Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
I had a dream that I was really thirsty. I crawled to a water spigot that was on the side of a building and drank from it for a long time until I was no longer thirsty. I looked up and saw a lake in the distance. I ran towards the lake, taking off my clothes as I ran. I didn’t stop running. When I reached the lake I jumped in without hesitation and then woke up.
Water seems to be an important aspect in your dreams; it's at times life giving, attractive, needed, and at others dangerous, a thing that ruins your efforts, miss the point.
Any particular thoughts on water? Like what it means to you, memories surounding it, stuff.
No need to tell me if you'd rather not.

What I'm thinking is you don't like having whatever water means forced on you but you may go towards it of your own volition when you feel the need, could be something like Si vs Se, or other intro vs extro functions.
Maybe not liking when someone else take the aspects that pertain to your ego functions in their hands, overwriting your control over it, yourself, others.
Depending when the dreams started, the duration of recurrency(talking about the dreams about being drowned you mentioned before), it could be about something new or situational in your life.
Maybe this seeking water instead of being forcefully drowned in it means something is healed inside you.
Something like that maybe.