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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #761
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    Quote Originally Posted by flowers and sugar View Post
    Do you fear people in general? Find them unfriendly, unreasonable, unhelpful, downright nuisances? I think your dreams might mean something like that.
    Hmm I don't know. I don't consciously feel any of that
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

  2. #762
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatgurl View Post
    So I suck at interpreting dreams but I keep having dreams where I'm doing one of two things: Crossing a road or on a high building or some other platform.

    Every time I cross roads in my dreams it's always so difficult and I'm always doing it with other people.

    So I can't remember the dream fully because I didn't write it down. I was in a building, and I think i was trying to leave. There were other people there too. But I was either trying to leave or trying to get to the other side of the building. I didn't want to take the stairs that led up to the roof because I'm scared of heights in my dream. Every time I would find a new staircase that would lead downwards, someone would close the door and I'd have to go somewhere else. And eventually I ended up on the roof of the building. I saw other people there who were walking and as soon as I stood up and saw that I had to walk across a path that was near the edge of the roof I started feeling so terrified like I was about to die. Like I literally collapsed on my knees and started crying because I was so scared of the height. That's all I remember.

    Every time I realize that I'm on some high place in my dream I feel like I start to lose control of my body and everywhere starts spinning, accompanied by intense fright. And then I wake up and remember I'm not scared of heights.

    Usually when we are moving downward in the dream we are moving further into deep sleep, and the dream state is getting more unconscious.

    When did these dreams start?

    The road dream sounds like you are trying to cross but can't because of other people.

    The dream where you try to leave a building only to find yourself at the top and having to scale the edge sounds like a decision you a being forced to face.

    Were the others walking along the edge in this dream or was it just you?
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by fatgurl View Post
    Hmm I don't know. I don't consciously feel any of that
    Ok, my second thought went to self-sabotage or feeling powerless to achieve what you're striving for.
    But idk.
    Hope you find your answer.

  4. #764
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    Quote Originally Posted by D E M O N View Post
    Usually when we are moving downward in the dream we are moving further into deep sleep, and the dream state is getting more unconscious.

    When did these dreams start?

    The road dream sounds like you are trying to cross but can't because of other people.

    The dream where you try to leave a building only to find yourself at the top and having to scale the edge sounds like a decision you a being forced to face.

    Were the others walking along the edge in this dream or was it just you?
    I have no idea when the dreams started. All I know is I used to have dreams like these when I was a child and they stopped for years.
    Others were walking along the edge too but none of them were scared.
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

  5. #765
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatgurl View Post
    I have no idea when the dreams started. All I know is I used to have dreams like these when I was a child and they stopped for years.
    Others were walking along the edge too but none of them were scared.

    I think there is a social aspect to this dream, since people are present in both of them.

    The people are walking but they aren't scared, but you feel like you loose control and can't trust yourself to walk along the edge.

    When you are crossing a road you say it is difficult because you are doing it with other people.

    Both instances you are tying to traverse a path that you have trouble completing.

    I think that it could have something to do with boundaries in some way. A road is a boundary. You are trying to cross this boundary but can't.

    On top of the building you stop yourself from walking along the boundary that others follow out of fear of falling off.

    You mentioned that these dreams showed up in childhood, it could be that this is a transitional period in your life and that's why they showed up again.

    I think there is some external social pressure that you feel is stifling your growth.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  6. #766
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    Quote Originally Posted by D E M O N View Post
    I think there is a social aspect to this dream, since people are present in both of them.

    The people are walking but they aren't scared, but you feel like you loose control and can't trust yourself to walk along the edge.

    When you are crossing a road you say it is difficult because you are doing it with other people.

    Both instances you are tying to traverse a path that you have trouble completing.

    I think that it could have something to do with boundaries in some way. A road is a boundary. You are trying to cross this boundary but can't.

    On top of the building you stop yourself from walking along the boundary that others follow out of fear of falling off.

    You mentioned that these dreams showed up in childhood, it could be that this is a transitional period in your life and that's why they showed up again.

    I think there is some external social pressure that you feel is stifling your growth.
    This is really good. I really have to think about this, thank you.
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

  7. #767
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    I just had a dream that a counselor from Starr was trying to turn me into a hipster douche like he was. I was being all shy , sweet and nice to him in the dream but I really wanted to tell him off and tell him to mind his own business. I was mad at myself I wasn't telling him off lol like I really wanted Se but I didn't have it.

    The setting of the dream was weird too. It was like a grocery store and restaurant and bar all in one or something. There was a bunch of celebrities there. Everybody was acting sooo impressed by the celebrities but I could care less. John Goodman from Roseanne had an apron on and was making something. Dan Aykroyd was there too I think. Everybody was acting like it was sooo cool and such a big deal and I was like 'whatever.' Gary Coleman was there and he approached me while I was sitting down at a table by myself. He asked me what I really wanted in life and I thought it was a good question but I couldn't really answer him. He was the only celebrity there that I kinda half-way liked to see.

  8. #768
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    I don't often wake up before my set time but I did today. That led to me recalling a dream, in which I was a single mum with a son (6 years old?).

