have multiple layers of unconscious. i dont know if the 2 men are both you, or you and someone related to you.
    if u recall the previous dream where you were in a labyrinth, found a light, then decided to leave it bc ppl who went that way didnt return back. now the monsters took u out of the cavern.

    so the mosnters manipulated you. monsters are also smth ugly, but were perceived well by the people. the child that eaten, may be realted to your own inner child or you saw someone else get hurt as a child.
    so you had a bad childhood, you had to become brainwashed to fit in, and that was all welcomed by the external world/people you know/family. what happens from traumas and brainwashing is personality splits.
    ur dreams tend to make me angry and give me control issues. it seems passive and letting thigs happen.
    Huh, interesting. My dreams are generally passive, yeah, or have that feel to them. FWIW, I don't know if I've posted examples here, but usually when they aren't I'm doing more violent or dark things.

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    I know there are some people who can see themselves flying in their dream, I am unfortunately not among that kind.

    However, after having heavy story plotted dream, I saw myself flying on surfboard to travel space and time.

  26. #1066
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    You ever dreamt about visiting someone you never met before?

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    Dreamed my mom was sick and I decided to help protect Brad Pitt from the paparazzi. My mom had to go to the hospital and was dying. I took Brad Pitt as a tag-a-long. Brad told me he wanted to go to a crocs store and find a new pair of crocs because they were his favorite shoe. So brad and I walked around the mall and couldn’t find a croc store. Turns out they had closed, so we walked and walked. It seemed like a never ending mall. People would occasionally stop up and ask Brad if he was Brad Pitt and get all excited. He was a pretty agreeable and chill guy. We never found those damn Crocs.
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
    ♍︎ 𝓋𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♍︎

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    A few days ago I dreamed that I was eating lots of ice cream in front of an ice cream stand but sadly after a while they ran out. I told my companions just leave me there and they can go because I still wanna eat ice cream. I looked around and found another ice cream stand nearby and continued eating lol. It was quite a fun and vivid dream, I felt like my stomach was infinite.
    Grand exhibitions of just frolicking with nonsense and whirling into fantasy frenzy, no plans, no restrictions, no barriers is always how happy feelings get us into engaging with silly sprees of spontaneous action and fulfillment seeking!!
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
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    That's also how the FBI arrests people dear. <3

  30. #1070
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    I dreamed that Carl Jung was committing suicide. He was old and he thought that he had already lived long enough. So he was now going to hang himself. He had a rope tied to a door frame, not very high from the ground and then he hanged himself. Then suddenly there was a shift of persons and I was the person with a rope around my neck and I was just about to die from suffocation.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    I dreamed that Carl Jung was committing suicide. He was old and he thought that he had already lived long enough. So he was now going to hang himself. He had a rope tied to a door frame, not very high from the ground and then he hanged himself. Then suddenly there was a shift of persons and I was the person with a rope around my neck and I was just about to die from suffocation.
    Could it indicate a certain part of you is dying, or ought to die?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Could it indicate a certain part of you is dying, or ought to die?
    Yes, probably. I think I have been studying too much Latin and psychology and maybe I have identified too much with "wisdom" or a too intellectual attitude. This attitude has to die or wear off.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    I dreamed that Carl Jung was committing suicide. He was old and he thought that he had already lived long enough. So he was now going to hang himself. He had a rope tied to a door frame, not very high from the ground and then he hanged himself. Then suddenly there was a shift of persons and I was the person with a rope around my neck and I was just about to die from suffocation.

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    I had a sleep paralysis dream. I started floating into a wall and I couldn't do anything about it. I tried slapping myself in the face to wake up before I became one with the wall. I eventually did wake up. Now I have a deep scratch on my forehead and people probably think I got into a fight.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    I had a sleep paralysis dream. I started floating into a wall and I couldn't do anything about it. I tried slapping myself in the face to wake up before I became one with the wall. I eventually did wake up. Now I have a deep scratch on my forehead and people probably think I got into a fight.
    I had sleep paralysis two or three months ago. Felt like an attack by a demon, an attempt at possession. Spooky stuff.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IndomitableKingOfTheApes View Post
    I had sleep paralysis two or three months ago. Felt like an attack by a demon, an attempt at possession. Spooky stuff.
    It's terrifying. I guess that's what I get for taking a nap during the day. My worst fear is that I'd get stuck like that.

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    I feel very depressed. I'm scared to death of death but I feel like even my unconscious whom I always conceptualised as an ally as some kind of protector is suggesting me in my dreams the suicide solution.

    I've just dreamt that I was assassinated by a friend who in the dream happened to be the leader of some kind of mafia (think Yakuza). I wasn't trying to save my life, in fact I felt that my death was deserved and logic (I wasn't contributing to the "cause" anymore). So It was night time and I was on a bridge, my friend accompanied by a woman who seemed to care about me held me at gunpoint and I was about to jump. I told him that I understood and that I was not angry with him. He felt remorse and put his gun away.

    The dream cuts in some kind of angar the same people are present but this time I felt that my friend wanted to execute me by surprise. At one point he was no longer in my field of vision and I instinctively dropped to my knees with my head down. The scene now looked like a seppuku ritual. I felt the gun at the back of my head and waited for the detonation. Boom! A white flash and then my lucidity came back and I knew I was in a dream. I realize that the blood on the floor and in the back of my head, I am alive, it does not make sense and I try to interpret my dream in the dream and I look for further clues, symbols to decipher but in vain. All the symbolic was there.I think that what keeps me from ending my life is fear of death itself (and a curiosity about the future of our world, wanting to keep following at least from afar the events and trends). The moment the desire to die becomes stronger than the fear of death I'll might indeed perform Harakiri on myself.

    Prior to that in the dream sequence, I dreamt that I looked like Tony Jaa , I was a minimalistic globetrotter and I had a compagnon : an Elephant ! I think that my dream was influenced by one of my last posts and the The Protector / Warrior King movie that I haven't rewatched since 2007.

    I usually can trace back the reasons of dreams like this in my memories of the day or days before the dream. They are like unresolved thought that our unconscious tries to put together. It's like when you lose you train of thoughts while you're conscious, in fact it is a lost train of thoughts except that it's unconscious i.e. you lost you train of thought by a distraction which redirected it to the unconscious, in other words you forgot that you've lost your train of thought and the unconscious makes them reappear in the dream's symbolic language so that we can make sense of it and have a sense of closure.

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    I’ve had several dreams last night but one I remember is houses catching on fire due to strong wind (red flag warning happens quite often where I am but never worried about that while conscious). The fires were spreading to where I lived in the dream, but I wasn’t sure if it would be less safe leave the house. The apartment right in front of me was in flames. A lot more but I cant explain it here

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    i had a dream once that i was on a field trip and the chaperone was shauquille o neal. but he was off his "sports personality" and he was trying to be super lowkey. I remmeber him being dressed in a grey hoodie and a italian ski cap, and he was playing really aloof with the class. but then on the field trip we ran into his arch nemesis lightning-man and apparently shaqille is like a superhero in this story ? ? ? so they almost fight but didnt wanna "traumatise the youth" so they had a truce. but later in the dream i go home and I see my grampa watching the news and hes wearing the same exact supervillain suit lightning-man was. and i got scared and ran out the house.

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    I had a dream that two airplanes fell from the sky. There was more to it but idr.

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