Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
Hum, That's intriguing. It seems like you like (or want) to resolve puzzle games like enigmas. In some cultures , finding a way out is a sign of some kind of deliverance. Do you play video games ? I think what you described can be a good level design idea is a Castlevania like game (corridors remind me of Castlevania for some reason ahah ). Other than that I don't have any idea of what how that could be interpreted (unless I make some research but my books on dream interpretations are still at my parents place rn).
I only play mobile legends which is like lol for mobile. I havent heard that game or played a game similar.

Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
This part is quite complex. In some cultures receiving gold and jewelry is a good "presage" when you're a woman but less when you are a man (esp in Islamic interpretations). Wearing or receiving jewelry which belong to another person indicates that that you will benefit from that person in some ways. As for the necklace with precious stones, it indicates faith knowledge, a husband if you're a woman. Wallahu A'lam .

Anyway, note that most of what I said is from an spiritual and Islamic point of view (nothing Freudian ahaah !). Thank you cuz it kinda put me in a suit I hadn't worn in a long time. Now I feel like I'm in one thousand and one nights again !

Noted, thank you and see this aint that bad