I just had a dream that a counselor from Starr was trying to turn me into a hipster douche like he was. I was being all shy , sweet and nice to him in the dream but I really wanted to tell him off and tell him to mind his own business. I was mad at myself I wasn't telling him off lol like I really wanted Se but I didn't have it.

The setting of the dream was weird too. It was like a grocery store and restaurant and bar all in one or something. There was a bunch of celebrities there. Everybody was acting sooo impressed by the celebrities but I could care less. John Goodman from Roseanne had an apron on and was making something. Dan Aykroyd was there too I think. Everybody was acting like it was sooo cool and such a big deal and I was like 'whatever.' Gary Coleman was there and he approached me while I was sitting down at a table by myself. He asked me what I really wanted in life and I thought it was a good question but I couldn't really answer him. He was the only celebrity there that I kinda half-way liked to see.