    We each had those old fashioned push-scooters and were able to ride side by side around a big park with a fountain, because I kept a tight grip on one of his handlebars. It was his birthday, and he asked me if I could take him to a sushi train for dinner, so we went.

    The dream created an impression of me being an overprotective, lonely and smothering mum who had made a loner of my son. I woke from it with a sick feeling and wondered about an area of my life I could loosen control over.

  9. #769
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    I visited my childhood neighborhood and walked by one of my friend's house from when I was a kid. I saw that the door to the house was left open and I decided to walk in. I walked through the house and I noticed snow had drifted in from the doors being left open. I walked all through the house looking for people but couldn't find any. I went into the kitchen to get food from their refrigerator I figured I might as well take advantage of no one being home (I would never do this in real life). I hear a big engine sound and I move to look outside and I saw a black Lamborghini drive into the driveway of the house. I move to the front door of the house and as the black Lamborghini makes it into the garage I open the front door and step out and begin to walk away. I'm walking away toward my childhood house barefoot in the snow.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  10. #770
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    Love is a dream

    that someone else had last night.

  11. #771
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    This is the second night in a row I had a dream with Khabib Nurmagomedov in it. I have no idea what that means. He keeps talking about Afghanistan, but he's not from Afghanistan.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  12. #772
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    I always have the weirdest dreams when I have peanut butter before bed. Anyways, this dream left me in a cold sweat

    The dream mainly consists of an old friend that I cut off cause they were a crap friend. I mourned that friendship for a long time before she did in this dream (and irl). Anyways, all of a sudden she shows up in my life. Basically stalking me and trying to forcibly talk. She even forces herself in my bedroom at one point and I had to go out the window and jump to basically escape her. Supposition after her breakup with her boyfriend, all of those feelings and shit hit her because was distracted for the longest time. She kept trying to come back in my life and act both normal like we were friends and accuse me of being a shit friend and that I caused her the most damage. I called her a narcissist and by the end before I woke up, she was arrested.

    Majority of the dream it was me trying to run away and stop dealing with her and stand up to her when she starts projecting and gaslighting.

    I just find it strange cause it’s been a very long time since I thought about this or got upset about it. Me cutting of that friendship and standing up for myself was the first time I did that and it led me to a very dark period as I’m pretty sure she tried to basically defame my character back in Highschool.

    It was just really strange and some analysis would be cool!

  13. #773
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    There was a time in my life when the forward progress of my life came to a halt. It was right after I graduated from the university with a degree in Astrophysics. I had decided that I didn’t want to be an Astrophysicist and was working in factories until I could decide what I did want to do.
    I had been living in apartments with guys from the university, but after a year, they all got jobs in their fields and I was living alone.
    I had no friends, no girlfriends, no assets other than a ten year old car, and no prospects. I was in this limbo for what seemed like forever. I would have nightmares where I was forty years old and still in the same place. They were horrifying because my life was passing and I was stuck in a dead zone, accomplishing nothing.

    In real life, after a couple years of accomplishing nothing, I got a good job (one I liked), got a girlfriend, bought a house and eventually started a family and my first business. But those two dead years after college still haunt me.

    Last night, I dreamed I was back in that apartment.

  14. #774
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    I've had some really weird and difficult dreams over the past week. Last night I dreamt myself chilling in the front/side yard of my house, getting ready for BBQ with a few close relatives and a musician friend who passed on a couple of years ago. We were sitting on the grass under the birch tree, when my friend brought it to my attention that Linus from Linus Tech Tips was approaching my house. I turn around and what do I see... Linus riding a huge Harley-like motorcycle straight into my yard. I get out of his way as he was approaching and watch him take a sudden left turn, splashing some mud/dirt from the soil beneath the lawn, braking some shit in his way and ruining my BBQ event.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    This is weird that I saw this thread pop up. I had a nap in the middle of the day, which is rare for me and only happens if I'm seriously exhausted. I am going through some turbulent feelings about my future and when this happens I often think about the old house I lived in when I was a kid and growing up there. They aren't pleasant dreams, I feel like I age twenty years when I wake up and I wonder what I've been doing all this time.

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    I dreamt that I was at a young adult camp and that I had to share a room with two girls, one of whom was pregnant. Apparently they had chosen me to share the room because I was "not dangerous" but reassuring and 'cute'. They undressed and took a shower while I made my bed. Then we sit down and talk about teenage motherhood; I say that it's a bit early to have a child, and the girl answers me that her boyfriend is gone but that she really wants to keep the child. She is sitting on the couch, wrapped in a white blanket. Me and the other girl (who I know in the dream, but I have no idea who she is in real life) are trying to caution her about the difficulties of raising children as a single teenage mother.

    I think this dream has something to do with a social media post by my SEI-ex in which she mentions pregnancy. She is in a relationship with a LSI right now. After a breakup, it's not uncommon to fall in love with whatever is the opposite of what you just did; it's not about rejecting the previous partner and what he represents(uncomitted IEE me), but about 'oh I know who I am now, I'm going to date this completely different LSI person and have kids and a family'. The girls taking their clothes off might show their readiness to be vulnerable with me. I'm not sure what them sharing their room with me might mean ; maybe it's a metaphor of a therapy relationship? I think the setting in a camp might be indication that I think those relations aren't 'real life', that we are still learning, playing.
    Last edited by lkdhf qkb; 09-25-2021 at 09:14 AM.

