I already know what my dream means… But I had this nightmare, I wrote about on Quora:https://qr.ae/pGVXQv

I had awoken from a nightmare…I had been at some mental health day program… The mental health program did not know of my autism diagnosis, much as my TAY program does not know. I have hid my autism diagnosis from many, out of a fearing of being judged harshly, and people, sometimes even professionals, will be emotionally degrading to those of us with autism…
My mother was not picking me up for hours, she was neglecting of me.
I was very anxious in the dream… One of the workers called her supervisor about this.. Then one of the other workers called child protective services. But the blonde woman, the one with me in person, said, “Why would child protective services be called, you’re an adult.” Then she went on later about how all of the people in the program are expected to walk to and from the day program.. I had tried explaining to her, that even my grandpa would not allow me to leave the house, walk on my own, when I stay with him..
She kept fighting me, insisting me I am not following the program.. Then I broke. I stuttered… I said, “I-I-I am autistic.” I am not developing normally.. Then I started sobbing and crying uncontrollably at the day program.. Recalling this dream now, is making me tear up, cry… I was completely helpless.. I said, “I am not developing normally… I am not mature like most people my age.. I still have things that are that of a child, about me, even if I am now a legal adult”..
Then the woman changed her whole demeanor.. Seeing my vulnerability… She looked like something inside of her was killed and she just kept looking like she was about cry her own self.