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Dream - same forum member talking to me, lots of people around. Our conversation ended when lots of bats asked if we’re gonna defend a certain person. We said yes then they attacked us. I was able to run towards a corridor. I looked back and the forum member was still behind me, many people died as they got bitten by bats. I continued to run and saw that the corridor led to a big golden gate. I opened it and saw a beautiful garden. I went back for a bit and shouted at the forum member to go with me as this is the right path. On one of the benches I saw a Jesus-like man bleeding with thorns and all. Bats were almost near us but we were able to get to the other side of the gate and close it. I looked above and I saw that bats could get to us still but for some reason when they reach the gate they drop and die. After that I walked towards a lake and saw an angelic figure (this angelic figure is important to me atm and I recognized his name) and hugged him as he welcomes me. Then I let myself float like on that famous Ophelia painting then I woke up.

I’m pretty sure this dream has a major meaning but I’m kinda too much in the ‘real world’ mood to analyze it. But I think the forum member represents my shadow. I need to continue integrating my shadow. That’s the only way to end this phase of my life and have my “death” soon.

Bats - enemy, my shadow and I are battling the same enemy
But who are we defending? What I saw was a young woman, Joan of Arc figure.
Also why were there a lot of religious symbolisms in my dream?

Christ-like figure - embodied the general suffering of my shadow being left behind? It was being sacrificed for me to reach the gate, the “end”. Which is exactly what is happening in real life - my only focus atm is Ni Te Fi Se. But I actually need Ne Ti Fe Si as well. I’ve recently thought that I might need to expose myself to Ti + Ne more. Maybe I’m right about this.

Other stuff—
Feelings: with the crowd - calm, joking mood; in front of the gate - curious; in the body of water/lake - finality, calmness
Bats: dark grey, half a human size
Liked and subscribed btw.... waiting for next episode