  17. #777
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    I already know what my dream means… But I had this nightmare, I wrote about on Quora:

    I had awoken from a nightmare…I had been at some mental health day program… The mental health program did not know of my autism diagnosis, much as my TAY program does not know. I have hid my autism diagnosis from many, out of a fearing of being judged harshly, and people, sometimes even professionals, will be emotionally degrading to those of us with autism…
    My mother was not picking me up for hours, she was neglecting of me.
    I was very anxious in the dream… One of the workers called her supervisor about this.. Then one of the other workers called child protective services. But the blonde woman, the one with me in person, said, “Why would child protective services be called, you’re an adult.” Then she went on later about how all of the people in the program are expected to walk to and from the day program.. I had tried explaining to her, that even my grandpa would not allow me to leave the house, walk on my own, when I stay with him..
    She kept fighting me, insisting me I am not following the program.. Then I broke. I stuttered… I said, “I-I-I am autistic.” I am not developing normally.. Then I started sobbing and crying uncontrollably at the day program.. Recalling this dream now, is making me tear up, cry… I was completely helpless.. I said, “I am not developing normally… I am not mature like most people my age.. I still have things that are that of a child, about me, even if I am now a legal adult”..
    Then the woman changed her whole demeanor.. Seeing my vulnerability… She looked like something inside of her was killed and she just kept looking like she was about cry her own self.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

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  18. #778
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    That's an intense dream. I guess that's your subconscious letting you know you're still holding onto some emotional baggage and coping with traumatic experiences you've dealt with as a person who has autism. I'm sorry you've dealt with it and are dealing with that, and although I cannot relate, I can feel your pain and empathize. Autism is very misunderstood and stigmatized and it's only natural that you would want to keep it hidden from judging eyes. I'm glad you feel atleast comfortable on here to express that you're autistic.

    They say our dreams carry symbolism and that's one of the key factors when it comes to interpreting dreams. One thing that struck out to me was the woman - one could say that she's just a general symbol for anyone that holds a position in society that you perceive is higher than yours. How people are willing to exert force or pressure on those who don't follow labor demands. At the end of the dream you mentioned that she changed her whole demeanor and looked distraught and appalled at what she had done. Very odd indeed, my guess would be that it indicates you wish people would feel remorse for what they do to you and actually understand how much pain you feel and experience. No one is taking any time to listen to you and actually help you, they're more focused about what you're not doing and forcing you to do things they want done, not your well-being. A quick fix and something they can slap a bandaid onto so to speak.

    Regardless if you had autism or not, people shouldn't be treating you like shit in the first place. They're employees and should be professional, it's something very sick that someone in a higher postion would abuse their power and kick around people they perceive is below them. You need to be careful around these types of people because they're the type to do whatever they please and I mean anything... There's several reported cases of hospital, nursing home and mental health professionals abusing their patients and clients. And it's even worse because these are the people we're suppose to trust and expect them to provid care for our loved ones (as well as ourselves when the time comes). You have every right to feel how you feel and more so, these people are benefiting off of you not having more "legal power" than someone who is neurotypical.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Dream - same forum member talking to me, lots of people around. Our conversation ended when lots of bats asked if we’re gonna defend a certain person. We said yes then they attacked us. I was able to run towards a corridor. I looked back and the forum member was still behind me, many people died as they got bitten by bats. I continued to run and saw that the corridor led to a big golden gate. I opened it and saw a beautiful garden. I went back for a bit and shouted at the forum member to go with me as this is the right path. On one of the benches I saw a Jesus-like man bleeding with thorns and all. Bats were almost near us but we were able to get to the other side of the gate and close it. I looked above and I saw that bats could get to us still but for some reason when they reach the gate they drop and die. After that I walked towards a lake and saw an angelic figure (this angelic figure is important to me atm and I recognized his name) and hugged him as he welcomes me. Then I let myself float like on that famous Ophelia painting then I woke up.

    I’m pretty sure this dream has a major meaning but I’m kinda too much in the ‘real world’ mood to analyze it. But I think the forum member represents my shadow. I need to continue integrating my shadow. That’s the only way to end this phase of my life and have my “death” soon.

    Bats - enemy, my shadow and I are battling the same enemy
    But who are we defending? What I saw was a young woman, Joan of Arc figure.
    Also why were there a lot of religious symbolisms in my dream?

    Christ-like figure - embodied the general suffering of my shadow being left behind? It was being sacrificed for me to reach the gate, the “end”. Which is exactly what is happening in real life - my only focus atm is Ni Te Fi Se. But I actually need Ne Ti Fe Si as well. I’ve recently thought that I might need to expose myself to Ti + Ne more. Maybe I’m right about this.

    Other stuff—
    Feelings: with the crowd - calm, joking mood; in front of the gate - curious; in the body of water/lake - finality, calmness
    Bats: dark grey, half a human size
    Liked and subscribed btw.... waiting for next episode

  20. #780
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    I dream of full lips and kissing a lot.

