That's an intense dream. I guess that's your subconscious letting you know you're still holding onto some emotional baggage and coping with traumatic experiences you've dealt with as a person who has autism. I'm sorry you've dealt with it and are dealing with that, and although I cannot relate, I can feel your pain and empathize. Autism is very misunderstood and stigmatized and it's only natural that you would want to keep it hidden from judging eyes. I'm glad you feel atleast comfortable on here to express that you're autistic.

They say our dreams carry symbolism and that's one of the key factors when it comes to interpreting dreams. One thing that struck out to me was the woman - one could say that she's just a general symbol for anyone that holds a position in society that you perceive is higher than yours. How people are willing to exert force or pressure on those who don't follow labor demands. At the end of the dream you mentioned that she changed her whole demeanor and looked distraught and appalled at what she had done. Very odd indeed, my guess would be that it indicates you wish people would feel remorse for what they do to you and actually understand how much pain you feel and experience. No one is taking any time to listen to you and actually help you, they're more focused about what you're not doing and forcing you to do things they want done, not your well-being. A quick fix and something they can slap a bandaid onto so to speak.

Regardless if you had autism or not, people shouldn't be treating you like shit in the first place. They're employees and should be professional, it's something very sick that someone in a higher postion would abuse their power and kick around people they perceive is below them. You need to be careful around these types of people because they're the type to do whatever they please and I mean anything... There's several reported cases of hospital, nursing home and mental health professionals abusing their patients and clients. And it's even worse because these are the people we're suppose to trust and expect them to provid care for our loved ones (as well as ourselves when the time comes). You have every right to feel how you feel and more so, these people are benefiting off of you not having more "legal power" than someone who is neurotypical.