  21. #781
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    I had this dream around two nights ago, I wasn't sure if I wanted to share it or not.

    In the dream I looked a lot younger than I do now and I took on the role of being a child, so I will assume I was a younger age in the dream. My mother was with me and we were browsing the haircare and beauty aisles at a local shopping center. I did not pay attention to my mom as much, she seemed hazzy/fuzzy. Her presence in the dream wasn't that important I guess, I was more focused on some random employee there. We striked up some conversation and I wandered throughout the store, carelessly looking around for Christmas wrapping paper? No one would really talk to me they ignored my presence like I didn't exist or something. When I walked out of the store, everyone was crowded around my mother, watching her count her money like a hawk would with their prey. I tried to tell her she should put her money up before someone jumps us. I can't remember what happened after that.

  22. #782
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    A dream I recently had:

    I was a woman residing with other people at some campsite-like area in a magical wood. The settlement had some purpose which I forget. My family lived there too, but I didn't interact with them often; in my dreams as in real life I preferred to keep my distance. My/their dogs were also there. In any case, once a group of people, including my family, were playing a magical game in some elevated place (on a plateau of some sort, I believe). I found work to busy myself with, which took me through the wood below. Though I could faintly hear the voices of this crowd above, I enjoyed hearing the sounds of the wood and of the stream which passed through it, which in the course of the wood fell, in an enormous waterfall, to the real world. In a glen located close to this chasm, close enough that I could hear the waterfall, I met a man, whom I'd known previously in the dream (he didn't correspond to anyone I knew IRL). We lusted for each other, and we had sex there.

    (Often my dreams don't proceed chronologically linearly) During my time living in this wood, I'd occasionally seen apparitions of what appeared to be my female dog, but were not. They seemed, when spotted, as if they were attempting to pass themselves off as her, but they didn't act as she did, and seemed to have been proceeding with a definite purpose through the woods which they attempted to conceal. I interacted a few times with these apparitions, initially believing them to be my dog, and their behavior, which seemed much too intelligent and deceptive, frightened me. When I saw my real dog, I studied her for signs she wasn't what she seemed. However, one of these apparitions once, seemingly by mistake, said a few words to me (which I forget). This cemented my belief that this was not actually my dog, but something to do with the magical nature of the woods. I named these apparitions "fake [dog name]."
    Several days after my encounter with the man in the glade, I was walking, again, and came across my dog. She suddenly leapt at me with ferocity; I caught her in my arms, which pained me (she weighed about 120 pounds). As she was in my arms I realized she had two necks and two heads. This wasn't clear; the more I became aware of one the less I was able to perceive the other. One was normal. The other's neck was somehow stretched behind me, and the head was biting my left shoulderblade, with teeth sunk into my skin and locked into place. My shoulder was in too much pain to be able to dislodge it; my muscles in my arms didn't respond to my commands either, and I couldn't drop the body I was carrying. I cried out; eventually the man I'd met before ran up. After he apprised himself of the situation -- as best he could; it was confusing even in the dream -- he pulled the body of my dog from my arms, and deposited it on the ground beside him. Momentarily I felt relief -- the head attached to my shoulder turned to smoke and evaporated; however, a few seconds later, the dual-headed body reappeared in my arms, and the same head reattached itself to my shoulderblade. However, the body the man had retrieved -- now with one head -- remained by his side, looking at me, but it was unnaturally motionless and inexpressive. He tried what he had done before one or two more times; however, the body in my arms no longer disappeared, even as he retrieved a copy in his own arms -- which, as he cast it to the ground, turned to smoke which merged with the form of the first dog he'd retrieved, standing by him still. I said with difficulty that the head attached to my shoulderblade was likely a fake, and suggested cutting it off. I think I had the impression that the "fake" functioned by possessing the real dog, and the body in my arms was simultaneously the fake and the original; hence the two heads -- though I wasn't sure what to make of the dog on the ground, except that it plainly wasn't the real one, either. Then, however, the other head of the body in my arms spoke, and said she was (also) the fake; the one on the ground was real, just magically suppressed. The ones I was holding were different "fakes," analogous to different software versions (she explained this in more detail, but I forget the specifics); they were magical constructs of some kind, which were designed to keep things (what things? I don't remember) functioning. However, she told me, when I and the man before me had copulated in that glen, on account of its magical location they had developed a brief psychic link with us, and had learned what the outside world was like. One of these constructs had become convinced of the necessity to destroy it. Disagreeing, the other construct, wishing to prevent this, "joined" with it -- as the head in my arms put it. What this signified she didn't say, but I recall the association that came to my mind was sexual copulation. In any case, they became one being, but the disagreement continued, resulting in the split form I was holding now.

    The dream ended there.

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    ur dog and the man are ur ego. ur parents u are dissociated from. the fake dogs are awareness thats ur repressed psychic material. they are not the real one bc u dont identify with them. u should know those issues may be physiological that manifest as psychic processes but mangled. keep things functioning is refering to cognitive adaptations to keep u whole. they are fake bc they fill some gap that u dont have the answer to. it could also be brain erosion from grains that i dont know. they made an association that was enabled by ur association with the man which enabled them to take a more conscious form. they are still animals. i dont know how ur dog is related to u besides an extension of urself and something ur ego identifies with more personally some way. ur unconscious (animals, dogs are animals) is irreconciled with iteslf and with you. its a self paralysis due to internal conflict. u should be able to search and identify things in yourself in other people and situation this also includes fiction. thats why i think fiction is so important. they are moral and ethical stories. being fake but resembling something u know may be ur inability to distinguish between some things. the man failing with the gdog might also some kind of problem u are failing to address appropriately. the dog may be paralyzing u to tell u u are doing something wrong. it merged with something that disagrees bc there is right and wrong in ur way. that's related to being unable to distinguish or find the right way.
    ur being a woman copulating with the man is union of opposites. the real dogs are representative of a gate between the conscious and unconscious.i said u are failing too much but it may be a wrong way to put it. u could be resolving everything it only means it was at such point of development.pleasure and serenity conneciton with the watefall and man. then pain with the dogs. U leaving the family to the forest (known vs unknown, again conscious vs unconscious?)
    When u couldn’t drop the dog it may me an indication of like the dog is conjoined with u too. Since its unconscious and irreconciled it forces itself on you.
    Jung also said something about things having an unconscious counter reaction like the physics law. Which is the dogs responding bad to what was good like a balancing act. Then the bad dog had its own counter reaction in the unconscious. Its psychic adaptaiton to a complex mechanism that’s forming

    i am concerned about how my interpretation might twist the meaning and lead u away from whats right. yet i am obligated to do this
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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    This morning (Monday) I woke up from a disturbing dream. On Saturday, I was out running and tripped and fell and screwed up my knee. No blood, but indications are, lots of internal damage. At the time, I just got up, took a few cautious steps, and actually resumed running for a bit. I was close to home.
    By Sunday, I could barely walk. Just standing was painful and the pain got worse as the day went on.

    I think this delayed pain response is an evolved trait, because when you get damaged on the Serengeti, your body's problem is to GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THAT CHEETAH THAT JUST BIT YOU and worry about the damage later. Later, it can (and will) let you know that you should not screw up that part of your body again, and it needs some time to do some repairs. So here, take some real pain, dummy.
    By the time I went to sleep on Sunday night, it was hurting whether I moved my leg or not.

    And so, I dreamed.

    In my dream, I was walking down the street with an anonymous GF, and she saw a plant in someone else's yard that she wanted, and asked me to take these hedge shears that she just happened to have in the dream and cut some parts of the plant off, so she could replant them in her yard.

    I think, in retrospect, that she must have been the LSI GF, because she loved plants, as did the IEI GF, and she had some unusual ideas about ownership. The dream GF couldn't have been the female ESI that I sometimes hang out with because she thinks if I'm late returning library books, that makes me a thief.

    Anyway, in the dream, I looked at the front of the house to make sure that no one was looking and cut the branches off the plant and the GF and I walked away with her stolen prize.

    And, of course, I felt terribly guilty. Later that day, I went back to the house and found a police car parked there, and the little woman whose house it was talking to them by the street. Plant theft.

    I hung back until the police left and the woman returned to the house, and then I went up to her door and rang the bell. When she answered, I could see that she was handicapped and the pain from my guilt just got worse. I confessed to her that I had damaged her plant and offered her a few hundred dollar bills to try to make up for it. And then I woke up.

    They say that the pain centers for physical and mental pain are close together in the brain, and our very messy analog brain sometimes has trouble telling the difference.

    I think that my dream of moral pain was from the fact that the ancient lizard brain, which doesn't have language but which has all the emotions, sensed the physical pain from my messed up knee and ran it back to the logical mammalian brain as a moral lesson.

    But that's just me. Someone else might think that the dream of guilt and pain came from that Vietnamese carry-out that I ate before Midnight.

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    Yesterday, I visited the offices of a formerly good customer to close out our business relationships. While we have made a lot of money for each other, they have new management which wants to go in a new direction, and frankly, so do I. I’ll miss the income but I won’t miss their sheer stupidity.

    Last night, I dreamed that I lost my wallet. In my dream, I went down to the Lost and Found and they had a wallet which they gave to me. It looked like my old wallet and was stuffed with bills.

    But in real life, I don’t carry a wallet. Lol.

    That’s how my life has been going recently.

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    I had a dream that there was a woman raising bullfrogs in a glass enclosure. The enclosure was probably the size of a bedroom, it had plants and water and the frogs were hopping all around. She said that there are fewer and fewer frogs outside where we were in the dream, but in the enclosure, they keep multiplying. She pointed to one bright green frog and said that that one is new and she didn't recognize it. I wondered in the dream how she could recognize each frog.

    I told her to release some of the frogs in the wild to repopulate outside, but she ignored me.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post
    I had a dream that there was a woman raising bullfrogs in a glass enclosure. The enclosure was probably the size of a bedroom, it had plants and water and the frogs were hopping all around. She said that there are fewer and fewer frogs outside where we were in the dream, but in the enclosure, they keep multiplying. She pointed to one bright green frog and said that that one is new and she didn't recognize it. I wondered in the dream how she could recognize each frog.

    I told her to release some of the frogs in the wild to repopulate outside, but she ignored me.

    My interpretation:

    The glass enclosure with life-giving plants and water is your bedroom. The woman raising bullfrogs is your wife. The many bullfrogs are the many facets of your personality, each one bouncing around, freely.

    You wondered how she could tell each one from your acting roles, but she can.

    The new bullfrog in the bedroom is the "new" you. The one that is married and wants some freedom. She doesn't recognize this frog. Still, she's keeping it in the bedroom.

    You want some of your acting roles or personas to be free to be released into the world, but she's not listening to you. She has you, now.


    This is just a dream of fears. I'd ignore it, personally.

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    I had a dream that I was holding a glass bird wrapped in tissue and I was worrying that I would drop it, or maybe I did drop it. It was quite big, like a parrot. Perhaps the glass bird represents me, or the potential freedom I can have in life, like that of a bird flying. But it is made of glass, so it is fragile; and not alive or real but a beautiful ornament or work of art, complete and transparent like crystal. I think the glass could represent clarity or being able to see through or past any old anxieties or troubles and being strong enough to withstand them, even though I feel like they might break me. Rather than a real bird, I am transformed into something permanent, to be admired as it is, not for what is was or could be. But I am holding it, protecting it, why? Perhaps I am scared to move on, and find freedom because I'm scared I am too fragile and broken to succeed. I am scared that cracks will begin to show and people will not know what to say and they will say the wrong thing and upset me. The cracks will grow bigger. But the cracks were always there, you just had them covered up in tissue. It's ok to have cracks, you are still a complete design, constructed and moulded, like a glass figurine melted into a form, made from sand and rock. You are a final product, morphed from grains into something whole. You may have cracks but that is because glass is fragile. The glass bird, not being alive, could also represent how my freedom has felt stifled and I have not been able to live normally due to my mental health problems. Perhaps I need to drop the glass, and let my spirit free, to fly and find peace on this earth at last. And until I can accept my fragility, I cannot really be set free.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 11-06-2021 at 09:02 AM.

  29. #789
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    I had a dream I was climbing a building with another person who was two people at the same time, a stranger and my Dad. We were climbing this building using those scaffolding things that hang off of the sides of a building that window cleaners use. We were trying to climb up and steal something, I don't remember what. We had to walk across these things while high up in the air.

    I'm not sure what this means.

  30. #790
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    You know those dreams you have that aren't like a dream, but rather are like switching between alternate lives?

    This morning I woke up and was surprised to think how well I've gotten along with the male ESIs I've met.

    Then I looked around my bedroom and thought, "Wait a minute. Of course I get along with ESIs. Why didn't I know that a minute ago?" And I started to backtrack into the fading memories of the dream that I'd just awakened from.

    I remembered that I and my companions were hacking our way through bloody bodies on a cold and desolate and bloody field. We seemed to exist in a time before gunpowder. My companions were good men and stood by my side, but we were cold and covered with mud and blood and killing was hard work. I realized that the most faithful of the men were ESIs, and I was surprised that I knew what an ESI was. And then I awoke.

    I haven't been getting enough sleep recently. I think it's affecting the quality of my thinking.

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    I dreamed I looked in the mirror and I was so fat I had back boobs.

    I'm sure about the interpretation. I've been dieting and exercising for about eight months and I lost some weight, but then I screwed up my knee pretty badly while running and the exercising stopped until the knee is healed and the eating increased and I've started regaining weight and the "back-boobs" dream was my subconscious mind telling me to get back on track or face a horrible fate.

    I was talking to an athletically-thin lesbian ESI about my project for losing weight and she said that the worst thing about having a big belly is that it makes getting oral sex harder.
    I know she relates to everyone through her Fi and she probably thinks that I only like her because she's sexy, but I can't tell if she's leading me on or not.

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    I had a dream in which the god Hermes married Hera, and the two reigned as masters of the universe, or perhaps multiple universes or series of universes, for an incalculable length of time. Why wasn't the chief god Zeus at his post? It seemed he had resigned it after billions or trillions of years; why he'd done so was left unanswered. In a way it seemed he had died, though I felt an awareness that he and the other gods could not truly die. In any case, the couple assumed their position seemingly without competition. But after another trillions of years, this couple also resigned, tired, and reality was left without a director again.

    The dream shifted to an earlier point in time. I saw/became identified with Zeus; I'm not sure whether I saw a human avatar of Zeus, or a human who would later become a god. He was sitting in a car, sometime in the 20th century. The location was never made explicit but it might have been Oklahoma. He was poor, and traveling with his family and at least two others. His wife and part of his family had entered into a convenience store. Beside him was a woman with her daughter. The daughter was Aphrodite; the woman was Cyprus (I know Cyprus is an island, but the name was associated with this woman, perhaps because Cyprus was the birthplace of Aphrodite, and Aphrodite wasn't considered to have a mother?). Though Cyprus and Aphoridite were their names in the dream, consciously I think they might have also been Demeter and Kore. I/Zeus (I guess I'll shift into 1st person, though it was more ambiguous in the dream) saw that the daughter was beautiful, but I wasn't interested in her; instead I suddenly fell in love with her mother. Being gods, I suppose adultery wasn't so big a problem with us; I think Hera was beginning to become enamored with Hermes, and she didn't mind that my mortal life began to revolve around Cyprus (Demeter?), and in my immortal one she became my queen. However, we were advised (by whom? I don't know) that we should not have children lest we produce evils we could not destroy. Nevertheless, accidentally, we had children twice. The first was a stillbirth. The second pregnancy produced a multitude of evils -- demons, maybe. I had intended to kill them at birth, but I was unsuccessful, and they flew into the world. The two of us then became aware that we must do our best to ameliorate what we had done. Though we did what we could, we made certain mistakes, which seemed to compound our problems. Through the eons we slowly slipped into despair, taking human forms and living countless lives at the same times as we reigned as gods, doing whatever we could to slow the decay of the universe/s, but seeing how little we could do. And so we resigned and faded to background influences in the universe/s, leaving the positions of sovereigns empty for Hermes and Hera who we saw were interested in taking over. And then like waking from a dream we were suddenly back in that car, staring at each other, and I touched her. And then the dream ended for real.

    The dream seemed significant so I'm posting it here. I think it's relevant that I consciously identify somewhat with the god Hermes, which may be why he appeared in the dream (and not say Zagreus or Dionysos who would make thematic sense as the heir to Zeus.) Also, earlier, I had been given a book on my maternal family's history, and I had been thinking about my great-grandfather's moving from Oklahoma to Chicago and then to Alabama. I saw Zeus similarly to how I imagine my great-grandfather.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I had a dream in which the god Hermes married Hera, and the two reigned as masters of the universe, or perhaps multiple universes or series of universes, for an incalculable length of time. Why wasn't the chief god Zeus at his post? It seemed he had resigned it after billions or trillions of years; why he'd done so was left unanswered. In a way it seemed he had died, though I felt an awareness that he and the other gods could not truly die. In any case, the couple assumed their position seemingly without competition. But after another trillions of years, this couple also resigned, tired, and reality was left without a director again.

    The dream shifted to an earlier point in time. I saw/became identified with Zeus; I'm not sure whether I saw a human avatar of Zeus, or a human who would later become a god. He was sitting in a car, sometime in the 20th century. The location was never made explicit but it might have been Oklahoma. He was poor, and traveling with his family and at least two others. His wife and part of his family had entered into a convenience store. Beside him was a woman with her daughter. The daughter was Aphrodite; the woman was Cyprus (I know Cyprus is an island, but the name was associated with this woman, perhaps because Cyprus was the birthplace of Aphrodite, and Aphrodite wasn't considered to have a mother?). Though Cyprus and Aphoridite were their names in the dream, consciously I think they might have also been Demeter and Kore. I/Zeus (I guess I'll shift into 1st person, though it was more ambiguous in the dream) saw that the daughter was beautiful, but I wasn't interested in her; instead I suddenly fell in love with her mother. Being gods, I suppose adultery wasn't so big a problem with us; I think Hera was beginning to become enamored with Hermes, and she didn't mind that my mortal life began to revolve around Cyprus (Demeter?), and in my immortal one she became my queen. However, we were advised (by whom? I don't know) that we should not have children lest we produce evils we could not destroy. Nevertheless, accidentally, we had children twice. The first was a stillbirth. The second pregnancy produced a multitude of evils -- demons, maybe. I had intended to kill them at birth, but I was unsuccessful, and they flew into the world. The two of us then became aware that we must do our best to ameliorate what we had done. Though we did what we could, we made certain mistakes, which seemed to compound our problems. Through the eons we slowly slipped into despair, taking human forms and living countless lives at the same times as we reigned as gods, doing whatever we could to slow the decay of the universe/s, but seeing how little we could do. And so we resigned and faded to background influences in the universe/s, leaving the positions of sovereigns empty for Hermes and Hera who we saw were interested in taking over. And then like waking from a dream we were suddenly back in that car, staring at each other, and I touched her. And then the dream ended for real.

    The dream seemed significant so I'm posting it here. I think it's relevant that I consciously identify somewhat with the god Hermes, which may be why he appeared in the dream (and not say Zagreus or Dionysos who would make thematic sense as the heir to Zeus.) Also, earlier, I had been given a book on my maternal family's history, and I had been thinking about my great-grandfather's moving from Oklahoma to Chicago and then to Alabama. I saw Zeus similarly to how I imagine my great-grandfather.
    Better get this copyrighted. I could see this becoming a made-for-TV movie.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-26-2021 at 12:43 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Better get this copyrighted. I could see it becoming a made-for-TV movie.
    ? I don't see how. I don't think it would make much sense personally. Audiences wouldn't like it. I am VERY drunk so I may not have the most clear vision atm but I'm curious what exactly seems good for TV about this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    I had a dream in which my family and I were human-to-sea-turtle shapeshifters. On every full moon, we would go into the ocean together and reunite at shore the next morning. However, this time, I was the only one who came back to shore in the morning, so I went home alone. I found a note in our house from my parents that basically said “hey, we’re bored of being humans and bored of being your parents, bye forever!”

    And the note wasn’t the only terrible thing that I found in the house; there was also a burglar. Some guy had picked up on our pattern of leaving the house every full moon, so he had decided to try robbing everything in our house during the night before we arrived home from the ocean in the morning. I caught him just as he was about to leave with all our belongings, and he was like “well I can’t let you tell the authorities, so I guess I’ll have to take you out of town, shoot you in the middle of nowhere, and let the vultures eat your body.” Rather than murdering me, he ended up taking me as a captive to the literal cave where he lived, and I started feeling affection toward him, which must’ve been the beginning of Stockholm syndrome or something. Then I woke up.

    Moral of the dream is that it must suck to be abandoned by your sea turtle parents, have all your stuff robbed, be threatened with death, and then be kidnapped by a caveman burglar—all in the same morning. Pretty victim-y, and if I believed that dreams actually had meaning, I’d say that I’m feeling wronged/hurt by someone 3,:
    So, you’re IEI?

    Every IEI on this site has that same exact dream.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    Lol. Didn’t realize that sea-turtle shifting was such a common motif in dreams.
    Yep. Shape-shifting sea turtles and burglar rape dreams are pretty standard in IEI circles.

    It describes the IEI-SLE Duals perfectly.
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    I just had a dream wherein I was sipping from a glass of ice water and a little baby cat jumped in and sat, submerged under the ice, just looking around.

    I took the cat in a glass over to the kitchen sink to pour it and the ice out, because it was showing no signs of climbing out by itself.

    What in the world could this mean?

    I wonder if the kitten represents ESIs? But why ice water? Because I can’t seem to warm them up, and they seem perfectly comfortable staying cold but under water?

    Huh. IDK.

    The other part of this is that I saw the cat as being in need of rescue. If the cat represents ESIs, that’s bad.

    I didn’t actually think that the cat needed to be rescued, but it wasn’t climbing out on its own, and I really didn’t want a dead cat in my glass.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-04-2022 at 05:23 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I just had a dream wherein I was sipping from a glass of ice water and a little baby cat jumped in and sat, submerged under the ice, just looking around.

    I took the cat in a glass over to the kitchen sink to pour it and the ice out, because it was showing no signs of climbing out by itself.

    What in the world could this mean?

    I wonder if the kitten represents ESIs? But why ice water? Because I can’t seem to warm them up, and they seem perfectly comfortable staying cold but under water?

    Huh. IDK.

    The other part of this is that I saw the cat as being in need of rescue. If the cat represents ESIs, that’s bad.

    I didn’t actually think that the cat needed to be rescued, but it wasn’t climbing out on its own, and I really didn’t want a dead cat in my glass.
    The first impression I got was of the little cat seeming to say "I've placed myself here with Adam Strange now, and not much will deter me - I'd like to see him try to ignore me"

    Perhaps the cat is a symbol of stubbornness or it is calling on your affectionate side to persevere with rescuing it and warming its tiny heart? I've gone and made this sappy

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    The first impression I got was of the little cat seeming to say "I've placed myself here with Adam Strange now, and not much will deter me - I'd like to see him try to ignore me"

    Perhaps the cat is a symbol of stubbornness or it is calling on your affectionate side to persevere with rescuing it and warming its tiny heart? I've gone and made this sappy
    Thank you, @thistle. You might be right (about the first part. I don't think you made this sappy.)

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    I recently had a dream wherein I discovered a kitten with beautiful light blue/periwinkle fur. I was shocked to learn there had been a kitten living in my room for years that I had never noticed, but the moment I took the kitty into my arms I felt overwhelmed with love. I adored that little cat so much and I instantly knew the cat belonged to me. It was my little lovely kitten and I never let it go, but it somehow just disappeared…
    Distraught, I scampered around in a frenzy until I staggered outside my house where I saw my little kitten baby lying in the grass


    And despite the heart-rending melancholy I felt looking at the fresh carcass of my furry little baby, my feelings were accompanied by a sense of wonder and peace as well because there was something so idyllic about the scene. The grass was tall and majestic, and those viridescent blades sparkled with golden dew under the morning sun. It was so beautiful, as if I had been summoned to the Elysian fields so I could part ways with my kitty in peace. But was this really happening, I thought? Did my cat have to die so soon after I finally had it in my life? Fuck Heaven’s beauty, I wanted my cat, my baby, back in my arms! I ran over to it and once it was at my feet, suddenly….
    there was no more radiant sun overhead, only a looming overcast of puffy gray clouds; the gorgeous grass between my toes was replaced with this goddamn dead, coarse feeling, awful dirt!
    And what happened to my sweet kitten…
    … it was no longer a kitten I saw, it was some grotesque worm. Or like a millipede. Or a snake, idk. Its pretty blue color was now a bilious yellow. I nearly retched. I was looking at a putrid monster, which wasn’t even dead anymore, now writhing in the dirt as if in pain or feeling uncomfortable in its own body. Or… as if it were taunting me! As if it didn’t care about me!
    I was seized by anxiety, disgust, and I felt betrayed.

    Kitty, how could you do this to me? I loved you… I loved you so much…

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